Thanks for the reminder of your book, which I really enjoyed reading. I am wondering, how would you say the different dimensions relate to Kastrup‘s idealism? (Or does he write about it in any of his books?)

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That's a great question! I don't think he addresses the prospect of there being "other dimensions" or non-material entities with a different kind of consciousness. But I think idealism allows for this without any problem. Kastrup is focused, I would say, on making rational arguments that people from a scientific mindset can understand. He would probably see speculating on "DMT elves" or whatever as a hindrance to his project.

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My experience was so similar it was spooky to read your accounting! Since my first journey into that ‘“land” I have been consistently visited by blue beings much as you describe. Often when I need to take some action or change an immediate situation. An example being asked to leave my home in Tulum but one blue being whom laid down next to me and spoke urgently. We were violently (they smashed the glass to bits and wrecked things they didn’t take) robbed that night but I was there. I have come to inherently trust their voices. Have you had experiences like this outside of imbibing in dmt?

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Excellent....love the reports that come back when you re-assemble back into your body and mind.

After drinking Aussie-huasca for a bit, we decided to then smoke some DMT....for a number of weeks I played around with one hit, or a little more...I encountered blue beings, building things, floating in their world and inviting me in.

Finally I decided one night it was time to do the 3 hits...it's publised on a FB page, as you have done I think it is time to post onto my substack page....because it is and was enlightening.

I did the 3 hits twice that night....and lo and behold each time I ended up in the same place.

For me, I see no reason to pick up that phne again....even though at times I am tempted.....mmmm...how long before it loses it's potency....nah...

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Your McKenna is showing :) But for real, extremely well written. I loved this.

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I have been there and I am personally afraid and terrified of that world. I personally prefer the sensitivity of the skin and the touch of nature and humanity. The embodiment. That world is to fractured and lonely for me. I personally got PTSD from my first and last trip. I think it really depends on “the trip” and how your brain will process it later. I am not sure if it’s a real world though . It could be a distorted filter of the natural world. Or an enhanced filter. Dreams are produced my small doses of DMT right? I feel these trips could be hugely intensified dreams with the combination of strong consciousness , that we don’t always get when sleeping. Because of the intensity we perceive it as real, but it can also be a dream like intensified state.

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The tall, blue-skinned benevolent beings showed up in my world after I began solo meditations, soon after taking classes in psychic empowerment in 1988. Their requests to "pick up a pen and start writing," led to volumes of notes, a considerable body of artwork, a complete change of life circumstances, and many lectures and band performances in the American Southwest. I'm curious to hear more about others' experiences with these harbingers of the light, inhabitants of the cosmos, and their prophecies for the destiny of humanity.

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