Seems that if the pandemic wasn't a sufficient collective "shock," in Gurdjieffian terms, to stimulate a consciousness shift, then I don't know what will. For many, it appears that the post-pandemic impetus was to return to "normal" as quickly as possible. If it takes only a handful of folks making a significant leap in consciousness to shift the masses, where are these folks? Now would be a good time to...... The continued rapid development of technology sans consciousness will only amplify our existing problems.

I wish I could find more optimism these days.....

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I am glad that you saw the film the Grab. I saw it at a film festival 2 years ago where it won the audience choice award. While I knew that middle eastern countries were buying up farm land in Hungary, I didn’t know about Black Rock being the muscle behind bogus “purchases” of homelands in Africa in order to secure water. Very scary stuff.

I am grateful you, as always, for reading and relaying so much information. It allows me to read stuff like Braiding Sweetgrass and Eager: The secret lives of beavers, also The Light Eaters, about plant intelligence, and others. It is such an incredibly rich time to be alive! I am glad to be on the planet at the same time you are.

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Course looks awesome. Breaking convention sounds cool too.

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Fascinating stuff, reading some David Luke's academia.com articles right now after hearing about him from your video.

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Just want to back up what Daniel has said: the Future of Consciousness course is going to be great! We have lots of things planned for it. Definitely advise people to take advantage of the early bird price while it's still available.

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Done. So looking forward to this course!

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awesome! looking forward to seeing you there :)

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Ah…I’d love to hear, very interesting stuff.

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You rock, Daniel!

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