Liminal Two: Day of the Dead Release
For the second issue of our new literary journal, we explore the Underworld
Hi People,
A while back, I announced the launch of a new literary journal, Liminal. The genesis of this was my writing workshop, but we feature many other contributors as well. Liminal is edited and produced by Arielle Friedman and Reivin Johnson, with very minimal oversight from me. They are doing a spectacular job!
The theme of Issue Two is the Underworld.
Below are links to a few of the 14 pieces in the issue. Please check them out. If you like the essays and the project as a whole, please pick up a paid subscription. Liminal Journal is hardly a commercial venture, but we want it to become a sustainable enterprise.
Thank you!
Death in Time
By Stacey Lynn Cook
.The timing of things. You are here at the perfect, right time. All in due time. Your time will come. It’s not your time. We’re living in the wrong time. In the nick of time. Your timing is off.  We weren’t here on time. We escaped death, this time…
Through the Door
by Valerie Smith
Eight of us sat in circle as the Crone laid out the story. We were there to contact the dead.
We were in a new age shop run by the gray-haired witch-crone now leading us. Mellow instrumental music drifted among the smell of sage, incense, and stale cigarette smoke. Eau de feline? A couple older cats slinked around the corner near the back room where an Elvis clock was ticking…
The Grasshopper
by Dory Cote
She didn't know her inside world was connected to her underworld. Until a hot wet stinky breath wakened her nose, a grunt landed in her weary ears, the railing rattled, and the underworld of her pleated skin was parted, exposing a tunnel. She didn't know her inner world was penetrable.
Big brother's hand guided her down, one step at a time, through the sweeping scent of cooked cabbage. Her translucent blue eyes fluttered in the glittering sunlight. The river's song and a gentle breeze conspired to awaken her soul…
Chain Link Fishing Net
by Puma Buck
In the grocery store a mother pushes a stroller stuffed with her screaming infant. All at once I feel an aching yearning in my chest to be the baby in the stroller. To cry and shit and scream and snot, to have my mother close by, to be held…
Super excited to have a piece in The Liminal Journal alongside these talented writers!
Awesome! Thanks for including my piece on Virtual Hells in this edition. Excited to read the rest!