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So much good info here. One thing that I ran across in the early 2000s is that the original definition of "meme" is what you are describing. It came out of Richard Dawkins' book The Selfish Gene. I watched with great annoyance when the term was beginning to be applied to cat videos because the real definition is quite frightening. The phenomenon had been discussed quite a bit at mimetics conferences in the late 90s and those geneticists had begun to observe and write about how religion especially embodied the thought virus traits. It's like that information is gone from the dialogue now. That is the real conspiracy in my opinion--yes, wetiko, wendigo, etc.. So yes, that's the real epidemic and it's been like a slow train wreck to watch for me.

I had 2 semesters of Russian history way back in the early 90s with a wonderful professor and I recognized the pattern immediately of the Russian coup d etat immediately in the 2016 election. This is just education.

Then there are the current Nazis coming out of the woodwork, being tools. I tried to talk people that America was under threat post 2016 election. Before Q was born I was warning on FB about the brewing domestic terrorism and that it was no different from ISIL. This current event was no surprise for the FBI. I agree that the original Nazis were super into theatre! That is after all, the origin of theatre, the Eleusian mystery plays and the process of many modern and postmodern pagan religions, like the Order of the Golden Dawn.

The trend of terrorism rising correlative to the addiction to "the screen" was predicted by Beaudrillard, who incidentally was the inspiration for the Matrix. (I say this because one of his books is the book that Neo pulls off the shelf that is his hiding place for the hacked code at the beginning of the first film.)

Magickal practices: I tried to tell people about the super creepy Kek phenomenon that emerged on 4chan initially. It indicated the influence of the dangerous new practice of Chaos Magick and the power of the internet as channel and a tool for the exploitation of symbols and archetype to manipulate and constellate power. As to the theatre macabre of what was going on on Jeffrey Epstein's island, I don't think we have to view that as unverified conspiracy stuff now.

I observe, as you have, that there are several common facets and traits to the conspiranoia phenomenon. I have studied and drilled deep into the culture, and my own psyche, and am just now really feeling the pieces coming together in the context of my own journey in the labyrinth at age 58.

Here are a few more related points to mention:

People are immensely disconnected internally and from each other as they experience the hyperreal of the screen more and more. Terrorism pulls people back to "the real" from the hyperreal, which they are addicted to but subconsciously know is not "real." The disconnect from the Universe/Cosmos, Nature and Soul in the predominant story of the West results in devolution towards extremes of polarization and the Wasteland. This begins much earlier than most people realize in our trajectory as a species. Probably pre-Hellenic from what I am finding in my research. ( This is my current project.)

The devolution creates a nihilistic drive and a urobouric path back to what is essential for survival. The loss of or diversion from frontal lobe connections over-activates the primitive survival mode that "sees" and thus recreates its world (as we are always creating). However, it attempts to recreate a world sans the connectivity to the cosmos/universe that we see expressed in paleo and neolithic art. It creates a world of suffering and sacrifice, which the pagan world that we know of perhaps had already devolved into. We barely have glimpses of our true past, of our deep ancestors' world view and their holism. We do surmise from the archeological record that a shift happened on a global scale around 40000 years ago with the symbolic art. The beauty of it is that these are our ancestors and we carry them with us. We can be connected and whole so there is hope for recovery of the Wasteland that we have created. We have to retrieve our real story and our real lives beyond our personas and belief in the false narratives of the cosmic story as a great war that never ends. I believe this narrative began with the Crusades as a branch of the Good/Evil polarity that had already been cultivated and nurtured by BOTH the medieval Church AND Islam. Our world is the result of that story because we are expressing the creative energy of the Big Bang EVERY DAY. We have to understand that our stories matter.

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