Great writing, Daniel. Long time. Appreciate your ideas. Yes, the world is not what it seems. And merely trying to take control of the outer achieves little. Just a way to maintain our egoic posture.
Our sensory systems optimise for evolutionary goals; our sense of an inner self runs from the same algorithm. Objectivity is just a useful function of mind, a tool. The real axis of control is internal and the predominance of science has blocked awareness of this for centuries.
Look forward to following your writing and activities more.
Think we met maybe a few decades ago in iboga world.
Thank you Daniel, such a great piece. I can understand if you have some aversion to James Corbett/theCorbettReport, but if you can just look at his 'Meet Bill Gates' vid on youtube and help me see through that, it would be really appreciated. I don't want to follow an empty conspiracy theory but this one doesn't seem so empty in light of the techno fascist control system we're looking at.
"[Trump] truly doesn't give a shit not just on a materialist but also on a metaphysical level." Really? So the guy who put his name on buildings all over New York and Atlantic City, and his jet tail isn't a materialist? Trump was the poster child for conspicuous consumption! And he doesn't give a shit about anything? But he is running for President AGAIN. And has been taking heaps of criticism all this time? You clearly don't understand him at all.
And while Qanon is largely bullshit, Soros and Gates ARE using their wealth to service their Luciferian agenda.
Daniel, I implore you, seek Jesus now. Otherwise you are a prime candidate to not only accept the Mark of the Beast, but to be a promoter of it.
Great writing, Daniel. Long time. Appreciate your ideas. Yes, the world is not what it seems. And merely trying to take control of the outer achieves little. Just a way to maintain our egoic posture.
Our sensory systems optimise for evolutionary goals; our sense of an inner self runs from the same algorithm. Objectivity is just a useful function of mind, a tool. The real axis of control is internal and the predominance of science has blocked awareness of this for centuries.
Look forward to following your writing and activities more.
Think we met maybe a few decades ago in iboga world.
Devaraj (Nick) Sandberg
Thanks Nick! Yes your name rings a bell. Are you still involved with iboga?
Not really. I still maintain but working as a therapist down in Brighton these days
Thank you Daniel, such a great piece. I can understand if you have some aversion to James Corbett/theCorbettReport, but if you can just look at his 'Meet Bill Gates' vid on youtube and help me see through that, it would be really appreciated. I don't want to follow an empty conspiracy theory but this one doesn't seem so empty in light of the techno fascist control system we're looking at.
"[Trump] truly doesn't give a shit not just on a materialist but also on a metaphysical level." Really? So the guy who put his name on buildings all over New York and Atlantic City, and his jet tail isn't a materialist? Trump was the poster child for conspicuous consumption! And he doesn't give a shit about anything? But he is running for President AGAIN. And has been taking heaps of criticism all this time? You clearly don't understand him at all.
And while Qanon is largely bullshit, Soros and Gates ARE using their wealth to service their Luciferian agenda.
Daniel, I implore you, seek Jesus now. Otherwise you are a prime candidate to not only accept the Mark of the Beast, but to be a promoter of it.
YES! thank you for writting this. laurarubin
i mean thank you CEE BEE for wriiting this comment.