We find ourselves in strange new territory right now. We are experiencing an ongoing collapse of coherence: A loss of signal and disintegration into noise. Fear is taking hold of our social body as people seek for any sense of security or any stable sense of what the future may hold. This is impacting many of us very intimately and also rippling through society as a whole.
In the US, Trump applies many tactics directly borrowed from the Third Reich, convincing his base that he represents “law and order" against Democrats who are fomenting chaos and anarchy. He is sending Right Wing militia — his version of the Brown Shirts — into progressive cities, seeking to incite violence. In actual fact, the rapid collapse into lawlessness and incoherence in the US is a direct result of Trump's policy failures. He is functioning like the “Lord of Misrule" in an almost mythological sense, accelerating our society’s disintegration and descent, to the eerie jubilation of his mind-controlled followers.
But we shouldn't focus solely on Trump. This is something deeper. We are experiencing what happens when previously invisible processes, like underwater currents, finally break through to the surface. We are finding that all of the structures we believed to be stable and secure had eroded over time. They were ready to fail. What is starting to collapse is not only the government, the financial system, and the sense of social adhesion that holds our civilization together: It is the entire paradigm and underlying ideology of Capitalism, post-industrial civilization along with its vision of progress.
There will be no going back to normal from this point. For many years, all that the US political system offered its citizens was an insipid choice between two corrupt, compromised parties. Even as a child growing up in New York City in the 1970s, I sensed that democracy in the USA was a fraud. Beneath the thin veneer of choice, our country was deeply authoritarian, with our much-vaunted democratic government a convenient pretext for ongoing corporate rule. No matter who was President, our military continued to fight illicit wars while our intelligence agencies engineered coup d’états. Trump’s triumph — aided and abetted by US intelligence and military agencies in collusion with media corporations — validated my earliest intuition.
What is happening now is still difficult for our minds to grasp, which helps to explain the magnetic pull of conspiracy theories like Qanon. People can sense that the veneer of logic and scientific rationality that provided the justification for technocratic society is cracking and breaking apart. But they lack the tools to think clearly about what is underway, as well as practical means to resist the downward direction in which we are now cascading. At the same time, our collective Psyche is under attack from sociopathic elements using weaponized mass media and AI-assisted algorithms to exploit psychological weaknesses. These forces seek to drag our world down into the darkest depths of hell. They may well succeed.
We are seeing the rapid viral contagion of conspiracy theories. Incredibly, millions of people now believe that the neoliberal technocratic elite are Satanic cannibals literally slurping adrenochrome out of baby’s brains while they plot their depopulation agenda. As I noted in a recent essay, while this seems insane, it can be understood as an extreme expression of an intuitive revulsion and anger, felt by many, against the current direction of technological society.
For those who still believe in the neoliberal worldview (what Jordan Hall calls “the blue Church”), the various elements of this new enraged consciousness are impossible to understand. We need to unpack and understand it, with the admittedly faint hope that this rage which is tearing apart our society can be redirected in time, before we end up with genocides and death camps. The only way we can do this is by bringing this darkness into the light of consciousness and looking at it, as impartially as we can, and then formulating a strategy based on a full-spectrum understanding.
Essentially, the mass populace in the US have been given a grim choice between a uniquely American brand of Apocalyptic Libertarian Fascism or the neoliberal control agenda represented by Obama, Clinton, Bill Gates, and so on. At a time when we desperately need a powerful antidote to Trump, we have Biden instead. With his visible cognitive decline, Biden provides a tragic-comic symbol of how this whole system has failed the people as well as the planet. The people genuinely despise this fraud of a political system, and they are right to do so.
The demonization of Bill Gates is another powerful undercurrent at the moment. There is a rapidly growing populist insurgency against vaccines, spreading wild conspiracy theories around the Coronavirus vaccine in particular (with scary videos of uncertain provenance like this and this going viral). In the rest of this essay, I delve into all of this in greater depth, in the hopes of defining some new middle ground of coherence, if that is even possible at this point.
A few years ago, I interviewed Del Bigtree, Director of Vaxxed, for my podcast. I found that many of my more liberal and mainstream friends were furious at me for even considering whether excessive use of vaccinations might be harming children and contributing to health crises like the autism epidemic. The topic remains utterly taboo and forbidden among mainstream progressives. Recently, at the request of a few friends, I started to follow Robert F Kennedy Jr’s work on the subject. This immediately incited outrage. When I mentioned him on Facebook, friends exclaimed I had utterly discredited myself. I was told that RFK was a paranoid nutcase who must be ignored.
On deeper investigation, I find that RFK makes many valid points, even if he sometimes makes small factual errors that weaken his case. In fact, he is not even an “anti-vaxxer.” Nor am I. I still think that vaccines, like those against Polio and Smallpox, were major achievements of modern medicine, eradicating terrible scourges. The problem, as RFK and other have noted, is that, since the mid-1980s, the number of vaccines that children receive has skyrocketed, from 7 shots to more than 70, now treating at least 16 diseases. The profits that pharmaceutical companies make from vaccines has also skyrocketed. Vaccines now generate $60 billion per year in revenue.
In that same period, from the mid-1980s until today, the health of children in the US has not improved but has in fact worsened. Autism is one of the most horrible conditions that has skyrocketed in the last decades. In some areas of the US, one in 54 children and at least one in 22 boys now develop autism, compared to perhaps one in a thousand or less, back in the 1970s. Autism is a horrible, debilitating condition that ruins people’s lives. Parents are stuck with having to care for a mentally incapacitated child who becomes an adult unable to control their emotions or, in many cases, even their bodily functions. In the US, autism rates are progressing so fast that we are a few decades away from one out of two children having this condition.
The standard response from the establishment is that there is no known correlation between the proliferation of vaccines and autism as well as other chronic conditions that our children are now developing in vast numbers, such as asthma and ADHD. However, with just a small amount of digging on the Internet, I found that the known “adverse events” and possible side effects for the Tripedia vaccine, which covers diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis, include “SIDS, anaphylactic reaction, cellulitis, autism, convulsion/grand mal convulsion, encephalopathy, hypotonia, neuropathy, somnolence and apnea.” According to RXList.com, “Because these events are reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their frequencies or to establish a causal relationship.”
Due to the evolution of the predatory form of Capitalism which controls our world today, corporations are locked into a short-term profit-seeking agenda. This directly conflicts, in many cases, with the long-term health of our human family and the Earth. The inescapable logic of the financial system forces many corporations to behave like diabolical predators. Due to their fiduciary responsibility, companies must maximize shareholder value at all costs, even if this means ignoring all externalities, such as health, safety, and long-term ecological consequences.
We now know that tobacco companies including Phillip Morris understood, for many decades, that their product killed their customers in large numbers. They hid the data intentionally, to protect profits. We know that the executives of fossil fuel companies, like British Petroleum and Occidental, are well aware that accelerating climate change will make most of the planet unlivable within a few decades. We know that Facebook and Twitter realize the addictive dopamine hits caused by fake news are horrible for society but boost their advertising revenue. And so on.
So why is it impossible for the liberal establishment to consider whether or not the major pharmaceutical companies who manufacture vaccines have a murky agenda? In fact, one of the main pharmaceutical companies manufacturing vaccines is aptly named Merck. Twenty years ago, Merck mass-distributed Vioxx, a headache drug. Vioxx caused up to 500,000 US deaths from heart attacks, as this article from The Week reveals. As Kennedy notes, Merck was well aware that Vioxx was going to kill a lot of people. They continued to distribute the drug because they assessed it would make them more profit than they would lose in eventual lawsuits. Merck is one of the main US companies benefiting from the $60 billion annual windfall from vaccines.
When we recognize that the pharmaceutical companies we entrust with our children's health are willing to commit mass murder for profit, we must consider the recent proliferation of vaccines in a different light. What if top executives at these corporations are well aware of the dangers of new vaccines, yet have calculated the profit and loss and found it benefits their bottom line? What if they know that the skyrocketing rates of chronic conditions like Autism, asthma, and ADHD are also good for them? As Kennedy points out, the same companies that make the vaccines also manufacture the drugs used to treat these chronic conditions. A lifelong sufferer of asthma, ADHD, or autism may lead a miserable life, but they provide a prolonged profit stream for drug companies.
And then there is Bill Gates, the world's leading exemplar of Philanthro-Capitalism, the seamless melding of commercial interests with charitable ones. Interestingly, as Gates has given away billions of dollars of his wealth, gaining social prestige in the process, his net worth has greatly increased. Through the Gates Foundation over the last decades, he and his wife have promulgated their belief that the world is steadily improving, with poverty decreasing across the planet. Their feckless analysis fails to include Capitalism's catastrophic ecological impacts, among other factors. In essence, as we are now discovering, the world traded a veneer of short-term prosperity for inevitable long-term collapse. Hunger and poverty were never close to being eliminated. They are now roaring back.
Over the last centuries, our industrial civilization fixated on unleashing the power of technology at the expense of developing a truly holistic, ethical framework for humans to live in peaceful solidarity. The success of Silicon Valley — IBM, Microsoft, Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon, and so on — fueled the fantasy that technology, divorced from any moral vision or purpose, was, in itself, a positive force. All we had to do was leave the engineers alone and they would lead humanity to a fabulous techno-utopia beyond our wildest dreams. The Singularity — the approaching “omega point” where humans merge with machines or are replaced by machine sentience — became the religious faith of Silicon Valley. Despite all of the evidence that what we are accelerating heedlessly toward is not even an artificial paradise — more like a mechanized hellscape — this ideology remains firmly in place.
I don’t believe — as many now do — that Gates is a super villain who knows he is using enforced vaccinations and bio-chips as an instrument of absolute global domination and depopulation. I imagine that Gates sees himself (as the recent Netflix documentary series about him, which he authorized, seeks to make him out) as a kind of heroic nerd, a good guy, determined to use his much-vaunted brain to solve humanity’s biggest challenges while carving out a place for himself in history while perhaps becoming the richest man in history. However, as Carl Jung excavated in his work, the level at which we operate as conscious beings is just one level: Consciousness is only a small circle of light within a great ocean of darkness.
In Bill Gates’ Charity Paradox, an investigation into Gates’ “$50 billion charitable enterprise” The Nation’s Tim Schwab found that “Gates’s outsize charitable giving — $36 billion to date — has created a blinding halo effect around his philanthropic work, as many of the institutions best placed to scrutinize his foundation are now funded by Gates, including academic think tanks that churn out uncritical reviews of its charitable efforts and news outlets that praise its giving or pass on investigating its influence. In the absence of outside scrutiny, this private foundation has had far-reaching effects on public policy, pushing privately run charter schools into states where courts and voters have rejected them, using earmarked funds to direct the World Health Organization to work on the foundation’s global health agenda, and subsidizing Merck’s and Bayer’s entry into developing countries.”
The Gates Foundation has given around $250 million in charitable grants to companies in which the foundation holds corporate stocks and bonds. These include pharmaceutical companies such as Merck, Novartis, and GlaxoSmithKline, along with many other corporations. The grants are directed “at projects like developing new drugs and health monitoring systems and creating mobile banking services.” Many of these initiatives have the potential to provide ancillary financial benefit to Gates himself. Gates has also invested over $250 million into media such as NPR and Participant Films (who produced the Netflix documentary series on him), buying himself a great deal of influence over coverage of his activities. Gates has gained inordinate influence over public policy through his donations, such as his support of the World Health Organization.
The overall logic of our system is accelerating in the direction of biological control or “biosecurity.” Gates is a major driver of this increasingly realistic (and horrific) prospect for humanity. Gates (his name, like Trump’s, another symbolically perfect one for his societal function in this unfolding saga) obviously loves power and playing the game of amassing enormous wealth. He also seems to evince a desire for control that may be, whether consciously or not, sociopathic or monomaniacal.
After all, through Microsoft Windows, Gates was able to basically take over the operating system of the Internet. Through forced vaccinations and bio-chips, he would similarly be in charge of the “gate” leading to humanity’s biological operating system. I can understand why many find this to be a seriously chilling thought. I do as well.
This appalling yet well-researched article, ‘FDA Nears Approval of Injectable Biochip Implants for COVID Detection, Linked to Computers’, reveals that Gates and the Department of Defense are developing “Implantable multi-analyte sensors for the continuous monitoring of body chemistries,” as one Gates Foundation grant puts it. Such implants, if mandated, would give governments an unprecedented, essentially absolute control over their subjects. The functioning of our organs would be continuously monitored, with that information transmitted to governing bodies.
As the Italian political philosopher Giorgio Agamben writes, the global overreaction to the Coronavirus pandemic has ushered in a new political regime based on “biosecurity.” This regime of biosecurity — one that has been prepared for a long time, self-assembling in various ways — involves a new level of hyper-invasive control of human freedom. It restricts the movement of bodies, goods, and information. It gives governments unprecedented bio-power over their subjects.
“It is evident that, apart from the emergency situation, linked to a certain virus that may in the future be replaced by another, at issue is the design of a paradigm of governance whose efficacy will exceed that of all forms of government known thus far in the political history of the West,” Agamben writes. “If already, in the progressive decline of ideologies and political beliefs, security reasons allowed citizens to accept limitations on their liberty that they previously were unwilling to accept, biosecurity has shown itself capable of presenting the absolute cessation of all political activity and all social relations as the maximum form of civic participation.” Interestingly, the pandemic panic led to “organizations of the left, traditionally in the habit of claiming rights and denouncing violations of the constitution, accepting limitations on liberty made by ministerial decree devoid of any legal basis and which even fascism couldn’t dream of imposing.” I explore the reasons for this capitulation, below.
In previous works, Agamben explored how we still linger under the shadow of the Holocaust and the nuclear bomb. Sovereign power is now defined by “bio-power”: control over life and death. With the global response to the pandemic, we have indeed entered a new bio-political world, whose future remains to be seen. Unfortunately, or tragically, it tends toward establishing a totalitarian nightmare beyond anything Orwell could have imagined.
Neoliberal technocrats and most of those on the Left share a hardcore scientific materialist worldview — a worldview I have critiqued in past writing. From this perspective, protection of the individual’s right to life — prolonging their “bare life” — is the only absolute value. This is reflected in the way our medical system tries to extend the life of the elderly as long as possible, no matter the level of senescence or misery experienced by the individual. The institutional gravity of our medical system, with its capacity to extend life, remains an article of unquestionable faith for the neoliberal technocracy. This is why “Blue Church” believers stridently reject any possibility that vaccines could be causing harm.
The biosecurity agenda is a logical extension of the neoliberal technocratic worldview, which was an outgrowth of bourgeois society, with its focus on creature comforts, convenience, and security. This culture sought to escape the omnipresent anxiety induced by materialist nihilism by hiding all signs of death, decay, and the void. What it ultimately valued was the privileged individual's safety and health. In practice, this required establishing a “nanny state” that mandated everything from guardrails and safety helmets for children, to seatbelts and smoking bans for adults.
We saw it, also, in the military response to “9-11”: While we lavishly mourned 3,000 dead Americans, we ignored the million Iraqi civilians who died as a result of our unjust and unnecessary war. While I find most of what Trump does to be horrendous, at least he is smashing, for once and for all, the myth of American exceptionalism. After this fiasco, the lives of US citizens will no longer have an inestimably higher value than those of human beings who happen to be from other countries.
Neoliberal technocracy sought to remove the rough edges from life and the world, leaving something as vacuous as an endless Seinfeld episode. George Orwell thought that “ a desirable civilization” would “aim at making life simpler and harder instead of softer and more complex.” Our civilization — the one collapsing around us now — has done the opposite. It has rendered people, for the most part, entirely unprepared for the harsh conditions that may become the norm in the near future, as ecosystems break down and basic issues like access to food and fresh water become life or death questions, even in the developed world.
Kennedy is a Democrat but, like many on the Libertarian Right, he believes the worldwide response to the Coronavirus was a massive over-reaction that suggests a hidden agenda. This is becoming an increasingly sensible viewpoint. More and more data seems to reveal that Covid-19, while highly communicable, is only slightly more fatal than the flu. On September 2, 2020, CNN reported that, by the CDC's "current best estimate about viral transmission and disease severity in the United States”... “0.4% of people who feel sick with Covid-19 will die. For people age 65 and older, the CDC puts that number at 1.3%. For people 49 and under, the agency estimated that 0.05% of symptomatic people will die.” The concern that survivors of Covid often experience long-term damage to organs also seems over-hyped, as the same is also true for the flu in a similarly small number of cases.
In retrospect, it seems that the most sensible approach would have been an initial lockdown period followed by mask-wearing in supermarkets and on public transport, and ongoing quarantine for those in the highest risk categories, but not for everyone. This article analyzes the data and concludes that US institutions were “significantly over-stating (not under-stating) the severity of the pandemic.” Obviously this is an extremely complex topic, as little was known about the virus at first.
As Kennedy rightly notes, the tragic reality is that the response to Coronavirus is destined to have far more fatal and destructive consequences than the virus itself. A recent article from CNBC titled, U.N. warns of 'hunger pandemic' amid threats of coronavirus, economic downturn, notes, “An additional 130 million people could be on the brink of starvation by the end of 2020 as a result of the outbreak and its economic ramifications.” According to the UN food agency, “The working poor would be hit the hardest as a result of the decline in tourism and exports, collapse of oil prices and any declines to foreign aid. The resulting death toll could outpace that of the coronavirus with 300,000 people dying due to starvation every day over a three-month period.”
Due to its prolonged and haphazard lockdown, the US has experienced an economic collapse, with 50 million people losing their jobs. Many of those jobs will not be coming back. This is causing suffering and desperation on a level not known in the US since the Great Depression. The pandemic has also led to a “global education emergency,” according to the UN. Unicef reports, “Over the past six months, about 1.5 billion children around the world have been told to stay home from school to help minimize transmission of the coronavirus. More than 30 percent of these students — around 463 million — were unable to gain access to remote learning opportunities when their schools closed.” Social unrest, rebellions and riots are also increasing globally as a result of food shortages and immiseration.
In retrospect, we may see the intensive response to the Coronavirus as a hysterical over-reaction that revealed systemic failures, accelerating the collapse of post-industrial civilization. At the same time, unfortunately, we actually need a systemic collapse for humanity to survive at all. The continued growth of industrial civilization is depleting and toxifying the Earth’s ecosystems, while our intensive use of fossil fuels is leading to runaway warming, mass species extinction, and the collapse of the Arctic ice sheets. As I explored in How Soon Is Now (2017), we must stop this runaway train and redirect humanity’s creative and technical capacities. The sensible goal is to build a regenerative society where we mesh human activities with the biosphere, rather than continuing to exploit and desecrate it until we are driven extinct by cascading negative consequences.
Neoliberal technocracy seeks a controlled, pacified society within an exploitative Capitalist framework that preserves the rights of billionaires and supports corporate power and a patriarchal form of globalization benefiting the power elite. This agenda must be opposed. As I said, I sympathize with the anger impelling the Qanon movement and the populist Far Right. The masses and multitudes feel an innate revulsion from the direction of civilization under the control of managerial elites like Gates, Obama, and so on. Unfortunately, Trump and his cronies (a “transnational crime syndicate,” according to journalist Sarah Kendzior, that includes Russian oligarchs, CEOs of mercenary armies, and corrupt actors among the financial elite) do not offer anything remotely like a viable alternative. They are, in fact, much worse.
My reason for writing this piece is to persuade those who still support the old progressive establishment or neoliberal agenda (which encompasses the technocratic / biosecurity worldview, the Blue Church etc) to abandon this obsolete ideology. We need to build a new alliance between the working class and the progressive “woke” elite — a group that includes those who have inherited wealth, plus the self-made entrepreneurs and tech company executives who flock to events like Burning Man, Nexus, and Summit — by defining a new orientation toward what is taking place as well as a shared vision for humanity’s future. Before we can get there, establishment liberals and progressives must take a step back and reassess. They need to understand there are valid reasons that the masses feel scorn toward them and reject their ideal of progress.
As I have proposed in this essay, people have good reason to freak out about vaccinations, ever-increasing corporate control and techno-surveillance, as well as Bill Gates' biological control agenda. They are rejecting neoliberalism and seek an alternative. There are, also, good reasons why many people deeply distrust the traditional media. For many decades, CNN and The New York Times and other mainstream news sources have been thoroughly infiltrated by intelligence operatives who shape the content and rhetoric of the mainstream news when necessary. We know this to be the case from many past examples, including recent ones, such as the media frenzy over Hilary’s emails before the 2016 election, which tilted the election to Trump, or the laughable coverage over Jeffrey Epstein’s “suicide.”
Barring some unlikely miracle like the military stepping in and removing him from office, Trump is, in all likelihood, not going anywhere in January. The shadowy forces behind Trump ( it was typically cunning of Trump to make this exact comment about Biden in a recent interview) have many ways to steal the election, from gerrymandering to hacking the electronic voting systems to destroying the post office’s ability to deliver mail. Until space colonies on Mars open up, we still have to deal with this world and its fragile, increasingly insecure and unstable realities. If we hope to change the dynamics of the global geopolitical game, those of us who wish to see a more just, ecologically sane, and truly democratic society must coalesce around a new strategy. This strategy must go beyond traditional political means.
Generally, people always seek a better life for themselves and their children. They also need an underlying narrative and mythology — something to believe in that dignifies human existence and gives it meaning. The secular materialist worldview of the neoliberal elites has deprived them of any sense of a greater myth or narrative in which their lives have any significance whatsoever. Futurist Yuval Harrari, for example, one of Obama’s favorite authors, envisions a pathetic future where most people no longer have jobs. With nothing else to do, they play immersive video games all day long. This is another reason the neoliberal model, based around a technocratic managerial elite and oceans of “deplorables,” is being so violently rejected by the masses.
The alternative that Trump and his cronies, in particular the Evangelical wing of his party, offer their followers does seem increasingly like a Fascistic / Apocalyptic death cult. For those of us watching in horror from outside, it can be difficult to understand its appeal. Of course, the magnetic pull of such a dark vision is not rational. It taps into deep subconscious reservoirs of pain, frustration, anger and trauma. On the pretext of protecting individual liberty, it gives people a license to act on their racist and violent impulses. It exacerbates those latent impulses.
In the years before the Second World War, Walter Benjamin saw that people’s alienation from themselves had become so great that they were reaching a point where they could appreciate their own destruction as an “aesthetic spectacle of the first order.” Fascism is inhumane and barbaric, but at least it is theatrical and, for those caught in its thrall, fascinating.
It turns out that masses of people trapped in our technocratic society were bored, alienated, and frustrated. They were yearning for something — “regeneration through violence,” catharsis, apotheosis, the Rapture: Anything to free them from their mundane, dreary, going-nowhere lives. Participating in an Apocalyptic death cult fueled by a paranoid conspiracy mythology is more interesting, for many, than being a cog in a dreary machine, waiting for automation to take your bullshit job away from you and render you obsolete.

As I proposed in my book How Soon Is Now (2017), what we need is a truly visionary alternative. We must create and embody a new myth, an image of the future that our human family can collectively embrace. We also need to tell the story that defines a legitimate path to get us there.
That story, to me, goes something like this: Applying principles of decentralization, local decision-making, mutual aid, and direct democracy, a new type of grassroots social movement quickly gathers force to become a global power. Such a movement, spreading virally, unifies the myriad demands for freedom, justice, opportunity, equality, and ecological stewardship voiced by our human family in different ways, across political and ethnic divides. The vision of this movement supersedes the technocratic worldview of scientific materialism by proposing a radical alternative.
The new vision for reinventing and regenerating our civilization would encompass esoteric and indigenous wisdom traditions, reconnect science and mysticism, and integrate the world’s faith-based religions in a new creative synthesis. It requires, as well, a fundamental change in our economic paradigm. Rejecting consumerism and the insatiable drive for short-term gain, we establish a new system for exchanging value that supports the regeneration of our planetary ecosystems and provides every member of our human family the opportunity for a healthy, peaceful life.
In future essays, I look forward to exploring the various facets of this alternative in greater depth. If you want to be part of an informal think tank around these ideas (and propose your own), feel free to join us at our new Regenerative Futures community hub. Let’s hope that the breaking down of old structures is the necessary prelude before something truly new, and much better, emerges. Only time — and not too much more of it — will tell.
Below is a new essay, hot off the presses! If you appreciate my work, please pick up a subscription to my newsletter on Substack. I am excited to be launching a new weekly course on September 15: How to Explore Other Worlds: Cultivating Multidimensional Awareness, with Sean Esbjörn-Hargens PhD, on occult and esoteric subjects. We will be taking a deep philosophical dive into UFOs, extraterrestrials, and various forms of entity contact on psychedelics. Please join the course here. This week, you can use the code NOTSOEARLYBIRD for 25% off the ticket price. Please check out our conversation, introducing the course last week.

Absolutely brilliant. A voice able to hold multiple perspectives is so critical now. This truly is our biggest existential threat and our biggest opportunity to create the world we want to live in together.
Hi Daniel, I appreciate your analysis and sharing of these issues. I differ in that is possible to take a more neutral view of Gates. Obscenely powerful, conventional in view of technology and markets. I'm not sure there's megalomania there just not coherent in his approach. He is the outcome of 80s logic the way Bezos is the outcome of the logic of the 2010s.
When reflecting personally on the response to the current time, I become very local. If people and natural systems are behind by the rich and powerful how can I be of use in healing, facilitating their uprising. Alongside that is the desire to join with others in such work and hold a sense of collective becoming worldwide. I do think the time of counterculture is over. It is time to stop fixating in what must be dismantled and build the communities and systems that render the current one obsolete. The deepest argument we can make is to build an alternative, threaded with love and justice, integrity emanating from its heart.
When enough of such institutions, businesses, community works are enacted, the old will empty itself out.
Thanks for writing. It got me thinking.