Given the comments on Facebook about this essay, it is clear that those who think you are "off the rails" on this subject have not read the entire piece. Nor have they been following the "alternate" trajectory regarding the pandemic... that is, the alleged "conspiratorial misinformation" that has caused the entire world to enact digital passports and vaccine mandates all at the same time, using the same dialogue, same numbers, same news stories, and same outcomes. How remarkable for a non-cabal, not conspiracy, not psy-op, not anything other than what-it-is situation to take place, right in front of everyone's eyes.

In my personal circumstance since the beginning, I have cautiously tread on both sides of the fence. My past engagements with people deep inside the UFO and intelligence communities have taught me well. People are easily confused and misled with agency tactics. The doers are very good at what they do. Unfortunately the very term/meme of "conspiracy" has been overused to the point that it should probably be left out of the discussion.

I'm well removed from my previous lifestyle. On this small island of 10,000 people, and a Province that proudly touts one of the lowest case counts/highest vax numbers on the planet, it has been fascinating to observe the events of the past two years.

I've always had issues with allopathic medicine and pharmaceuticals. Doesn't work for me. So just starting with that, I wasn't happy to hear about pending vaccines as the answer. But if people wanted them, that was okay. There's lots of ways to handle coronavirus illness, and I gravitated to the alternatives early on. I coach a group of runners, so immediately followed the rules and health orders to help everyone stay safe. I'm all for behaving as so many Canadians do...wanting to do "what's best."

As the first month went by and "two weeks to flatten the curve" was not working, there were a few clues that this was a situation that was going to be used to reshape humanity. It helped to have some insights as to how this was about to occur. Someone posted a video with two fellows talking about the Lock Step Scenario. I found the original document and sent it to some people I respected as well educated and also connected to covert/government ops. To my surprise, they dismissed it as "just a scenario." (This is the 2010 document by the Rockefeller Foundation/Global Business Network titled; Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development)

I recalled a paper in my files from the days that I was emerged in the world of UFOs. I only mention this because of the recent interest in mass media concurrent with the US Government's release of decades worth of documents on the subject. This paper is titled "MJ-12: The Technocratic Thread" by Paul Collins & Phillip D. Collins, November 18, 2006. In this paper, they explore the mysterious documents that supposedly surfaced in 1984. While much debate and skepticism have circulated regarding the documents, the Collins team suggest that the underlying theme of the MJ-12 documents is inherently technocratic, literally defining a Technocratic Society. They say, "the papers present a shadowy group of policy professionals allegedly established by a secret executive order of President Truman on September 24, 1947."

On page 1 of the 20 page commentary, they write:

"Technocracy can be defined as follows:

Technocracy, in classical political terms, refers to a system of governance in which technically trained experts rule by virtue of their specialized knowledge and position in dominant political and economic institutions (Fischer 17)

Oxford Professor Carroll Quigley also wrote about a dictatorship of 'experts' suggesting that a cognitive elite 'will replace the democratic voter in control of the political system' (Quigley 866). Of just such a democracy of 'experts,' H.G. Wells stated:

The world's political organization will be democratic, that is to say, the government and direction of affairs will be in immediate touch with and responsive to the general thought of the educated whole population. (26)"


It is possible to extract oneself from the wilder ideas about the pandemic and find middle ground between the sensationalized and that which has been covered up, or simply not conveyed to the public. Some exceptional doctors and scientists (the real science - not that which has been marketed by media/pharma collusion) have been silenced, and outright ostracized.

Anger, anxiety, and depression are at all time highs. Back on this little island, it is the pocket of the newly-organized un-vaxxed who seem to be the easiest to talk to and at least have a good laugh with in good company. Many others are now caught up in the digital-passport entry to events (including running races), restaurants, etc. I think a lot are unaware of what is coming, as they have not followed the other side, such as the situation in Israel where a third shot is now required to maintain v-status. The CBC and all smaller news affiliates in Canada have done an exceptional job of keeping everything but the government's (well-funded) messages front and center. However, the case counts among the un-vaccinated are rising. I personally know of two people with teenagers who ended up in ER after the vax, and other stories are emerging, albeit slowly and carefully, as we have seen what happens to those who complain and try to tell the public what has happened.

In all, I agree that there is much more to this pandemic than we initially thought. If nothing else, considerable damage has been done to the fabric of society on multiple levels. I hope that sensible debate and critical thinking will prevail. And I hope that anybody who had a hand in deliberately perpetuating a crisis that has turned out to be an epic crime against humanity is called to task. Let the retractions begin.

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...and I meant to add, "case counts among the fully vaccinated are rising as well." In some countries the numbers are higher than the un-vaccinated. And, who knows just how accurate any of this really is. In Alberta recently, a teenager died of brain cancer but was diagnosed with COVID a few days before his death. So he was counted as a COVID death. The Health Minister for Alberta publicly apologized.

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Oct 26, 2021
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Hello virtual neighbour! Yes, on an island well known for its diverse viewpoints, it has been surprising to me how little discourse has occurred on both sides of the dialogue throughout the pandemic. It has leaned very much in one direction, but I understand why. I shall remain diplomatic and optimistic that this will sort itself out in due time, with the least amount of harm to anyone.

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Hi Susan, First of all - I really appreciated reading your comment here. Oddly enough, I am also based on SS!! As someone who now feels separated from friends and family, for simply having a few burning questions that continue to be unanswered - I'm definitely feeling isolated here...so it was reassuring to read your thoughts and realize that I'm not alone in my thinking. I'm not sure if you will read this, but I wanted to ask if you might point me toward a resource that I could follow in regard to the updated science around covid, etc?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us!

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Hi Anne - thank you! Wow, how interesting that out of all the readers of this newsletter, four of us are Gulf Islanders. Probably even more! I've been taking Daniel's writing workshops since August, which have been amazing. Glad he has so many fans in this region, although I'm not surprised given the intellect and creative, critical thinkers that seem to gravitate here. At least, for the most part, that's how I've always pictured this area. Now, I'm not so sure as so many of us are segregated from those whom we thought fit the "critical thinker" profile. A lot of people just got scared, and now they're anxious, perhaps on their way to angry as more information emerges. I've heard some very sad stories just among the locals.

If you haven't already, please join the new online group (separate from FB and on private servers): SSITribe.com. All the island's like-minded are signing on. A popular local spot for those who want to meet in person is El Loco Taco (also on the same page), along with Beachside. No passports required. Plus, Trish and Gord will be playing music on Saturdays at El Loco Taco, starting at 4:30 p.m.

As for resources, my two heroes in this bizarre battle for humanity are Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche. They are the two who seem most immune to the horrendous media/tech censorship, although Geert's pieces are getting buried. Essentially, he was correct back in March 2020 when he stated that vaccinating a generally healthy public in the middle of an active pandemic without a "kill" shot would force the hotter variants to emerge. Given the mess the planet is in right now, it is apparent his warnings should have been given some attention. The "big plan" would have gone awry though. That's so obvious now.

I have a friend in Arizona (I used to live there) who is the Legal Manager for America's Frontline Doctors. She hears the tragic stories of those harmed by the shots all day, every day. She works with Dr. McCullough on formal Declarations, which are statements that will hold up in court. Of course, if you do an online search of AFLD, they are painting as a radical right-wing group spreading misinformation. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Here is some information about Dr. McCullough. He's been appearing on TV and podcasts, so you can probably search on Rumble.com for some of those.

"Dr. McCullough is recognized internationally as a leading figure in the study of chronic kidney disease as a cardiovascular risk state, having over 1,000 publications to his name and over 500 citations in the National Library of Medicine.³ He is also a founder of the Cardio Renal Society of America, which is a group that dedicates itself to bringing cardiologists and nephrologists together to work on the increasing global issue of cardiorenal syndromes. He is the Co-Editor of Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine and is also currently serving as the Chair of the National Kidney Foundation's Kidney Early Evaluation Program (KEEP), the largest community screening effort for chronic diseases in America.⁴

Dr. McCullough received the International Vicenza Award for Critical Care Nephrology for his outstanding work and contribution in the area of cardiorenal syndromes. He has also been a recipient of the Simon Dack Award from the American College of Cardiology, and his works have appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine, Journal of the American Medical Association, and other prestigious journals worldwide. He has been an invited lecturer at the New York Academy of Sciences, the National Institutes of Health, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the European Medicines Agency, and the U.S. Congressional Oversight Panel.⁵"

You can also find his at-home early treatment protocol for COVID on the website of American Association for Physicians and Surgeons. Remember how the media kept saying "stay home" if you're sick? But nobody, including doctors, have offered any treatment or care options for what to do if you're in that situation. Dr. McCullough has that information:


From Dr. Vanden Bossche:

Geert Vanden Bossche, DMV, PhD, independent virologist and vaccine expert, formerly employed at

GAVI and The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

To all authorities, scientists and experts around the world, to whom this concerns: the entire world


I am all but an antivaxxer. As a scientist I do not usually appeal to any platform of this kind to make a

stand on vaccine-related topics. As a dedicated virologist and vaccine expert I only make an exception

when health authorities allow vaccines to be administered in ways that threaten public health, most

certainly when scientific evidence is being ignored. The present extremely critical situation forces me to

spread this emergency call. As the unprecedented extent of human intervention in the Covid-19-

pandemic is now at risk of resulting in a global catastrophe without equal, this call cannot sound loudly

and strongly enough.

As stated, I am not against vaccination. On the contrary, I can assure you that each of the current

vaccines have been designed, developed and manufactured by brilliant and competent scientists.

However, this type of prophylactic vaccines are completely inappropriate, and even highly dangerous,

when used in mass vaccination campaigns during a viral pandemic. Vaccinologists, scientists and

clinicians are blinded by the positive short-term effects in individual patents, but don’t seem to bother

about the disastrous consequences for global health. Unless I am scientifically proven wrong, it is difficult

to understand how current human interventions will prevent circulating variants from turning into a wild monster.

Racing against the clock, I am completing my scientific manuscript, the publication of which is,

unfortunately, likely to come too late given the ever increasing threat from rapidly spreading, highly infectious variants.


And for sheer brilliance and comic relief (which I believe we all need at this time) I highly recommend subscribing to Russell Brand's YouTube Channel. Here's the link to his latest video which was posted earlier today. Pretty much covers all we need to know to understand how this has all been controlled:


Hope you find this useful Anne! Cheers... and perhaps we'll meet up one of these days :)

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Hi Susan! Wow, thanks so much for all of this....extremely helpful :) Especially the early treatment protocol. Unfortunately there are some medicines on the list that are very hard to access here in Canada, and my Doctor here on SS is highly resistant to speaking about it. I only hope that a list of MDs in Canada who are open to these treatments will become available at some point...because at present, my only option to getting medicines like IVM is through a friend in the states (which I'm still unsure about how to get it up here safely!). Anyways....thanks again for your wonderful reply, and I'm sure we'll cross paths sooner or later!

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Hi again Anne,

You're very welcome. Health Canada can definitely be a bit of a bear. As we know, doctors are under threat of disciplinary action for countering the official narrative too. I'm sure you are aware of what happened to Dr. Charles Hoffe, the Lytton MD who questioned Dr. Henry when many of his First Nations patients became severely ill after receiving the vax. Then his entire town (and office) burned to the ground.


B.C. College of Physicians and Surgeons has him under investigation for "spreading COVID misinformation."

If you join SSI Tribe I would pose the question about obtaining IVM here. Somebody must know. I went through the posts and haven't seen anything on the subject so far.

A lot of doctors also feel that COVID went through this population in Dec '19/Jan '20 before it was identified as such. My partner likely had it. He was sicker than he'd ever been for over a month, as were many people at that time. There was a family who went to Wuhan over Christmas and returned after the holidays. They have kids in the schools here too. Because everyone congregates near to each other at some point or another...coffee shops, pool, school activities, grocery store, etc., it spread like wildfire. We probably had a good deal of herd immunity before it got to many other places.

What I used (and have used for years) to fight it off were my combined natural meds of nasal and throat sprays. I've managed to stay well and take a miss on colds & flu for a long time. They know for sure that COVID first shows up in nasal passages, but it can be stopped there. UBC developed a highly effect nasal spray called SaNOtize. https://sanotize.com/news-listings/

It uses nitric oxide and quickly kills all forms of the virus. You can buy it online now, but it's costly (about $80). Israel and India have used it with great success. It's out of trial phase and should be on the open market. I guess they don't want the competition with the vaxxes though.

I found another new product that works great, and I use it daily. It's called XLear, https://xlear.com/

a nasal spray that has grapeseed extract and xylitol. Hard to find around here, but if Natureworks doesn't have it, order through iHerb or Well.ca. The other product is TheraZinc, a highly effective throat spray. Anytime my throat feels dry, I use it. Natureworks has good stock right now.


Interesting note about IVM... I have been a pro in the horse world for decades and it was always my go-to dewormer! What people don't realize is that a lot of medicines and therapies that are now commonly used for humans first had their origins in the veterinary world, particularly equine.

Take good care! We have lots of like-minded folks on SSI :)

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Hi Susan, Again...thankyou so much for your in depth and informative reply, much of this I wasn't aware of! I will definitely join the SS group and take a look there...so grateful that I live on an island of openminded people and not somewhere else at the moment :) Take care, and sending appreciation!

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I couldn't love this comment any more. I think I enjoyed it just as much as the article itself. Sometimes it's so helpful to hear the logical explanation of why what's happening right now is so insane echoed back to you in a grounded way. The collective gaslighting is intense right now. My fam and I left Gabriola a year ago which I imagine was much like SSI in terms of the majority opinion on what's actually going on. I hope you get to run with your community again soon and the first wave of this madness subsides even for a little bit. In the meantime, shopping for boats to get the F out of Canada is a fun pass time 😅

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Thank you Chantelle. There's a lot of new books on the market that are bringing the truth to more people. I'm concerned that the information will create even more anger and confusion, but hope that the light will emerge at the end of the tunnel. Gabriola, even though much smaller than SSI, is definitely similar. Actually, every SGI held a "community vax day" with the exception of Salt Spring. Hence, we still have the lowest vaccine rate out of the islands. The others are over 90%.

But if you turn off CBC and look around, the hospitals are (and have been) quiet, nobody we know is sick (somehow even the group of homeless folks survived), and with the tourists now absent, everything is looking like it usually does in the fall, save for the mask-wearing. Woodstoves are being prepped, people have their burn-piles ready, the Tuesday farmer's market is awesome, and the windstorms are shaking things up. Live-aboards in the harbour, empty beaches, and long quiet runs along the ocean front. The running group has shrunk, but they'll still be there too. We stay somewhat connected. I've focused on racewalking lately anyway, so I have a good excuse for going solo.

Our sailboat is dry-docked for the winter, but heck yeah. We'll be back on the moorage in Vesuvius Bay in the spring and if this has not come to a sensible end by then we'll just point that bow to the WSW and aim for Sansum Narrows... where a visiting Tibetan monk claimed there is a portal. Might have to disappear into another dimension ;)

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This is an important topic. We need to consider motive as you point out: I like the idea of distinguishing "soft" vs "hard" conspiracy. Similarly, I think we should distinguish "scientific arrogance" from "scientific humility." I would argue the first is driving current pandemic policies, but what we need is the latter to find a sustainable balance of humans within nature.

A strong case can be made that both the covid pandemic and the climate crisis derive from the same root cause: humanity refuses to humbly consider how to find a sustainable balance with the rest of nature. Out of fear and arrogance we engage in damaging control fantasies that have terrible (and predictable) "side effects". We need to accept the limits to our growth and to adapt or we will face colony collapse: either through climate disruption, disease, etc.

Science is always guided by values: we need to be clear which values are driving current efforts. Science is not value free, nor is policy determined by scientific specialists or technocrats. Science is at its root empiricism and democratic sensemaking through the inter-subjective comparing of our lived experience also counts as science. Science funded by wealthy donors is not the only kind of science, and of course the wealthy are the biggest and most reckless control freaks on the planet. I vote for humble, democratic empiricism to ensure the future of humanity. Plus maybe talking to the virus directly. ;)

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“ ecological holocaust on the planet which will cause massive droughts, famines, and flooding in the next decades”. No we have not. Massive extinction yes, destruction of ecosystems yes, but all those weather effects you mention are just normal part of cycles and little to do with our actions. Our problem is POLLUTION and not CLIMATE. Please! Get this thing in your heads already!! Those part of the “conspiracy around Covid” you mention are exactly those that control the “climate disaster” narrative. It’s ridiculous to debunk one and believe the other. Both are part of the same plan.

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Hache, I disagree with you. The science here is very clear and is not distorted by special interests. We put 3 billion metric tons of CO2 into the atmosphere annually. This increase in CO2 leads to increased trapping of heat, also moisture, creating a wetter system with a higher level of energy which gets discharged chaotically via super storms etc. In fact the global corporate interests have been avoiding this area for decades because it goes against the program. Now they are seeking to do something but it is too late and the logic of expansion, exploitation is too entrenched.

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Daniel, my brother, I’ve heard the argument many times, but it doesn’t make it right.

We should move away from fossil fuels towards clean nuclear (thorium for example) for other reasons that are not CO2. We are coming out of a glacial age, weather is not climate and nowhere in the data we see a worsening of storms or “natural disasters”. Virus gonna virus, weather gonna weather…

Global corporate interests only care about money and specially power and control. They give three fucks about the environment. They are using the CO2 BS because it’s easy to quantify and to use for control unlike water or air pollution.

Please try to find the climate effects in these graphs https://ibb.co/rbbrpTb

They aren’t seeking to do anything but finding ways to exploit you even more while making you think they care about anything.

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CO2 + H20 = the stuff of which plants are made. CO2 is not the problem and the planet can handle that gas all day long. Like our friend Hache says below, accurately, we are in a GLACIAL age currently. The planet has historically been MUCH hotter than it is currently. There were periods when there was ZERO ice at the poles and the presence of the petrified Dawn Redwood forests on Axel Heiberg Island in the Canadian Arctic Archepelago is proof of this. I've seen them with my own eyes, seen the fossilized leaves in the stones there. But don't believe me, here is a rational explanation of climate and CO2 from one of the founders of Greenpeace - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2dHAs6T8X0&t=10s

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Well said Daniel, good that you've taken the time to look deeper.

Considering the way in which "climate change" has been promoted for decades until it's become orthodoxy and taught in schools to traumatise children, (poor Greta,) I'm distrustful of that as well. Orthodoxies that refuse to debate and heap scorn on detractors are suspect...thanks for the essay

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see my comment above. Climate change seems irrefutable to me. We put 3 billion Plus metric tons into the atmosphere every year. This leads to heat and moisture getting trapped in the atmosphere. In fact, the financial and corporate elite have failed to address this in time.

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No poor Greta… she’s part of the plan. Granddaughter of Arrhenius, famous eugenist. She’s a tool.

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Yes, all hands on deck. We need to find a way to get to the 40% of people .. through the muck and mire the conspiracy sector has laid in path. Lee Rockwell article “Why Smart People are Stupid” has some incredible insights on the levels of psychological discombobulation involved and the monumental task at hand. It’s time to turn the beat around- yesterday. My friends at NoNewNormal.com are full of many ideas and are trying to figure out how to do the most good. We all need to join like minds and inspire humanity. People aware and concerned, just might be the divine intervention Dr. Zalinko (sp) said was needed.. to shut down the Blackrock/Vanguard/ WEF .. express train to hook us all up to the computer. (Can’t not.. think of that Superman 3 scene. Each and every time). .. you know, Richard Pryor was there? Well.. let’s save the world!

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