Jul 15, 2022Liked by Daniel Pinchbeck

First of all thank you, love to hear your voice in the literal sense. There is much conveyed there that is lost even in the written word, a soul quality that is recognized immediately. The word that is sticking out to me is interrogate. The way that words are spells. Inside terrors gate. We are locked there as a society. What terror is currently confined inside the human psyche that is preventing us from being able to process any additional pain? I believe, I want to believe, that if we can reach our inner child we can begin to loosen the chains of the soul. Family systems model is one that comes to mind. Sitting down with all the parts of yourself, lost and otherwise to hold a tribunal. I’m uncertain the order of operations needed, but I’m working out the formula that may help. I know what has worked for me. Trauma healing leading to the authenticity that children know better than adults, connection to the spirit world, art, curiosity. So much is lost so soon when love cannot live fully in the body. That is how most of us have experienced life on earth at this time. I feel I would be laughed out of these discussions as well but am used to that, time to quietly fiddle with the knobs again :) spaceship earth.

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I'd like to know more about the dream itself, what was the content of what was being said by your character? Was it an inspiring speech?

Probably the people who shout you down when you try to talk about the emergency live in countries which are not massively affected yet. For example in Scandinavia it's probably just a bit warmer than normal but nothing like the terrible consequences faced on the Indian sub-continent or Australia. Many rivers in Europe are already dry and it's only mid-July. But then again some places are relatively unaffected. Much easier to be in denial when your home is not on fire or under water. And also much more attractive psychologically... the grief and fear go very deep when one faces up to what is happening, and that is not a pleasant place to be.

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022Liked by Daniel Pinchbeck

i had these crazy dreams last night. That I was at skinwalker ranch in utah near the petroglyphs and the near the mesa and this voice was talking to me about literature and greek philosophy. ALSO. I am pretty sure I had a premonition about Daniel posting this. I'm not lying. omggg

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Jul 15, 2022Liked by Daniel Pinchbeck

Daniel, you definitely have the seeds of a solution to the spiritual awakening necessary and sufficient to solve the twin global crises of inequality and climate.

And by inequality I don’t mean just material inequality, I mean a poverty of spirit with varying ratios of negative to positive emotions.

The ratio is much, much higher for some.

Think of the anger and fear experienced by those fleeing the profound crises of the developing world or from the Ukrainian war.

Also think of the people in the OECD countries embracing Authoritarian Populism as a reaction to their anger, fear, envy, and resentment.

Scaring people about climate change and the chaos of war compounds the ratio’s skew towards negative emotions.

When you speak of Churchill’s rhetoric it exalted hope, pride, a unity of purpose, and overcoming fear.

To decrease the ratio we must have leaders convey the possibility of POSITIVE emotions.

How can the developed world change our course from Black Swans to Green Swans?

Not as a prediction, but a set of positive scenarios to circle around a now unimaginable global cultural solution.

Imagine scenarios of reduction of consuming Stuff and replacing it with consumption of services exchanged as labor and information.

The economy could actually GROW, as we cut consumption of Stuff within the 1.4 billion in the OECD by let’s say 20%.

Stuff like buildings, their operation, and stuff inside them require massive amounts of concrete, steel, plastics, and other oil and gas hogs.

We don’t need new office buildings. Work at home, in third places near home and massively reduce aggregate commuting.

What if the average new American home went from 2500 to 2000 square feet with savings spent on consuming experiences, labor exchange from each other (including the working class), education, and information.

The New Churchill needs new speech writers to present these new versions of positive futures.

You have exactly the necessary and sufficient knowledge, communication skills, AND emotional passion.

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yes, without a vision the people perish. Someone smart said that.

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The climate/environmental crisis is a predicament and predicaments have no solutions. It's wonderfully liberating and there are many benefits to simply except that near term collapse is inevitable. See: Hopium Detox and Recovery - Accepting & Trusting Unstoppable Collapse. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ib33HTadXdU

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Love the rawness and immediacy of these post-dream audio missives. Keep 'em coming, voice be damned :)

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cool. I did an occult ritual on Wednesday at a studio where I hung 15 feet panels of tattva vision cards with an audience present as a large-scale dream experiment to induce dreams in people who attended the ritual. Then last night as you were dreaming I had a dream that was an effect of the ritual where I astral projected to the petroglyphs and the mesa at Skinwalker Ranch in Utah and entered into the mesa there through a portal which also showed me a city in the Otherworld where the Morrighan live and the fairies live. I have been astral projecting to that place since I was a little girl.

While inside of the mesa, I got a message as well about how we are entering into a new realm of science and connecting it to Alien disclosure and the catastrophes going on. The "alien like voice" spoke to me about how my art was connected to a higher calling. They also talked to me about the Greek mysteries and Greek philosophy. After I was at Skinwalker Ranch in the dream, I astral projected into my laptop back at my house while still dreaming and I saw your emails and you talking about this.

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Thank you Daniel, I guess the call to arms is that all the change-makers (millions of us) start to swarm together as a form of collective intelligence and collective activism at a huge scale, everywhere. To compare images from biomimicry: a shoal of fish, a flock of birds or maybe a mycelium that is popping us everywhere. The key is not in getting to know more but the emerging network, the coalition of coalitions. I think that is happening, it is in a sense a force of nature that is guiding our species to the metamorphosis by the imaginal cells connecting. Are going to make the change before the collapse? Actually large parts of the world are in collapse. Are we past the tipping point of collapse? Unclear, but large parts of the world are still sort of whole if more frail by the day. Can it happen fast, yes it can, and it must. The emergence of this collective intelligence can go with viral speed but it will not happen just by itself, we are a co-pilot of the great turning together with the consciousness of our living planet.

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022

Spot on. Crisis breeds opportunity. Unfortunately, it seems like a kick in the ass is the only way we as individuals and as a collective make serious change. You dreamed of Churchhill. That sense of a call to arms,--now needed on a spiritual and structural level( how civilization runs and is put together physically) WILL become self-evident. We just continue to need folks like yourself willing to take those punches and still come out swinging,

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