We are in a period of profound transition. Before we can act effectively, we need a clear, coherent understanding of what is happening and what solutions are available to us, as individuals and as communities — even for our civilization as a whole. To explore this subject, I am hosting an intensive online webinar next month with the brilliant author, systems thinker, and activist Rory Spowers ( read his essay, Is the Virus Our Vaccine). Below is a description of the course. Please register for it here.
Building Our Regenerative Future
Download the revolutionary new source code for the future of civilization and your own future. Awaken your highest potential as a catalytic agent for system change.
8 x 3 Hour Webinar Series, hosted by Daniel Pinchbeck and Rory Spowers
Please join activist authors Daniel Pinchbeck and Rory Spowers, with special guests, for this 8-part webinar journey, launching the operating system for our regenerative future.
Building Our Regenerative Future features lectures, live interviews with experts in the areas we investigate, optional workshop exercises, optional reading and watching lists, and guidelines for future study.
This month-long intensive webinar has three essential goals:
* To help you gain a comprehensive understanding of the crucial macro trends that matter to your future.
* To give you the tools to move from understanding to direct action, through the creation of regenerative projects and communities.
* To build a global community network with a shared understanding, focused on accelerating transformation.
Price is €200 ($220) for the course, which includes an optional certificate for those willing to complete a written exam. We are offering a 30% discount for the first fifty people who sign up. Please use this Coupon code: RegenerateMe
We also offer reduced price tickets and scholarships for those in need. Please email me - Daniel.pinchbeck@gmail.com - and tell us about your situation.
1. Intro – Where Do We Go From Here?

We have reached a threshold of ecological and social crisis.
By embracing this time as both an initiation and an opportunity, you can fulfill your greatest potential and thrive in our new, fast-changing reality.
The Coronavirus pandemic shows us the fragility of our current civilization. What comes next?
Collectively, we must make the transition to a regenerative society, where local communities develop greater resilience and self-reliance. In this course, we define what this means and look at the new skills and tools we all need to make the shift.
2. Food

Proper nutrition is the fuel for awakening your highest potential. Soil, good food, and water are the essence of life and must be protected.
Food security will become a defining factor in the next decade, impacting not just poor countries but rich ones also. What do you need to know about the global food crisis and how do you prepare your family and community for what’s coming?
What kinds of initiatives can you join or start to ensure your access to nourishing food? What are ways to support the regenerative agriculture movement, which must be scaled rapidly to sequester CO2?
3. Health

How do you maximize your personal as well as your community's well-being within a system that is, in itself, sick?
What practical steps should you take now to boost your immune system, heal your micro-biome, and detoxify from industrial pollutants?
Modern allopathic medicine is great if you break a bone but struggles to handle chronic conditions. We look at the benefits of complementary medicine, therapeutic use of psychedelics for mental illness, and new research into cannabinoids. We explore the polarizing issue of vaccinations, listening to both sides of the debate.
To be healthy, we need a healthy environment. This means removing pollutants from the air, food and water, and protecting yourself from the dangers of EMFs as well as new untested technologies. Individually, our options are limited. Together, we can build a global movement to bring about systemic change.
4. Economics

How do we mesh our economic activity with the needs of the planet?
Our current economic system requires endless growth on a finite planet. Money is issued into existence as bank debt. This system has destructive impacts on our planet, our personal lives and relationships. In fact, it is inherently unsustainable and, without fundamental changes, will soon drive us to annihilation. So what do we do?
We review how, individually, each of us can join local as well as global initiatives, from mutual aid networks to cryptocurrencies. Collectively, we look how to organize around a ‘step change’ in our economic model, part of a widespread transition that includes regenerative farming, ecological design and ‘closed-loop’ zero-waste industrial processes, as well as distributed renewable energy systems. By launching a global Green New Deal, we can fast-track the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energies while creating many millions of jobs.
5. Community

How do we build healthy communities based on ecological principles, cooperation, and good governance?
We review breakthroughs in governance structures which emulate ecosystems, based on self-organisation and self-regulation, promoting diversity and maximize resilience, adaptation and immunity. We provide you with tools to empower your local community — or find a group that matches your deepest desires. We look at the best and latest models and legal structures for building self-reliant communities.
6. Culture

Are you ready to become a new storyteller for our human tribe, leading people away from chaos and despair, toward shared purpose and unified social action?
As traditional institutions lose their authority, we are all currently engaged in a process of collective “sense-making.” But it often feels that we lack the tools for this. As a result, some people retreat into conspiracy theories. Such theories provide the comfort of a dualistic, good-versus-evil vision of the world, while avoiding overwhelming complexity and uncertainty.
We propose that a new, coherent “story of the people” is emerging now. As we define a new, shared understanding of our world, we have a solid foundation for purposeful, collective action.
7. Consciousness

How the "consciousness revolution" meets the movement toward a regenerative civilization
Many people talk about an ongoing “Consciousness Revolution.” Quantum physics experiments over the last century affirmed the principles of Eastern mysticism. We now know that consciousness — “mind stuff” rather than matter — is the foundation of reality. Yet materialism is still dominant among the technocratic elites.
You can expand or deepen your consciousness by engaging in practices like meditation, mindfulness, ritual, psychedelic experience, prayer, and pilgrimage.
These activities transform our sense of self. They change our relationship to one another, to nature and to the universe itself. Our personal journey inward finds its true value when it joins with the outer movement toward building a regenerative civilization, giving expression to “sacred activism.”
8. Conclusion – Building a Unified Movement

How do we unify our human family behind this shared mission and vision?
By collaborating with others in our immediate real-time networks, we form new activated communities engaged in regenerative work. How do we simultaneously co-create one globally unified — on-line and off-line — movement? Can this movement drive the creation of a new regenerative civilisation, regardless of any collapse scenario that may be looming?
We review the techniques, mechanisms, and leverage points to quickly bring about the systemic changes necessary for our future survival, then outline next steps.

Daniel Pinchbeck is the author of Breaking Open the Head, 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, and When Plants Dream (with Sophia Rokhlin). In his 2017 book, How Soon Is Now, he explored the systemic changes we need to make to post-industrial civilization to avert ecological collapse and extinction. His work was featured in the 2010 documentary, 2012: Time for Change, which promoted the value of indigenous knowledge systems He co-founded evolver.net and the web magazine Reality Sandwich. As director of the Center for Planetary Culture, a think tank, he built the Regenerative Societies Wiki, a database of solutions to the technical and social political challenges humanity faces. He hosted the talk show, Mind Shift, for Gaia TV. He speaks at festivals and conferences around the world. With Jeremy Johnson, he has launched a new web magazine and media company, Liminal.news .

Rory Spowers has been a writer, campaigner and event curator, specialising in systems change, ecological and consciousness issues, for over twenty-five years. His books include A Year in Green Tea and Tuk Tuks, covering the creation of Samakanda, an ecological learning centre in south Sri Lanka, and Rising Tides, a history of ecological thought, critically acclaimed by the UK Sunday Times, The Observer and a variety of magazines. Most recently, Rory was a Writer on Bruce Parry’s 2017 feature documentary Tawai, which explores humanity’s separation from nature. He is also Creative Director of the Tyringham Initiative, a world-class think-tank for consciousness studies, and Lead Curator for Amorevore Food and Consciousness festivals and events. In 2019, Rory co-founded The Re-Generation, a learning platform for systems change and regenerative cultures. Please visit www.theregeneration.me and subscribe for future information and events
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