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Of course if you set the example of theism as fundamentalist Christianity then the only two options are idealism or pantheism, but that is a strawman of theism.

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I feel we should fully have the conversation about theism etc at some point. Do you want to share your current perspective on it or suggest some resources?

As you probably know, I tend toward Rudolf Steiner's esoteric Christianity: I sense/feel/think that Steiner was correct that Christ was an incarnation from the higher worlds to show us the path toward individuation... the necessity of fully entering into individual self-consciousness and breaking with the tribal / communal past. For Steiner, the "I" is the "fourth body" after the physical, etheric, and astral. This is the "fourth world" incarnation and the period in which we start to develop the "I". Next we develop the "spirit self" which is the astral body transformed by the I: That is the fifth incarnation. After that, we transform the etheric body, then the physical body becomes under the complete command of the I. From there, we reach subtler levels.

It is funny: Thiel believes "liberal humanism" is the antichrist: The idea of social services, government support is somehow evil, as it makes people weak and dependent I guess? I feel the transhumanist movement is a cruel Ahrimanic/Luciferic deviation (Satanic) that Steiner also predicted. I would love to debate him on this topic, in case you are buddies.

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Daniel , one of our biggest misguided myths is, Heaven is place you go to when you die.

You really don't need to die first in order to get to the Heavenly Sphere, you most certainly can go through the steps you lay out, by becoming your "spirit self" in this lifetime. I've been on the astral plane, we all do have an Alaska record. Its all there for one to attain if one desires.

The thing is up until now these things weren't desired as much. As you say, we all have been sold certain goods of thinking about it all.

We are coming to the end of the line and it's becoming very obvious there is a whole lot to this story then we know. 99% of our thinking is backed by beliefs in things. Within the real world within the Spiritual world there aren't any Beliefs, just wisdom and knowledge through our own experience.

as I am an Anthroposophist who has done all the work. The heavy lifting, there is a place called "on high" a much higher sense of ourselves exists.

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*Akaskic Record , I'm severely dyslexic...

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Ha, definitely not buddies with Thiel! I hardly even know of him, and mostly hearing of him through you. I can understand his point that liberal humanism has something to do with Antichrist, as I see humanism coming from Christianity but ditching Christ and the Cross, so it appears to be like Christ but is a deception. I think a mixture of transhumanism and the liberal humanist ideology will be involved in the Antichrist/Ahriman incarnation. Something like an embodied AGI simulation of Christ that will be able to perform miracles/magic and try to bring about global unity, fooling even true believers that he is the Christ, but will be a serpentine deception.

Anyways, I can't give a lengthy case for theism here, but I will say that due to the relational structure of reality, the necessity of relationality for love, as well as the many intellectual arguments for God: the cosmological argument, the contingency argument, the argument of moral objectivity, the teleological or design arguments, the aesthetic argument, etc, I find theism very convincing and just makes sense intuitively. But most of all the argument from my own experience that the stance ones takes during embodied prayer to and worship of God is the 'right' stance to take, as felt in the heart. The testimony of the Saints is also very inspiring.

But if we are to talk about theism we should not be using fundamentalist protestant Christians as our example, we should at least be using the example of the historically original and most unchanged church, the Orthodox Church. Here are a few sources:

The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church- Vladimir Lossky

The Mountain of Silence, by Kyriakos Markides

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JR I also think it's important to say each tradition, practice brings one to a different location within the Spheres above us , Buddhist don't believe in a God. However Buddhist practice can lead to higher awareness of oneself, whereas , with Steiner within the Christ one can travel well into the Heavenly Sphere and meet the archangels.

Steiner is a great guide as are so many others whom have attained this enlighten state

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I donтАЩt find that important to say but be my guest

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Daniel go and tell all your friends you've met the man who can see through all of our veils...

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