Check out this essay on “systemic conspiracy” as a model for understanding the pervasiveness of conspiracy in our complex global capitalist systems. It seems likely that conspiracies are the norm rather than the exception, more like a key part of the operating system of power and control than some aberration or rare event.


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Thanks for expanding on much of my thinking, Daniel!

Now, let's create a movement to help us pass a law through Congress!

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I've created a webpage for this issue: www.rushtopower.net/action.html

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Hi Daniel,

Thank you for your recent essay. I found a lot of value in your presentation, especially your take on the issue of psychopathy/sociopathy endemic in many world leaders and corporate heads. I also really appreciate how you merged psychopathy in leadership roles in our western systems with the non-conspiratorial approach of leaders working separately towards a similar end: control/dominance, via the impulse to be destructive and cause more pain and suffering.

I'm encouraged, for humanity's sake by reading your thoughts, thoughts that offer an insightful alternative to the impulse many are falling to, down various nasty rabbit holes of conspiracy thinking.

I have some questions about your following sentence:

"While those with chronic conditions and the elderly should continue to quarantine, masks and social distancing make less and less sense for most people."

Can you clarify what you mean specifically when it comes to wearing masks and social distancing right now?

Do you mean wearing masks outdoors makes less sense?

Wearing masks indoors as well?

Wearing masks, even if for brief periods of time while say shopping at the grocery store, going to the DMV, etc.?

While I have issues with the way many health authorities internationally (and certainly here at home with the CDC's blunders and lack of courage to speak up) have handled issuing consistent health advice on how to mitigate the spread of this virus, I think it's prudent to not throw the baby out with the bath water.

I come from a medical family of 7 medical western practitioners. I personally work in the field of traditional amazonian plant medicine and my sister is an Ayurvedic and western herbalist practitioner. I share these details about my family's medical background, to offer our perspective on medicine, with an ethos built on merging medical views rather than dismissing any one branch of medicine as superior or more informed than another. In family conversations about our practices, we often take the stance that what one area of medicine lacks in focus (ie subtle energies and spirituality in western medicine) another focus of medicine can fill that gap, ie spirit medicine. We don't always agree, however, we have learned more from one another's practices and tend to agree more often than not, stemming from a focus on what would best serve a specific patient.

From my assessment over the last 5 months, based on conversations with various medical practitioners, many of them western doctors, they all agree that wearing a mask indoors and at times when we are in close proximity to others is a helpful protective measure to control the spread of the virus.

I wonder if you agree with this stance on sensible times to wear a mask to help control the spread of the virus, and if not, why not? The western medical professionals I've spoken with suggest that 'times that are not appropriate, or unnecessary to wear a mask are while inside ones own car, alone at home, out in nature away from large groups etc..

By the way, I agree with the first part of your sentence, "While those with chronic conditions and the elderly should continue to quarantine..."

I would posit that having to quarantine is a far more demanding safety measure than having to temporarily wear a mask, when appropriate. Thank you again for your essay. I've been an eager reader of your work throughout the years and always look forward to learning more from you and being challenged in my thinking as well.

Look forward to hearing more of your thoughts on this topic of mask wearing.


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Yes you are right. Wearing masks indoors in shared spaces is probably prudent. I am in Tulum Mexico right now and you mostly meet people outside where masks make less sense. I will correct that. Thank you!

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Thank you, appreciate your response-enjoy Tulum!

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Thanks for this great essay! Wondering if you have a link/citation for the CDC numbers you quote?

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Please read this... 


"the CDC's "current best estimate about viral transmission and disease severity in the United States." In that scenario, the agency described its estimate that 0.4% of people who feel sick with Covid-19 will die.

For people age 65 and older, the CDC puts that number at 1.3%. For people 49 and under, the agency estimated that 0.05% of symptomatic people will die.

However I think the essay is too cavalier about the virus and I will update.

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Thank you! That article is dated from the end of May. I am finding it challenging to source current numbers. Are you having any luck? I think shifting the tone about the virus in the essay is a good call!

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Great essay! The "Powell Memo" in 1971 lays out the blueprint for neoliberalism and the corporate takeover of all sectors of US society, as you describe. This was a direct reaction by the business class to reverse the social gains made through the activist movements of the 1960s. David Harvey gives a nice overview of the "political project" of neoliberalism here: https://www.jacobinmag.com/2016/07/david-harvey-neoliberalism-capitalism-labor-crisis-resistance/

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"Drumpf is destroying the Constitution!" says the hard-leftist who wants 'assault weapons' to be banned.

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