Regenerative Future Discussion and Next Steps
We just finished our month-long webinar, Building Our Regenerative Future. I was very happy with the sessions as a whole. I was also deeply impressed by those who joined the course as participants. They hold a vast range of experience and expertise. Many of them are leaders in sustainable development, permaculture farming, education, media, blockchain, and other areas. Today, we are giving the participants a chance to speak for themselves — to share their projects with the community. As we go forward, I hope we find ways to actually build the networks of cooperation and co-creation we discuss in the webinar, which are so necessary now. Below is the current list of presenters for today’s session, live at 12:30 pm EST.
If you want to join the course right now, watch the recorded sessions, and join the community, you can do so for half price. Just use the Coupon AFTERMATH when you register here. Also we offer further discounts and scholarships to those in financial need. We are currently developing a few new webinars that will launch soon. One upcoming webinar will be with the extraordinary healer, author, entrepreneur and shaman Quanita Robertson, who spoke eloquently during our session on Culture. Those who join our first course now will receive special offers on these future offerings. We are currently experimenting, exploring different tools and platforms that will allow the community to stay connected and support each other’s projects and visions.
Lately, as I observe the rapid downslide of the US toward authoritarianism and Neo-feudalism, I often feel hopeless and helpless. I am finding our Regenerative Future project to be a powerful antidote to that despair. I sense that something very positive can emerge from this. I hope you will get involved as we keep growing it.
Today’s Speakers
Day Sanchez

Day Sanchez is a bilingual school psychologist, education specialist, and social-emotional intelligence coach and facilitator dedicated to supporting the optimal cognitive, creative, spiritual, and social-emotional development of gifted, twice-exceptional (2e), and highly sensitive children. She has over a decade of experience working with gifted and neurodiverse children in public, charter, and private schools in California, Florida, and New Jersey. She collaborates with parents in developing individualized step-by-step plans to address their children's unique needs while building on their strengths. Her approach draws on social and emotional learning, positive psychology, neuroscience, and cognitive behavioral techniques. She has taught yoga and mindfulness meditation to children and also provides specific support to children and young adults experiencing ecological grief and ecological anxiety. Day is on a mission to inspire all children and young visionaries to embody their highest potential, contribute their gifts to the world, and help us accelerate humanity’s evolution.
Dudley Leggett

Dudley Leggett is an Australian innovator dedicated to social and environmental care. In 1972, with his wife and child, he began the first intentional sustainable community in the Northern Rivers Region of NSW, still thriving today and noted by researchers as one of the most successful in the country. He was Principal of the International School, Vientiane, LAOS. In 1979 he was lead coordinator on the first ever anti-rainforest-logging demonstration at Terania Creek, NSW, which led to State-wide protection of rainforests. He obtained a government grant for, designed and helped build, the first community learning centre in the region and with one other established the Sustainable Lifestyles Education Collective. In 1986, he instigated and conducted the very successful Peace Train, a nine-months, 30,000 km. around Australia road show visiting schools, communities, festivals, peace organisations etc. promoting and training in peace and conflict resolution skills. From 1993, he chaired the management committee and school council of the Byron Bay Community Primary School that started the first government registered parent run community school in the region. He played a leading role in the development, registration and approval for federal funding of the Byron New School, the first registered Democratic School in Australia, He was reelected for eleven years as President of the Suffolk Park Progress Association and over many years has represented the Byron community on many of Byron Council’s Policy Development.
Grace Rachmany

Grace Rachmany is a serial entrepreneur, founder of DAO Leadership, ICO Consult, and Gangly Sister. Grace is an expert in the blockchain space, specifically in the areas of DAO, distributed governance, leadership, and operations of distributed organizations. She has worked with over 100 ICOs and dozens of additional projects in the blockchain space and served as advisor to regen.network, dnn.media, letz.do and other AI and crypto projects. With over 30 years of technology experience, she has held numerous management positions and served as CEO of IwriteICOwhitepapers.com, Tech Tav and Marketecht, profitable services companies. Grace works extensively with startup, having been Entrepreneur-in-Residence at Swisscontact, and mentor at Microsoft Ventures and Google Startup. She holds an MBA from Kellogg Northwestern and is a graduate of Anthony Robbins' Business Mastery and Landmark's Team Management and Leadership Program.
Mackenzie Barth

Mackenzie Barth is an entrepreneur on a mission to help reconnect people with nature. In her previous life, she was a cofounder and CEO of a tech startup in NYC which was acquired by a public corporation in 2017. After a subsequent 1.5 years of travel and self discovery in South America, she is now merging her business and nature sides to create Groundwork, a company that helps business leaders and entrepreneurs bring natural wisdom into the workplace. The vision is to create a new leadership approach that enlivens business owners and their company cultures while honoring the Earth and its billions of years of intelligence. On the call Mackenzie will share more about how to cross the threshold from the old leadership mindset to a new, regenerative one so we can start to use business as a force for good. You can stay updated with Mackenzie's latest projects at mackenziebarth.com.
Adib Dada

Adib Dada is the founder of theOtherDada [tOD] Regenerative Consultancy & Architecture firm, which mission is to activate projects across architecture, living systems, and art. Based on Biomimicry thinking, tOD’s work promotes a symbiotic relationship between nature and the built environment by exploring new ways of creating generous and regenerative buildings; in essence developing creative solutions that have a positive impact. Adib earned a BA in Architecture at the American University of Beirut - Lebanon, a Master’s Degree in the Interactive Telecommunications Program at NYU – USA and completed the Biomimicry graduate certificate from the Biomimicry Institute and Arizona State University.
Adib has been recognized in Apollo Magazine's 40 Under 40 as a Patron of the Arts in the Middle East, and was listed as one of GOOD Magazine’s GOOD 100 for his project Beirut RiverLESS, which aims to regenerate the deteriorated Beirut River. Adib is a Fellow of the Middle East Leadership Initiative and a member of the Aspen Global Leadership Network. Adib is firmly committed to the Decade of Action, engaged on rewilding the city and reclaiming public space by planting Miyawaki native forests in urban landfills. Connect with him on instagram @theotherdada and linkedin linkedin.com/in/adibdada
Michael Brownstein

Poet, novelist, activist, shamanic practitioner, Michael Brownstein is the author of three novels — Country Cousins, Self-Reliance, and The Touch — as well as 11 poetry titles including World on Fire about corporate globalization and consciousness change. Michael taught at Naropa Institute during its formative years. He lives in the Catskill mountains.The title poem in his latest book, Let’s Burn the Flags of All Nations, is a no holds barred challenge to rid ourselves of outmoded patriotism, dead-end nationalism and the criminal enterprise of the nation-state.
Vaughn Bergen

Vaughn Bergen is the co-owner of ACA Galleries, an art gallery that has been in his family since 1932. After running the gallery for nine years Vaughn has integrated his love for the arts with his passion to support the successful proliferation of eco communities and the elevation of consciousness through educational models based on experiential learning, creatively inspiring environments and gamification.
Declan Ji

Declan is founder of Regenerative Culture Movement Portugal. He has lived at many diverse community projects over the last 4 years, including Tamera community. He is a teacher of NVC and Sociocracy and facilitates Conflict Resolution. His main work has been to bring people together in circles over the last 4 years to vision and brainstorm the new emerging regenerative culture. Previously, Declan worked at Goldman Sachs. After a paradigm shift with Vipassana and Ayahuasca, he became an international cultural creative (Musican/ Dj/ Dancer/Stage Manager and Stage Host of International festivals). As an artist he has played and collaborated with Rising Appalachia, Lamb, Estas Tonnes, Peia, and Android Jones, amongst others. He uses public events to promote Regenerative Culture initiatives, seeking to build an international alliance of Artists for the Earth.