Tomorrow I start my new live online seminar, Crossing the Threshold: Realms of Consciousness beyond Physical Death. It will run for four Sundays from noon EST - 3 pm (9 am - noon PST, 6 - 9 pm CET). I am very excited about this and hope you will join us. I find that investigating this material opens new pathways for understanding consciousness and the nature of reality. Quantum physics reveals that we are not observers but primordial participants who create the universe through our conscious participation. Therefore, our level of understanding may, in fact, change the world on a profound level. So this is not simply a passive or academic exercise.
The genesis for Crossing the Threshold was an essay I wrote for a competition held by The Bigelow Institute, seeking the best evidence for postmortem continuity of our individual identity. I had written about this subject before in past books.In 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, I explored shamanism, metaphysics, and the relationship between Eastern mysticism and quantum physics. When I dived back into the theme, I was amazed to discover how much evidence there is for continuity after death — including reincarnation, NDEs, and reputable mediums who contact spirits of the dead able to describe their experience of a different dimension in-between lives.
This exploration is liberating; it engenders a more positive and expansive outlook on life and the world.
Buddhism provides many startling, well-documented cases in which the bodies of monks shrink rapidly or do not decay for weeks or months after death. The belief is that highly accomplished meditators are able to maintain themselves in a state of “subtle consciousness,” directing their future incarnational paths, even after physical death. Frederic Myers, one of the founders of the Society for Psychic Research, wrote a magnum opus on survivalism, which we will explore in the course.
One focus of the seminar will be establishing the new paradigm that provides a scientific basis for reincarnation and the afterlife.
We will look at ideas from quantum physics — including action at a distance, nonlocality, and the existence of a higher dimensional space-time continuum — which provide a basis for conceptualizing how an aspect of our being can continue after death. We will explore out of body experiences and psychedelics including nn-DMT and 5-meo-DMT. High-dose DMT leads to a direct realization of other dimensions of reality or space-time populated by what Terence McKenna called a vast “ecology of souls.”
I really feel everyone can benefit by exploring this subject in more depth now. If you want to join, use the code LATEBIRD for 15% off the ticket price. If you want to part of it, but can't afford the ticket price, please send me an email, and let's work it out. Also subscribers can access half-price tickets.
All sessions will be available for later viewing after they are live.
Here is the link again to sign up
Thank you!