As usual, you are tapped into the magma erupting from the collective unconscious. Though some might view egregores as an obscure, esoteric topic it actually looms larger than what Sam Harris calls "The Great Orange Goblin." Though a cheeseburger-induced coronary could take out that particular personified egregore at any moment, another w…
As usual, you are tapped into the magma erupting from the collective unconscious. Though some might view egregores as an obscure, esoteric topic it actually looms larger than what Sam Harris calls "The Great Orange Goblin." Though a cheeseburger-induced coronary could take out that particular personified egregore at any moment, another will take its place. Similarly, in the Weimar Republic, Jung warned that a "blonde beast" was emerging from the Aryan unconscious. He noted that his educated German patients were all dreaming of Wotan, a Germanic god of war and mayhem. From my perspective, collective psychosis is rabid on both the right and the left, and before climate change could have a chance to take us out, an egregore could end the human experiment with the speed of a Russian thermonuclear hypersonic missile. As Jung said, “There is no hydrogen bomb in nature, that is all man’s doing. We are the great danger. Psyche is the great danger.” Notice that even our collective carbon footprint is a psychological artifact. Money is a magical artifact that exists because we believe it's real. War, everything we do to the environment, etc. these are all manifestations of psyche. Those who don't learn about egregores are doomed to be ruled by them. Following up on my last suggestion, there are broadly speaking, two ways of fighting dark egregores. On the extroverted, chemical, or causal plane, there is activism, writing scholarly exposes of their manifestations, etc. This is important work for sure, but notice it doesn't fight them on the plane on which they exist, an alchemical plane that has access to acausal means such as synchronicity and the imaginal plane that manifests into our supposedly "physical" domain. Another way to fight them is to supplant bad egregores with life-affirming ones on the imaginal plane. The I Ching says we often "sharpen the fangs of evil" by fighting it directly. As Nietzche said, "Be careful that in fighting monsters you don't become one." For example, Trump has been called a "brain-eating disease." The more we think about him, even critically, the more psychic energy we gave to his egregore which swells like an orange mushroom cloud, or a 1950's B movie monster that absorbs fire and electricity and other physical means used to take it out and becomes more gigantic. The I Ching advises that sometimes the best way to fight evil is to "make energetic progress toward the good." We need visions of possible futures lighting up in the collective imagination, life-affirming egregores blossoming in our terrifying spiritual wasteland.
Oh, and one example of an egregore is the potent anti-rationality of Qannon. It's motto, "Where we go one, we go all," is a concise operational definition of a herd, of a collective psychosis, of egregore-possessed mass man, a rude beast slouching toward the Capitol to be born. I wrote about that here:
As usual, you are tapped into the magma erupting from the collective unconscious. Though some might view egregores as an obscure, esoteric topic it actually looms larger than what Sam Harris calls "The Great Orange Goblin." Though a cheeseburger-induced coronary could take out that particular personified egregore at any moment, another will take its place. Similarly, in the Weimar Republic, Jung warned that a "blonde beast" was emerging from the Aryan unconscious. He noted that his educated German patients were all dreaming of Wotan, a Germanic god of war and mayhem. From my perspective, collective psychosis is rabid on both the right and the left, and before climate change could have a chance to take us out, an egregore could end the human experiment with the speed of a Russian thermonuclear hypersonic missile. As Jung said, “There is no hydrogen bomb in nature, that is all man’s doing. We are the great danger. Psyche is the great danger.” Notice that even our collective carbon footprint is a psychological artifact. Money is a magical artifact that exists because we believe it's real. War, everything we do to the environment, etc. these are all manifestations of psyche. Those who don't learn about egregores are doomed to be ruled by them. Following up on my last suggestion, there are broadly speaking, two ways of fighting dark egregores. On the extroverted, chemical, or causal plane, there is activism, writing scholarly exposes of their manifestations, etc. This is important work for sure, but notice it doesn't fight them on the plane on which they exist, an alchemical plane that has access to acausal means such as synchronicity and the imaginal plane that manifests into our supposedly "physical" domain. Another way to fight them is to supplant bad egregores with life-affirming ones on the imaginal plane. The I Ching says we often "sharpen the fangs of evil" by fighting it directly. As Nietzche said, "Be careful that in fighting monsters you don't become one." For example, Trump has been called a "brain-eating disease." The more we think about him, even critically, the more psychic energy we gave to his egregore which swells like an orange mushroom cloud, or a 1950's B movie monster that absorbs fire and electricity and other physical means used to take it out and becomes more gigantic. The I Ching advises that sometimes the best way to fight evil is to "make energetic progress toward the good." We need visions of possible futures lighting up in the collective imagination, life-affirming egregores blossoming in our terrifying spiritual wasteland.
Oh, and one example of an egregore is the potent anti-rationality of Qannon. It's motto, "Where we go one, we go all," is a concise operational definition of a herd, of a collective psychosis, of egregore-possessed mass man, a rude beast slouching toward the Capitol to be born. I wrote about that here: