Sep 24, 2020Liked by Daniel Pinchbeck

Where is the the second part of this essay please ?

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Sep 24, 2020Liked by Daniel Pinchbeck

This was so long to read but I got the gist of it in the first several paragraphs... and yes, there seems to be a cabal, people ARE psychopathic, we all are involved in a dangerous unstable government that seems more powerful and unstoppable than it should be.

I think Covid-19 was a secret experiment let loose, not only to control the ever growing population but to cull the planet to keep those in power ever stronger. In what other time or generation could politics bring us to our knees in such undemocratic ways? How can so many people be brainwashed by Trumpenomics, the way they have been since 2916?

This all feels like a terrible, tragic experiment gone wrong. And WHY, when tRUMP doesn’t follow ANY safety guidelines and holds rallies indoors has HE never gotten Covid??! Traveling the country with no mask, using no precautions (that we are aware of), being in the presence of people who don’t wear masks or keep their distance...WHY has HE not contracted Covid? Luck? Or something he is using to stay well, that the government is covering up?

So much secrecy. So much that doesn’t add up. So many contradictory statements about the Covid illness. Are we just being paranoid, or is something messing with our minds?

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The people closest to Trump are tested every morning before entering the white house. Trump himself is tested every day.

All the same, Trump is playing russian roulette with hosting the big rallies, risking himself and especially the people packed in like sardines in the crowd. It's not the only russian game he likes to play.

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Great article Daniel. Thanks for this.

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Indeed. But testing everyday doesn’t keep you from getting the virus. He’s either stupid to not protect himself with vigilante mask wearing or we’re not being privy to the total truth.

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Much appreciated to read a coherent and cohesive amalgamation of all these strands of chaos. I look forward to reading the next part. Though I must also say, consciousness is so low in the USA regarding these things, I don't have hope for our future.

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