Here is a new short essay - enjoy! I am excited to be launching a new course next month: How to Explore Other Worlds: Cultivating Multidimensional Awareness, with Sean Esbjörn-Hargens PhD, on occult and esoteric subjects. We will be taking a deep philosophical dive into UFOs, extraterrestrials, and various forms of entity contact on psychedelics. Please join the course here. Today you can use the code EARLYBIRD for 33% off the ticket price.
Yes, in case anyone cares, I will hold my nose and vote for Biden. However I consider it almost certain that Trump will not be leaving his office as a result of this upcoming “election.” The international crime syndicate, corrupt financiers, and fanatic evangelicals backing Trump do not have a Plan B at this point. They have devised numerous fallback plans to make sure he “wins.” In fact, circumstantial evidence suggests that the 2016 “election” was already an engineered swindle. The 2016 election results counteracted the polling data from many crucial Swing States.
One of the main companies manufacturing US voting machines is named Dominion. It is owned by Right Wing Christian zealots. In all likelihood, the 2016 result was already stolen. After four years of Right Wing control, the voting system is certainly far more compromised. We also have gerrymandering, mass voter suppression and disenfranchisement, and now the decimation of the Post Office. Astonishingly, we are watching the US rapidly reverse-engineer itself from a First World to a Third World country before our eyes.
As much as I detest Trump, I am not a fan of the neoliberal Democrats. By betraying the working and middle classes while glad-handing the financial and technocratic elite, the Democrats are responsible for this disaster. Beyond the incessant focus on Trump, we must explore how the current descent into dysfunctional autocracy represents an inevitable outcome of many trends in American society over the last half century.
One main trend has been the intentional dumbing down of the mass population through degraded media, low-grade food, and dismal education. Another trend is the shift from an economy based on the production of tangible goods to one based on financial speculation. Another contributing factor was the corruption and selling-out of the Baby Boomer generation, who dropped their hippie idealism for corporate pay-outs after the 60s fizzled out. And of course, the impact of social media on our cognitive capacities has played a part.
While this destruction of America is terrible for the mass populace in the US, it is also catastrophic for humanity as a whole. Ecologically, we have already passed many crucial tipping points. The near-term survival of humanity as a species is now in question. In fact, it may already be too late to preserve anything resembling mass industrial civilization. Each year that passes now without coordinated global action to address the ecological emergency makes our future prospects more precarious. On the other hand, it is not like we were making meaningful ecological progress under the neoliberal regimes that preceded Trump.
As painful as it is to say this, the silver lining in this authoritarian debacle is that we are now hurtling, rather than creeping, toward systemic collapse. The function of the neoliberal Democrats was to hold society together by creating the illusion of a somewhat just, democratic system while wealth inequality, technological surveillance, and hyper-militarism continued to increase. Now that illusion has been shattered. So what can we do?
I believe we need to build a global social movement directed toward the goal of transitioning from our current broken system to a truly regenerative civilization. This probably can only happen as a parallel process, outside of the current political system. It requires a grassroots movement of local communities and many organizations coming together toward a unified goal, rallying around a shared strategy and plan of action.
“Regenerative” is, obviously, a term that needs to be unpacked. Essentially, we need to go beyond current concepts of sustainability — which carries with it the idea we can somehow “sustain” what we have now — to actively reinvent our technical, social, and cultural infrastructures so that our species becomes an integral part of the Earth’s biosphere. By supporting biodiversity and bio-remediating the damage we have done, we could establish peaceful symbiosis with our planetary ecology as a whole. (I explored the means to do this in my 2017 book How Soon Is Now and in our recent course, Building Our Regenerative Future).
If we understand it in this way, perhaps (I know it seems a long shot) we can define a path that takes us beyond the current divisions between Right and Left Wing, wealthy and poor, religious and secular. We are now confronting, in the very near future, the possibility of our own extinction as a species. Ecosystems cannot evolve fast enough to support human life as temperatures rocket up several degrees Celsius in the next few decades.
Runaway climate change will unleash hundreds of gigatons of methane gas stored under the Arctic. As our climate warms rapidly and our oceans acidify, we lose the forests and plankton which produce our oxygen. Eventually, this will lead to an unlivable environment for large mammals such as ourselves. The records from previous mass extinctions warn us that this can occur quite suddenly.
In the history of our species over the last few centuries, we have seen an astonishingly rapid trajectory of social evolution and transformation. In a short span of time, we became a technologically mediated species and built a globally integrated civilization, linked by supply lines and communications networks. We still do not know the ultimate destiny or purpose of this compressed evolutionary trajectory — if there is one.
The elite beneficiaries, engineers and architects of the current technocracy have converged on an ideology which enshrines technological progress as the ultimate goal and meaning of human evolution. The philosopher Nietzsche saw man as “a transitional being,” between ape and “ubermensch.” For many technologists, the destiny of humanity is not to evolve to become “ubermensch.” Instead we are going to be superseded by artificial intelligence, which will become sentient and self-directed.
I have always found something cynical, despairing, and unimaginative in the Singurality or transhumanist ideology. I critiqued it in earlier books. The Singular ideology has been embraced by corporations and has become one of the main ideological props underlying post-industrial civilization, displacing the myth of individual progress and other elements of the American Dream which, in the 1950s, inspired the direction of global development.
We now seem to be hurtling toward a negative or nihilistic form of the Singularity. I can understand why people feel terrified of this. It is truly terrifying. We are seeing previously unimaginable technological powers and invasive capacities placed in the hands of totalitarian leaders — sociopaths driven by their desire for absolute control over their populations and humanity as a whole. It is increasingly difficult to envision a way out of this trap that humanity has created for itself.
Many of us have been watching, with some degree of apprehension, the viral contagion of convoluted conspiracy theories such as Qanon, Pizzagate, and Plandemic. Beyond the specifics of these theories, I can see something positive in this phenomenon. Many people, from across the political spectrum, feel an intense, instinctual aversion to the forward march of technocratic neoliberalism. They are seeking, desperately, for some alternative. Unfortunately, these alternative narratives they are grabbing on to are, I believe, Psy Ops, orchestrated by the criminal sociopaths who are driving us toward totalitarian control by an oligarchic elite.
The mass population is becoming aware there is something deeply wrong with the direction of society — there are hidden hypocrisies and deep deceptions within the narratives put forth by our established institutions and the mainstream media. But the people are being tricked by AI-powered algorithms to believe a simplistic analysis which posits a “cabal” or “deep state” as the ultimate evil underlying all of our social problems. This cabal is seen as a Satanic force fixated on the sexual abuse of children and even cannibalism. The Jeffrey Epstein story — like the Jimmy Saville scandal in England — actually reveals a kernel of truth to some of this.
There does seem to be a form of infernal occultism, linked to maintaining our establishment power structures, that involves ritualized child sexual abuse as its darkest secret. It doesn’t seem like an accident that Epstein was closely linked to the Clintons, Bill Gates, Trump, Dershowitz, Prince Andrew, Harvard, MIT — the list goes on. It doesn’t matter, somehow, whether all of these figures and institutions were actively participating in the abuse, although it seems clear that some — such as Trump, Dershowitz and Prince Andrew — were participants.
We encounter something like a hidden constellation of evil and even a type of occultism revealed here. It needs to be recognized in a way that the mainstream media cannot address. I find it significant that Epstein built a bizarre temple on “pedo island,” suggesting, whether consciously or not, an awareness that his illicit activities with the power elite had an esoteric significance. As well as assembling “Kompromat” for Mossad, Epstein was summoning and communing with malevolent occult influences.

Beyond the specifics of the conspiracy theories, I believe we are starting to see a mass revulsion against the direction of technocracy, a desire to tear down and destroy the existing structures, to purge and cleanse and start again. It is expressing itself, at this juncture, in an inchoate and often incoherent way. This energy turning against the system is also being “weaponized” by the worst elements of our society, who wish to use it to establish even more destructive systems of control. Unfortunately, we may see misdirected forms of violence, even on a mass scale, as this energy seeks some means of discharging itself.
The collapse of coherence and rationality happening now is reminiscent of Europe in the 1930s. Nazi-ism developed out of a murky occult ideology absorbed from the Thule Society, Theosophy, and elsewhere. That Fascist movement was also driven by the frustration of the masses, who felt their future hopes had been betrayed. This kind of movement seems to culminate, inevitably, in mass violence.
To reach a different outcome this time, we would have to seek creative ways to defuse the situation. This would require new communicative techniques and strategies. A counter-movement would have to use social media and mass media effectively to counteract the onslaught of disinformation, distorted information, and fake news. This would need to go far beyond the “Biden vs Trump,” “Right vs Left” narratives that aren’t helping us at all at this point.
The only counter movement that might be effective would be one that addressed the utter corruption and hypocrisy on the part of both the neoliberal Democrats and the Right Wing, that authentically integrated the current spate of virulent conspiracy theories and turned them back around effectively. Such a movement would have to assimilate the esoteric and occult components of the dangerous ideology that is self-assembling now, as I have proposed above. It would also have to challenge the technocratic establishment in science, medicine, and engineering, from a perspective driven by logic and reason, as well as humane and ecological values. We would need to unify and consolidate many different factions behind such a coherent understanding.
I know this seems unlikely. At least, if we can conceive or it, we can explore it and, perhaps, manifest it. The alternative — an unstoppable slide into incoherence, madness, and Fascism at a time when our ecological systems are breaking down — is very dire.