As a wise philosopher once said "Today, a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration – that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There's no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we're the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the weather."

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I love that guy! Bill Hicks, right? Truly a wise philosopher!

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Thanks, this sums up what is feeling like momentous phase that humanity is entering. The dialectic doesn’t work, it only enforced the remove from our spiritual nature and consciousness that under pins us as humans. The loss of grounding in this will cause very hard times for us. Some of us are awake but the majority aren’t and their reality will create a reality that is hard to ignore. There is hope though as governments try to control us more to unravel the narrative. Here in New Zealand it is shocking how quickly liberties were curtailed and divisiveness between people for or against those controls took hold. Finding like minded people is a start and holding together a place for the next steps is crucial. We are trying to do that. Thanks again

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Thanks, Daniel. Your best yet. Very clearly put.

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Excellent summary. But the liberal progressive secular materialist humanists don't need "another breakthrough." All of their previous "breakthroughs" have been wrong! (Or at least more wrong than right.) Guenon saw that with terrifying clarity.

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‘climate change / co2’ is just another ‘narrative’ to create fear, shame & acceptance in the populace of elite prescriptions as defined in UN Agenda 2030, and as a cover for the real perpetrators, those laying the groundwork for their trans humanist meta verse, Agenda 2030.

the real, irreparable environmental damage has been caused by these preparations for Agenda 2030 including 5G electromagnetic pollution, charged particulate pollutants as well as direct manipulation of natural DNA through genetic modifications humans (covid/vax), plants & animals... this is complete destruction of our natural world and an absolute crime against humanity. God is furious.

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hi kitten, I am sorry but I deeply disagree with you. There are really are thousands of scientists who all agree that this is happening and the evidence is overwhelming. The fossil fuel companies have spent billions on many forms of disinformation, and I really think you should consider if you might have fallen prey to a distorted narrative. The contribution of industral CO2 to a warming climate is very well understood.

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but both can be right, no? the science of climate change can be (and I believe is) 'real' and (more or less) 'accurate'. AND at the same time, that narrative can be (and I believe is) being wielded and manipulated by ppl in power to enact their own agenda for the future, through such means as Kitten mentions, fear, shame etc.

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mejbcart’s Newsletter Substack is an extremely interesting / alarming analysis as to what is actually going on... the population is deliberately being lied to, blamed & shamed as the environment is laid to waste by those in power.

i wish it weren’t true.

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thank you for welcoming dissenting viewpoints... very refreshing... meow!

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Definitely with you! Thank you for the clarification and deepening understanding. Phew....

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Thanks for this essay, Daniel!

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Quote here: The Indian, in his simple philosophy, was careful to avoid a centralized population, wherein lies civilization’s devil. He would not be forced to accept materialism as the basic principle of his life, but preferred to reduce existence to its simplest terms. His roving out-of-door life was more precarious, no doubt, than life reduced to a system, a mechanical routine; yet in his view it was and is infinitely happier. To be sure, this philosophy of his had its disadvantages and obvious defects, yet it was reasonably consistent with itself, which is more than can be said for our modern civilization. He knew that virtue is essential to the maintenance of physical excellence, and that strength, in the sense of endurance and vitality, underlies all genuine beauty. He was as a rule prepared to volunteer his services at any time in behalf of his fellows, at any cost of inconvenience and real hardship, and thus to grow in personality and soul-culture. Generous to the last mouthful of food, fearless of hunger, suffering, and death, he was surely something of a hero. Not ‘to have,’ but ‘to be,’ was his national motto. –Charles Alexander Eastman

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great quote Franklin!

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Hi Daniel, I've followed your work for a while and always enjoy your writing, even if I sometimes find it quite challenging.

One thing that troubles me in this post is your uncritical reference to Rene Guenon and Traditionalism. Surely it's well known by this point that Traditionalism is a proto-fascist Ideology? The idea of the 'Kali Yuga' has been enthusiastically embraced by the far right, and one of its most prominent advocates is Alexander Dugin, arguably the intellectual architect of the current war in Ukraine. I'm quite surprised by the fact that you wouldn't at least mention this when exploring these ideas.

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Hi Adam, Of course I am well aware that Guenon is embraced by the Far Right. I find Guenon and Julius Evola to be fascinating characters. Their vision of "government" is closer to a kind of occult order ruled by the most powerful magician - it doesn't have much to do with what they consider as modern governments in the Kali Yuga. BTW I have written about them a lot and generally do mention that they are claimed by the Far Right. Just didn't do it this time!

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i totally agree with you, thank you for your work

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I enjoy and agree with a lot of what you write, and I definitely lean towards idealism as of the last couple years (thanks Mr. Kastrup). But I'm definitely not convinced about the psi stuff. What do you think is the most persuasive argument/evidence for the reality of psi that might convince a lifelong skeptic/atheist/Dawkins fan?

That said, I have had at least one "anomalous" experience that's extremely difficult to discount as coincidence, although I did discount it for decades. As of late, I'm taking it much more seriously...

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hi ryan, I must admit I don't really understand how you can at once 'definitely lean towards idealism', (so the idea that consciousness is the fundamental stuff of the universe, rather than matter, just paraphrasing the definition provided here by DP), yet also doubt psi. What do we *know* scientifically about consciousness? Surely you would agree that what we know about it, at this point in our scientific development, must be dwarfed by what we don't know about it? As such, that vast realm of 'unknown' about the fundamental/s of reality (i.e. consciousness) leaves pleeenty of room for all kinds of phenomena like psi etc. That is how I see it.

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