Hi Folks,
Please join myself and Sean Esbjörn-Hargens PhD tomorrow, Tuesday, 4 pm EST / 1 pm PST for a free introduction to our upcoming live 5 week course, How to Explore Other Worlds: Cultivating Multidimensional Awareness. Please register for our Zoom call here. On Friday, we will hold a free Trialogue on Facebook Live. Galactivism: Coming ofAge in the Multiverse, with Stealing Fire author Jamie Wheal. Please register for our Friday event here. You can also sign up for the course here. We are still offering 33% off if you use the code EARLYBIRD, until Wednesday.
For those who want an introduction to Sean’s work, I recommend his new essay, Our Wild Kosmos, published on UFOWeb. He writes: “We need a new post-material/post-positivist scientific vision and method that … can help us investigate in a rigorous philosophical, psychologically, and empirical way the many realities that lie beyond the register of our five senses or their technological extensions.” The myriad categories of extraordinary experiences falling outside of our current paradigm include “UFO sightings, encounters with non-human intelligences (NHIs), paranormal and poltergeist phenomena, anomalous experiences, time and space slips, cryptids, and all legitimate forms of high strangeness.” These need to be woven “into a new compelling story of us living in a multidimensional multiverse populated with a wide range of intelligent inhabitants.”
Based on my own work and personal research, I find this to be true. Psychedelic journeys initially opened me to the realm of the psychic and the paranormal. Later, I had many multidimensional experiences without substances. In Breaking Open the Head and 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, I describe many direct encounters with other forms of consciousness that seem to emanate from subtler levels of reality. I discovered, also, the power of intention in drawing elements from the “other world” closer to this one. In my recent book (which will be given out as part of the course) The Occult Control System: UFOs, aliens, other dimensions and future timelines, I considered the modern UFO saga, alien abductions, and so on, according to the occult cosmology of Rudolf Steiner and other visionaries.

Endless movies and TV shows feature psychic and paranormal experience, extraterrestrial and inter dimensional alien beings, branching timelines, and so on. But we rarely see this material taken seriously or explored at any level of philosophical depth. This phenomena does not fit into the binary logic and explanatory grids of the modern scientific worldview. It requires something new: A phenomenological approach and a new science of consciousness. We are beginning to realize that the extraordinary discoveries of quantum physics mesh with ancient esoteric and indigenous shamanic ways of understanding the nature of reality.
We seem to be approaching “the end of history” — not via secular bourgeois consumerism, but in the seemingly inevitable march toward totalitarian technological dystopia, as well as biospheric collapse. However, there may be other possibilities available to us, when we choose to explore and, to a certain extent, master, the depth dimensions of the Psyche. This requires a change of focus and redirection of the creative and technical capacities, for at least a small segment of humanity. Sean and I hope you will take this opportunity to participate in How to Explore other Worlds with us. Together, let’s dive deep into these oceanic dimensions of ultra-weirdness, with the hope of finding a new coherent worldview on the other side.
A Few Other Things…

I recently did a substantive interview on the Truth Theory podcast, covering some of the material we will feature in the course. Please watch it here. I am currently living in Tulum, Mexico, where I spoke at the beautiful Nomade Hotel last Thursday (if you want, you can listen to the recording here). I will be doing a talk again next Thursday, 6 pm, at Nomade again. Please come if you are in Tulum or tell any friends who are nearby.
This Fall, I hope to organize a small week-long retreat that will go from Tulum to the extraordinary ruins in Palenque, where archaeologists discovered crucial elements related to classic Mayan prophetic knowledge. I wrote about Palenque in my 2012 book. While the site is closed to the public due to the pandemic, it may be possible to bring in a small group for purposes of research and study. If this is of interest to you, please send me a private message. I find Palenque a numinous place, holding knowledge for humanity’s future.

Lastly, if you haven’t done so yet, please join our new Mighty Network community, Regenerative Future. We are holding ongoing conversations around the subject matter of our last course, Building Our Regenerative Future, as well as this new one. Both courses will be archived on this platform. In fact, we just finished archiving the videos for the Regenerative Future course (with the monumental assistance of post-production pro Jordan Albert), and will be re-launching that course sometime soon.