Cognitive Capitalism, Radical Unlearning, and the Paranormal
When the center and the periphery switch places
As we prepare for our upcoming seminar, The Future of Consciousness, I want to keep introducing the amazing presenters joining us over the six-week span of the course (August 25 - September 29).
We witness our world disintegrating around us due, in large part, to a collective lack of consciousness. We find ourselves collectively imprisoned in obsolete ideologies, systems and structures. Increasingly, we realize there is no known antidote. Certainly not within the old religious structures (although some are returning to traditional faith out of desperation), or by continuing our blind belief in technological materialism, or by holding onto the obsolete liberal worldview.
In this time of extreme polarizations and growing anxieties, is another opportunity — a new paradigm — beckoning? Are there hidden possibilities within consciousness itself that might lead to a spontaneous emergence or an evolutionary mutation into a new way of being? Could it be that the mounting pressures caused by our derelict system are actually like the necessary contractions of the birth process, forcing the embryonic new thing further down the birth canal, eventually out into the bright light of day?
What we explore in this seminar is the possibility of a radical shift — an overturning of the underlying paradigm — as profound as the Copernican/Darwinian/Cartesian revolutions several hundred years ago which launched modern culture. Our industrial or postindustrial civilization continues to be dominated by the materialist, empiricist worldview formed at that time. Today we see the limits of that worldview in the devastating impacts it has unleashed on the planet. We have new tools to interrogate it rationally and scientifically — to move beyond it.
We are on the cusp of establishing a transformational paradigm, an alternative ontology, in a way that wasn’t possible until now. This new paradigm weaves together science and mysticism, spirit and matter. It reveals the imagination as a transpersonal creative force able to reawaken dormant powers of the Psyche, at a time of universal need.
The Future of Consciousness Seminar can help you — all of us — anchor this new, post-materialist paradigm. We as develop the new tools and rhetorical structures to understand and speak about it, we support its manifestation.
We offer reduced price scholarships for those in financial need: Just message me (Daniel.pinchbeck@gmail.com) about your situation.
Warren Neidich
Warren Neidich is an American artist and theorist working at the convergence of art, neuroscience, and political theory. Born in New York City, Neidich's multifaceted career includes photography, installation, and theoretical writing. He wrote A Glossary of Cognitive Activism, which has evolved through various editions (now in its fourth), reflecting changes in societal discourse and technological advancements.
Neidich uses the term "Cognitive capitalism" to describe how cognitive processes are exploited and commodified in contemporary society: “Cognitive capitalism is about the way in which immaterial labor and cognitive labor are taking precedence over physical labor,” he writes. Neidich emphasizes the role of the brain as a site of production where knowledge and creativity are harnessed for economic gain. Cognitive capitalism encompasses the precarious nature of modern labor, our relentless work culture, and the commodification of time and the imagination.
Neidich's theoretical framework incorporates aspects of neuroaesthetics, examining how art affects and is affected by the neural mechanisms of the brain. He call his practice “Activist Neuroaesthetics,” which “concerns the brain as a becoming-rhizomatic-entangled intracranial-extracranial complex in deep time.” His background in both art and science enables him to explore complex concepts in innovative ways. His projects often involve participatory elements, challenging traditional boundaries between the artist and the audience. Past works include "Pizzagate" and "Scoring the Tweets," which utilize political and social media content to critique contemporary culture.
Ashanti Kunene
“The act of unlearning is a radical act of self-love and resistance.”
Ashanti Kunene is a prominent South African writer, speaker, and activist who specializes in decolonial dialogue and transformative justice. With an academic background in psychology and African studies, Kunene has dedicated her career to exploring the intersections of race, gender, and the dismantling of systemic oppression.
Kunene's work is deeply rooted in the principles of feminism and decolonial praxis. She has been actively involved in movements such as #FeesMustFall, which sought to address the financial barriers to education in South Africa. Through her consultancy, Learning 2 Unlearn, she focuses on facilitating leadership coherence and fostering critical conversations around decolonization and social justice. She has worked on projects designed to create space for meaningful dialogue and narrative change with both the Institute for Justice and Reconciliation and Culture Hack Labs.
In this podcast interview she defines one’s “calling” as that which keeps coming back to you, whether you like it or not. She feels called to serve the process of dismantling patriarchy, having seen at first hand the damage it has done to her own family. “Decolonial love requires us to move beyond the violence and discrimination that have polluted our relationships and reconnect to an understanding of all life as self.” Ashanti brings a politically radical yet empathetic and spiritual perspective to our exploration of the future of consciousness.
Dean Radin
“The universe looks less like a big machine than a big thought.”
Dean Radin is Chief Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) and Associated Distinguished Professor at the California Institute of Integral Studies. He has a master's degree in electrical engineering and a Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. With a career spanning over three decades, Radin has extensively researched parapsychology, particularly focusing on the interactions between consciousness and physical systems.
Radin’s books include The Conscious Universe, Supernormal, and Entangled Minds, exploring the scientific basis for psychic phenomena and the transpersonal nature of consciousness. His research has been published in peer-reviewed journals across various disciplines, and he has conducted notable experiments in telepathy, clairvoyance, and psychokinesis, contributing significantly to the field of parapsychology. He worked on the Global Consciousness Project with Princeton University, setting up random number generators around the planet, revealing significant statistical deviations at the time of major world events.
One of Radin's well-known experiments involves the double-slit optical system, where he tested the hypothesis that human intention can affect the behavior of photons. The results suggested that focused mental attention does indeed alter the interference pattern of light, indicating interactivity between mind and matter. This experiment has been a subject of both acclaim and scrutiny, pushing the boundaries of conventional scientific understanding.
Radin's work has not only earned him respect in academic circles but also widespread public interest. He has delivered over 600 talks and presentations at prestigious institutions like Harvard, Stanford, and Cambridge, as well as for major corporations and governmental organizations. His contributions continue to inspire and challenge the scientific community, inviting a deeper inquiry into the mysteries of human consciousness and its potential impacts on the physical world.
Radin discussed his scientifically grounded view on magic in an interview with Aubrey Marcus:
A lot of scientists would say traditional esoteric magic cannot exist because, from theirperspective, you are literally your brain. You are your physical brain, and that's the end of the story. There's nothing else. From an esoteric perspective, or a philosophical perspective called Idealism, the entire universe is made up of consciousness, not matter. That's the esoteric position: The world is ultimately made out of consciousness. From that perspective, it becomes easier to understand why magical practices would work. Everything having to do with the mind is now primary over the physical world.
Radin integrates rigorous scientific methodology with an open-minded approach to phenomena often dismissed by mainstream science. This makes his work both controversial and pioneering.
Your certainty that traditional religion won't offer any viable solutions seems like a bad start when searching for solutions. When the center becomes the periphery and the periphery can't hold as the center, wouldn't it make sense that the center would reassert itself as the center, perhaps transformed in some way from the going through this cycle? Or perhaps we will be transformed by knowing what its like to lose our center. Might want to keep your search open if you are are sincere, which I take you to be...