Definitely have had these same thoughts regarding Operation Paperclip, leading to the wondering if it was a or a collaboration with these eugenicist practices. I got a lot out of the framing of Gurdjieff's idea of the 'Law of Octaves' to the present situation, in which he pointed out the solution for continuing in the direction we headed in after 9-11, that some perfectly timed and intentional "shocks from the outside". Thank you for speaking it, Daniel.

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Hi Daniel, maybe do a little more research into Steiner. I learned biodynamic farming and Waldorf education and studied him for years. Unfortunately, Mr. Steiner was a total racist. He believed that darker skinned humans were less able to evolve spiritually without the help of the nordic peoples. Also, he said that the reasons Native Americans were dying out was because they were less evolved. Pretty freaking rank if you ask me. Steiner is a no go.

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