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Well written and extensively researched. Much has been covered but not everything. It's of course unrealistic and impossible to expect someone to know everything, but as Yuval Noah Harari points out in the first page of his book 21 lessons for the 21st century:

In a world deluged by irrelevant information, clarity is power.

In theory, anybody can join the debate about the future of

humanity, but it is so hard to maintain a clear vision. Frequently, we don’t even notice that a debate is going on, or what

the key questions are. Billions of us can hardly afford the luxury

of investigating, because we have more pressing things to do:

we have to go to work, take care of the kids, or look after elderly

parents. Unfortunately, history gives no discounts. If the future

of humanity is decided in your absence, because you are too

busy feeding and clothing your kids – you and they will not

be exempt from the consequences. This is very unfair; but who

said history was fair?

Unlike you, sadly, many people do not take the time to investigate or do any kind of research. They delegate that responsibility to authority, thus giving up their power in the process.

Daniel, have you researched the Schumann resonance and its impact on the neurology of our electromagnetic system? The way electromagnetic energy can affect systems such as the respiratory, cardiac and immune systems. There have been many fluctuations in the Schumann resonance since the winter of 2020. ELFs often cause flu like symptoms but no media outlet talks about this. This leads me to believe a mask and an experimental injection will not be the key to our health.

Also, have you researched the psychology of groupthink, belief systems and cognitive dissonance? And how about collective consciousness or the unified field theory where not only individual placebo and nocebo effects can have an effect on our biology, but collective placebos and nocebos can also creep in and start infecting communities and societies. We are all connected.

What about subliminal or subconscious predictive programming to make people accept change more easily, and to accept lies more easily.

Other topics such as the cyclicality of our physical nature should also be taken into consideration as part of quantum physics theory, microcosm and macrocosm (which is found in the science of astrology as well). We live cycles or frequencies, not only in terms of sunrises and sunsets, our circadian rhythms, equinoxes and solstices, but also social ones, such as world cups, olympics, economic crashes, wars and genocides. We are in the middle of a genocide, just as you wrote about jews being ostracized from society due to powerful propaganda telling society that they spread diseases and needed to be isolated and discriminated. This was done, not abruptly, but slowly and systematically, with manufactured consent.

The parallels are oh-so-common:

-Newspaper outlets and political speeches took care of the propaganda. Now that is MSM.

-The gestapo burned books to control information just as social media is censuring an insane amount information i.e. testimonies of reactions (such as accounts reported on this very thread) and alternative positions or science.

-Segregation is occurring at a fast pace by having to show papers (now in digital form) to authorities. We see this in NYC, France and Italy, coming to a city near you.

-Gates, as you write, is the psychopath control hungry tyrant, just as Hitler was.

-The entire process had a very famous medical authority in Dr Mengele (Dr Fauci's character also fits in well).

-The jewish getthos where jews had to isolate were our homes in 2020.

-Lastly, the injection is the gas chamber. It's already happening as many have not only had reactions from the injection but many have also died. If you search hard enough, you can find that info that is being hidden from us.

Most comply blindly to authority as a result of neurological and subconscious associations of the way we view our parents as children: our first source of authority. We associate this with compassion, care and love. Later, the view on authority transfers to school as children and government as adults. Many people are unable to dissociate subconsciously the connection they have with authority and compassion, care and love. This is why most people believe the government is there to help and care for them. Governments have been responsible for over 300M deaths of THEIR OWN people in the last century. He who does not understand the past, is bound to recreate the future.

Tyranny is accepted because people want to do good, from their belief systems, but sometimes, when the heard is wrong, acquiescing and obedient, it can lead to catastrophic events: people blindly complying to authority. Hitler never killed 6M jews. Order followers did.

Good luck to all. Resistance is key in times of deceit.

I strongly recommend anyone thinking of getting injected with an experimental substance to go on the uncensored video platform bitchute.com and type in "vaccine reactions" to view what is actually happening. This perspective is never shown on mainstream media, and even worse, censured by social media giants.

Lastly, a good read would be Edward Bernays' book Propaganda. It talks about the secret government hiring mind control specialists to generate thought control of society, and it ain't in the favour of the people that's for sure!

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