Hi People,
I am excited to announce the launch of a new venture: Liminal, a literary journal.
The development of this project was wonderfully organic. For over a year, I have taught an online writing workshop, encountering many wonderful writers with great ideas and stories to tell. One problem with writing is that, when you finally find the words to express yourself, it can be difficult to build an audience or connect with a decent outlet for your work.
Two regular students in the workshop, Arielle Friedman and Reivin Alexandria, felt inspired to collaborate on this project. I hope that you will take a bit of time to read these initial pieces. Let us know what you think.
We are looking for contributions for future issues (the next theme is The Underworld), as well as subscribers, supporters, and the like.
Below is the roster of initial pieces, with links. Or you can check out the homepage here.
Welcome to our first issue!
For our inaugural issue, we chose the theme of time…
"Used to Be" by Daniel Pinchbeck
New York City, then and now.
"Microdose Lockdown" by Reivin Alexandria
A psychedelic journey through the unhinged mental space of early pandemic.
"On the Clock" by Arielle Friedman
An experiment with capitalism leads to a race against biology.
"Just in Time" by Jeff Muñoz
Meditating on time, mortality and the karmic DNA of the cosmos.
"Time and the Infinite Game" by Guy James
A wrenching goodbye, as one woman learns to be an infinite player.
"A Familiar Path" by Jason Stern
A forest walk leads to a journey into phenomena, time and experience.
"The Bench Coin Gold and Swords" by Ana de Portela
Youthful lessons resurface as the banking system breaks down.
Fucking love this, dog. Way to go.