Hi Daniel, thank you again for this piece. The Amazon is already at the tipping point and will die back over the next decades unless we as a species intervene, protecting and regenerating the areas that have been denuded by our exploitative economic system, disconnected from the intelligence of nature that has given birth to all of us and has protected us with every breath we take. While we need to decarbonize the global economy, shrink our oversized footprint, in a sense the key battle is about the Amazon. It is not only about it being the hearts and lungs of the planet, about its biodiversity and the great science the many indigenous tribes are trying to hold on to. It is about the last vestige of nature calling out to us to protect her and unite with her and trust that we will find the answers if we allow ourselves again to be reconnected to the intelligence, the consciousness of nature that we are but a part of. We have a, rapidly closing, window of opportunity to turn things around in the direction of an ecological civilization, emerging from an elevated, reconnected human consciousness, a global brain if you will. I have written the contours of a plan of how the world can come together, mourn, go through its catharsis of grieving over the genocides and ecocides that are at the root of our current chaos. Healing the wounds with our ancestors present, mourning our destructive journey, will create the space for the metamorphosis, the jump in consciousness, the waking up from our mass psychosis, from wetiko. The permaculture garden that large parts of the Amazon were for centuries or even millennia, enriching nature by cultures deeply entwined with the consciousness of nature, can be restored and can restore our sanity, deliver us from the greed and disconnection and restore trust, safety as we are part of a cycle that involves all of us and all of our ancestors in a story of discovery through the eons. Of course real things need to happen at an enormous scale ''outside'', but it is our change in consciousness that will be the real trigger. It can travel fast, like a virus. Will we make it happen? Time is running out for sure. While the waking up is happening, the race is on between irreversible damage to the web of life, retreating and no longer able to sustain us and this awakening. Maybe something in between will happen. Will we create islands of sanity and self sustaining communities based on sharing, caring and connecting to the larger consciousness? We are indeed living in interesting times.

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Hi Rob, please send me your plan... Daniel.pinchbeck@gmail.com

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Hi Daniel, thank you. Will do!

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Hi Daniel, thank you for this piece, it touches me very deeply. I am from France and as a family with 4 children we moved to the US. I was 43 and I discovered Alberto Villoldo and became a shamanic practitioner. I practice over the phone for free by words of mouth and after these 9 years of practice my goal is to help people to shift their awareness towards nature ( we are nature I know but being the opposite of someone like a guru or an idea) and to give them the tools to navigate in this chaotic world with power mimicking the natural world. As a mom and a Montessori teacher by training, I know that everything starts between -9 months to around 6 years old. If we work on the new generation we can make it! That should be our role as parents, educators, law makers, politicians etc... If at least we teach them spirituality, permaculture, meditation and a body practice we can change the world rapidly. The only thing is that children learn mostly by example so our task is huge and it doesn’t seem that many adults are ready for it because they are very lost and all about their own survival. I like the idea of Charles Eisenstein to choose now to write a story to tell something instead of essays and books that are indigestible for many. We’ll see...but again thank for what you’re doing. In Munay

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Hi Sophie, Thanks for your comments. Good points!

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