We are hosting a retreat/creative experiment in Costa Rica in March. We hope you can join us!
Hi folks,
I am collaborating with my friend Jasmeen Hana on “Re:Creation” an experimental new retreat / creative exploration, which we will initiate this March in Costa Rica. We hope you will join us for this new adventure!
Jasmeen is a facilitator for ISTA as well as a founder of her own mystery school, Egyptian Temple Arts ,with a focus on the legendary blue lotus. We want to create an event that inspires participant’s art-making and visionary practices, while also fostering community collaboration and play. (Inspirations include Alejandro Jodorowsky’s Psychomagic and Augusto Boal’s Games for Actors and Non Actors.) Below is some information about the event. You can dive deeper on our website, where we have included a tentative daily schedule, plus information on how to sign up. The event is limited to thirty participants and there is a special reduced price for the first ten people to sign up.
Re:Creation invites you to traverse the alchemical stages of transformation, guiding you through a journey of self-discovery, enlightenment, and rebirth.
What to Expect
"Re:Creation" intertwines embodied practices, art-making, shamanic ritual, and writing to forge an experiential sanctuary for profound intellectual and somatic exploration. Confronting this threshold of planetary awakening and Apocalypse, we seek avenues beyond the rational mind’s grasping for intellectual “solutions,” by embracing creative chaos, and the rising Sun of Darkness as foretold by Mesoamerican prophecy.
Here, the revolutionary and prophetic concepts come to life, as we invite participants to immerse themselves in a realm of deep introspection, psycho-magic practices, and communal expression.
A retreat designed to integrate the polarities and the paradoxes that exist within and around us: To help us make sense of the nonsensical and arational, to tap into buried memories and dreams, to distill the unique essence of what we are and can be.
With the support of the Blue Lotus, we will also explore the lucid-dream state, dive into our heart’s longings, and connect intimately with the soul realm. Serendipitously, we gather at a new regenerative eco-village, where pioneers seek to build their vision of a new world.
At this critical threshold of global transformation, we invite you to connect with the personal unconscious as well as the transpersonal dimension – to surrender into the unknown. Feel free to email me (Daniel.pinchbeck@gmail.com) with any questions.
Hey, Daniel-
I clicked through to the website to learn a bit more. I won’t be able to be there, but it does sound intriguing.
Under the “Launch Price” it says:
“Available until 21st December 2024”
I’m guessing that should be 2023.
Have a great time, Costa Rica is beautiful.
Looks and sounds an amazing experience I am very tempted but it’s a lot of air miles from the UK