You are invited to a Community Zoom Call today at 12:30 pm EST, plus we have launched a new community hub on Mighty Network. Both are free to join.

Hi Folks,
I think we can all agree, at this point, that whatever we might call this big human thing we are all embedded in together — postmodern civilization, culture, society — it is not going well right now. Not only are we accelerating toward catastrophe: Nobody seems to know what to do about it. As one friend wrote me yesterday:
It seems like in the literal sense, a critical revelation has happened. There's nobody behind the wheel of our society to an extent that people hadn't understood. They still don't understand even as the reality stares them in the face.
This is, indeed, a wild, extraordinary, unprecedented, dangerous moment in human history. We are opening onto the unknown, the unimaginable, the bizarre. As scary as it is, there is also something inspiring and even hopeful about it. As somebody quipped, it feels like our whole civilization is taking an ayahuasca journey together without any shaman around. We are tripping through chaotic astral realms with no map to guide us, hoping there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Most of us knew that our civilization was unsustainable, but in practice, we tend to forget what that means. If something is unsustainable, then eventually it will dissolve, decay, or disintegrate. It will break down in unpredictable ways. Perhaps we hoped or didn’t think we would be around when that happened, but guess what? Here we are!
So what are we going to do now?!
I developed my personal perspective through writing books on shamanism and indigenous prophecy. I also wrote How Soon Is Now (2017), where I explored how we can design and launch a system upgrade for human civilization in an accelerated time-frame to avert ecological meltdown and establish a basis for a thriving future for our human family on Earth. Last month, I hosted a course, Building Our Regenerative Future, with over 250 participants. We had thirty speakers exploring many aspects of the new paradigm in the areas of Food, Health, Community, Culture, Economy, and Consciousness.
Here are just a few of many testimonials from our course participants:
“I experienced renewed hope for humanity by witnessing this grand tour of existing solutions, paths forward to a livable future, and people already doing the work.”
“I found Building Our Regenerative incredibly inspiring. I often find discussions around the climate leave me with a dense feeling. Yet this course struck a beautiful balance of hope, optimism and practical action. With a considered and subtle view of what it means to be human. It has opened up so much learning and many new ideas, that in a time of transition for myself, has grounded a sense of direction and purpose.”
“Since the pandemic has hit I have participated in dozens of virtual rooms and this is truly the first one where I left feeling elevated, awakened and hopeful for a regenerative tomorrow. With specific tasks as well!!”
If you want to join the course now to catch up on past sessions plus be part of future sessions, you can use the coupon AFTERMATH to buy it at half price ($110). We have also launched a Regenerative Future community hub on Mighty Networks, which you can join here.
Today, at 12:30 pm EST, we are having an Open Zoom Call. All of you are welcome to be part of it. We will be discussing two main areas: Media and Distributed Governance. Here is an invite link for our call. Media is one of my main areas of interest. Recently, working with co-editor Jeremy Johnson, we launched a new web magazine, Liminal News.

This is still a nascent project, looking for collaborators and contributors. One of my hopes for it is that it could provide an alternative perspective on many of the esoteric and conspiratorial topics now pervading social media. These include ideas around UFOs, “other dimensions,” alien visitors, as well as the Deep State and the Illuminati. In another media initiative, I helped develop the concept for a new television series with Ari Kuschnir of M(i)ss(i)ng P(i)eces, titled Regenerate, which would also explore the necessary path toward system change. Ari will be on our call today to discuss this project.

I hope you will join us for these initiatives!