UFOs, ETs, Psychedelic Encounters, and the Collective Unconscious
Join me for an online lecture and workshop; "Early Bird" specials
On Sunday, January 3, 3 pm EST, please join me for an exploration into secret histories of alien contact and lost knowledge from the ancient and indigenous world.
A deep dive into extraterrestrial and inter-dimensional communication.
What does it mean for our future?Â
We are at a crucial juncture in humanity's history. Our old belief systems and structures are breaking down. At this time, we must stretch our minds toward hidden potentials within the individual and collective Psyche. In this 3-hour Lecture and Workshop we will investigate suppressed knowledge that can help us survive and flourish in these challenging times.Â
Together, we will explore the hidden history of contact between humanity and various extraterrestrial as well as "inter dimensional" species. While governments may never make official Disclosure, unofficial admissals are increasing. Recently, the former head of Israel's Space Program said that the US and Israeli governments communicate directly with what he called a "galactic federation" of extraterrestrials. There is good evidence that the US military has been trying to reverse-engineer alien technology for decades.Â
While researching my book 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, I spent some summers exploring the crop circles, living near Stonehenge and Avebury in England, visiting the new patterns that appeared every few days. I ended up convinced that higher levels of galactic consciousness have been seeking to communicate with humanity for many decades through this often-ridiculed phenomenon. We will look at some of the patterns that appear around the world, and decode their messages. The formations offer crucial clues about what we must do together and how we can integrate the knowledge of ancient civilizations with our current technologies. They also reinforce the prophetic wisdom of cultures like the Maya and Aztec. These indigenous cultures foresaw, from thousands of years ago, that a profound metamorphosis of humanity was going to take place at this time. It is clear, now, that they were right.
 This one-off seminar features a lecture with a visual presentation about crop circles, ancient technologies, the Mayan Calendar, the Great Pyramid, and other topics. We will look at these subjects as they relate to our future. The lecture will be followed by a mediated group discussion and includes a list of resources for self-study.
Tickets are $25 but there is an Early Bird discount for those who buy tickets this week. Please use this link for $15 tickets.
Did you see Haim's book around yet, Daniel? I was looking couldn't see it. Dev
I bought a ticket, so perhaps you can scholarship someone.