Dear Friends,
I am delighted to announce that I am offering new five-week course with Dr. Sean Esbjörn-Hargens, an integral philosopher who has been studying UFOs, extraterrestrial and inter-dimensional alien contact, and other “Fortean” phenomena at a very deep level. We will be leading one three-hour session every Tuesday, from September 15th to October 13th. Full Price tickets for the five week live event are $199, but we are offering an Early Bird special right now which gives you 33% off the price. Please use this link here for the discount. There will be some reduced price and scholarship tickets available for those in financial need. Please message me directly to discuss.

How to Explore Other Worlds
Cultivating Multidimensional Awareness
This five-week course from Daniel Pinchbeck and Sean Esbjörn-Hargens offers a new map of both the macrocosm — the external universe — and the psychocosm — the universe within each one of us. Through it, you will gain powerful new tools to better understand and integrate the intensifying Earth changes.
Our world is changing quickly. We find ourselves in a new, uncharted time that seems confusing, scary, bizarre — yet also inspiring and full of wild new possibility. It feels like humanity, as a whole, is on a collective psychedelic trip, without any shaman to guide us. To deal with our changing circumstances, we must learn to maintain coherence and clear thinking while we open our minds to other levels of awareness and non-ordinary states of consciousness. These include the intuitive, psychic, mystical, and paranormal.
The psychedelic experience has been mainstreamed over the last decades, for healing and creativity, vastly expanding our access to the interior realms of the Psyche. At the same time, we are seeing rapid advances in collective awareness of the existence of UFOs and alien visitors — a process of Disclosure is underway, as the mainstream media and the government now admit to the reality of “off-world vehicles.” These parallel developments in different spheres are connected. They are part of the prophetic shift in consciousness that many ancient civilizations and indigenous peoples predicted for our time.
Through this month-long course, you will gain a new over-arching understanding of the psychic, extraterrestrial, paranormal, and mystical dimensions of reality, which have been suppressed and made taboo for so long. You will also receive tools and instruction in how to access other forms of multi-dimensional consciousness without losing your stability or your center. As a result, you will be prepared and empowered to face the radical reality shifts that are happening now and will become much more severe in the near future.

Metatheory - Galactic and Ancient Earth History
(Tuesday September 15th @ 2 pm Pacific)
This is a time when humanity is greatly redefining itself as we discover our place — if not yet our role — in the macrocosm. We live in a vast universe with at least 200 billion galaxies in it. Our Milky Way Galaxy contains an estimated 40 billion Earth-like planets. While we try to settle Mars in the coming decades, we are currently on the verge of confirming simple forms of life on several moons of Saturn and Jupiter. At the same time, through inner exploration with meditation and psychedelics, we are discovering the reality of subtle dimensions, hidden regions of space and time, containing forms of consciousness and intelligence utterly unlike our own.
According to many researchers, various kinds of extraterrestrial and inter dimensional beings have been interacting with humanity for millennia, playing a role in the numerous ancient sites and megalithic structures we find around the globe. How can we apply evidence and our reasoning faculties to attain a deeper understanding of these influences and interventions? What do they portend for our future? This session will expand your consciousness as well as touch your heart as we explore what it means to be human within a vast ecology of consciousness, which we are just now beginning to perceive.

Alien Agendas, the Deep State, and the Soul
(Tuesday September 22nd @ 2 pm Pacific)
There has never been a more amazing time to follow UFO Disclosure. Since The New York Times broke the story of the Pentagon’s secret UFO program in Dec 2017, a series of historic revelations have illuminated the reality of UFOs and their off-world cosmonauts for the mainstream. The implications of this very tricky — or perhaps trickster — phenomena are staggering. It poses a deep challenge to the modern secular worldview as well as our received religious beliefs. The very foundations of mainstream culture and global society will need to be reconstituted in the face of these new revelations.
As we explore the secret history of UFOs and the National Security State in this week’s session, we also recall Carl Jung’s thesis in his last book: That the “Flying Saucer Myth” gives expression to an archetypal process within the human Psyche. Jung called it, “the coming of the Self into conscious realization.” Traditional societies like the Kogi in Colombia remind us that what we experience as our outer reality is a direct expression of our level of consciousness and inner, spiritual development. In other words, these extraordinary, seemingly unbelievable discoveries now shaking the foundations of our postmodern world are, in important ways, psychic events that occur within each one of us.
We offer techniques to help you anchor a deep realization of the nature of consciousness itself, with the perspective that ET Disclosure represents a process happening not just “out there,” but within your psychic and phenomenological reality. What does it mean for you to embrace the reality that mind and matter, consciousness and cosmos are inextricably linked in ways that you — and all of us — are only beginning to realize?
Open Participant Session with Special Guest TBD
(Tuesday September 29th @ 2 pm Pacific)
After the first two weeks, this will be an opportunity for community integration and reflection. Participants will have the opportunity to share about their own experiences of multidimensional awareness, transcendent and cosmic consciousness, encounters with subtle beings and alien forms of sentience, and so on. We will invite a Special Guest Presenter in the field (TBD) to share their research and perspective.

Pathways to Personal Power: Your Initiation into Multidimensional Awareness
(Tuesday October 6th @ 2 pm Pacific)
As we understand that whatever is happening “out there” is also, essentially, happening “in here,” we begin to prepare ourselves to make the great leap into a new state of conscious realization. Our goal is to learn how to work, benevolently and empathically, with the new influxes of cosmic energy entering our Earthly reality in this amazing epoch.
At times, you may feel disempowered and even depressed by the ongoing ecological and political news. When you shift your perspective, however, you discover that you have called this exact circumstance into being to bring about your once-in-a-vast-incarnational-cycle opportunity for initiation and self-transformation. Great visionaries, mystics, and shamans of the past and present ages have left behind valuable maps and models to help you commune with non-human intelligences which can be elemental, galactic, daimonic, or celestial. As you learn to connect with these multidimensional realities, you attain citizenship in the emerging “exosociety”, a new cultural movement destined to redefine our potential as a species.

Exosociety: The Power of Intention in Embodying The Next Age
(Tuesday October 13th @ 2 pm Pacific)
Fasten your seatbelts: The next decade will contain more change in human society, globally, than that of the last 100 years. While we will see devastating impacts of ecological change and asymmetric military conflict, we also find ourselves on the brink of initiating a new “exosociety,” where extraterrestrial and extra-dimensional beings and realities are acknowledged and explored with disciplined focus. The wound is the gift: The danger is our opportunity.
What techniques can you use to continually hone your intention and awareness? As you anchor this new understanding, what role can you play in ushering in this new orientation in a way that serves regenerative systems and contributes to planetary flourishing? And what are our next steps?

SEAN ESBJÖRN-HARGENS, Ph.D., has spent his life developing “metaintegral” approaches to the fields of ecology and animal consciousness, mixed-methods research, integral psychology, philosophy of science, integral education, and new post-capitalist models of measuring social impact. As a result, Sean is a global leader in the application of integrative thinking to leader development and organizational design. For the last decade he has worked with a variety of mainstream and progressive mission-driven companies. He is the founder of MetaIntegral, which focuses on measuring four types of social impact through a multicapital value accounting framework.
Sean combines a strong academic background in the philosophy of science and integrative metatheories with an open-hearted exploration of the mystery and multi-layered nature of reality. In 2018, he founded Exo Studies Institute, through which he is joining others in pioneering the field of exo studies. He has had his fair share of first-person “exo” experiences, which makes this exploration personally salient and meaningful. For more information on exostudies, please visit www.exostudies.org. In May 2020, he also launched with Tom Curren the public service website www.whatsupwithufos.com.
Sean’s most recent books are two co-edited volumes: Metatheory for the Twenty-first Century: Critical Realism and Integral Theory in Dialogue (2016, Routledge) and Dancing with Sophia: Integral Philosophy on the Verge (2019, SUNY Press). He is currently finishing another co-edited volume on integrative metatheory and his first monograph on exo studies.

Daniel Pinchbeck is the bestselling author of Breaking Open the Head, 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, and When Plants Dream (with Sophia Rokhlin). In his 2017 book, How Soon Is Now, he explored the systemic changes needed to avert ecological collapse and extinction. His work was featured in the 2010 documentary, 2012: Time for Change, which promoted the value of indigenous knowledge systems. He co-founded evolver.net and the web magazine Reality Sandwich. He has written for The New York Times Magazine, Rolling Stone, Esquire, Wired, and many other publications. An archive of his past work can be found at www.pinchbeck.io .
As director of the Center for Planetary Culture, a think tank, he built the Regenerative Societies Wiki, a database of solutions for the technical and social political challenges humanity faces. He hosted the talk show, Mind Shift, for Gaia TV. He has spoken at festivals and conferences around the world. With Jeremy Johnson, he launched the web magazine and media company, Liminal.news . He hosts the course, Building Our Regenerative Future, as well as the Regenerative Future community network. His recent book, The Occult Control System: UFOs, Aliens, Other Dimensions and Future Timelines, looks at the UFO and ET phenomenon from multiple perspectives, reviewing recent evidence along with visionary maps and occult cosmologies from pioneers such as Rudolf Steiner and Jacques Vallee.