Happy Spring Equinox!
I have some upcoming speaking gigs — hope you will join me. Plus, a new edition of my favorite of my books just came out.
I will be speaking at the second PAUA.life conference in Paris, May 12 - 13. The event brings together an extraordinary community of tech entrepreneurs and esoteric seekers.
Please use this link to pick up a discount, “early bird” ticket.
I enjoyed my experience there last fall a great deal — although, to be honest, I wasn’t happy with my own talk. I got nervous, slept poorly the night before, and tried to compact too many ideas into too small a time slot. Hopefully I get another chance to do better this time1. (All of the talks from last year are now up on the Paua Youtube channel, including mine, which you can check out, despite its flaws). I had more fun interviewing other speakers on stage about various tech projects.
This Thursday, I am speaking at an online event put on by RegenerateX and will also be part of their Heart Masters Journey in Ibiza from May 27 - June 1:
“We invite you to join us on Thursday March 23 in our virtual gathering, Regenerative System Change, where we will be discussing implementing regenerative principles and transformative leadership into our business practices for a better future for all.
We invited Daniel Christian Wahl and Daniel Pinchbeck for a conversation on Regenerative System Change, what this means and what needs to be done.
RegenerateX co-founders will moderate this dialogue, Canay Atalay -The Heroines and Rudy de Waele, and Semin Yalman Yılmaz & Marv Radio will again share their gift of meditation and music with our community to start and end the event connecting with ourselves, each other and the planet.
Both Daniel Christian Wahl & Daniel Pinchbeck will be present at the next RegenerateX Heart Masters event and Conference in Ibiza, May 27-June 1, about which we will also talk during our event.
🔗 Explore the virtual gathering: https://lnkd.in/duUW87YE
🔗 Explore Heart Masters Ibiza: https://lnkd.in/dZqNKkVb
Here is more information on their live event:
“You are invited to join us, for another life-changing Heart Masters journey in Ibiza, May 27-31, for regenerative community leaders, design & innovation leaders and entrepreneurs, in one of the most fantastic retreat spaces in Ibiza, S'ermita.
Our guests this time include our wisdom teacher Masterine, Daniel Christian Wahl (Designing Regenerative Cultures), Daniel Pinchbeck (How Soon is Now), Franz Allmayer & Ronnie Potel (co-founders of Hypha/Seeds), Adib Dada (Regenerative Architect & City Designer), Jack Villiers (Sacred Sons), Marv Radio, and many others.
The whole program includes follow-up with an additional online integration & practice journey and a year-long support system of regeneration.
Details at https://www.regeneratex.co/ibiza
Please get in touch directly if interested, there’s limited room capacity.”
Quetzalcoatl Returns
2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, has just been reissued as Quetzalcoatl Returns, available as an E Book or paperback. (The fabulous audio version, produced by Jordan Albert Byrne and read by Paradox Pollack is available here). This is my favorite of my works. I received unfair criticism, scorn, and ridicule for taking seriously the prophecies of cultures like the Maya, Hopi, and Aztec — particularly after 2012 came and went without sudden collective enlightenment, catastrophic earthquakes, magnetic reversal, or any “galactic super-wave” hitting the Earth. However I still find that my perspective remains valid: This is a time of rapid transformation. We are in the throes of it, and somehow, these ancient civilizations predicted it. If you never read 2012, I hope you will do so now. According to the back cover:
When Quetzalcoatl Returns was originally published in 2006, this New York Times bestseller was widely acclaimed as a paradigm-shifting masterpiece. In the book, Pinchbeck makes sense of the prophetic knowledge found in many indigenous cultures around the world, as well as the ideas of Apocalypse, Revelation, and “second coming” known to the monotheistic religions. The book takes the form of a personal quest, an odyssey, that weaves from Lower Manhattan to the ancient archaeological sites of the classic Maya, from the stone circles of England to the Brazilian Amazon, incorporating the investigation of psychedelics such as DMT, LSD, and ayahuasca. Quetzalcoatl Returns is a deep inquiry into the nature of the Psyche and the ultimate meaning of our time.
Along the way, Pinchbeck illuminates the work of visionary thinkers and philosophers including Rudolf Steiner, Carl Jung, Walter Benjamin, Jean Gebser, and many more. Other areas he explores include the realm of psychic and supernatural events, quantum physics and consciousness, and UFOs, ETs, and crop circles. The world didn’t end on December 21, 2012 — the culmination of the 5,125 year long count of the Maya — but it is clear we have entered a period of continuous transformation, as many indigenous cultures foresaw. Fifteen years since its original release, Pinchbeck’s opus remains an indispensable guide to our turbulent time.
Secret Histories and Spiritual Revolutions
A guided tour of Western esotericism, from ancient initiatory schools to contemporary techniques for finding illumination. In six weekly sessions, we will dive into Hermeticism, Gnosticism, Theosophy, the OTO, Fourth Way, and other occult traditions, exploring their influence on current movements including the psychedelic renaissance, chaos magic, and the New Age quest for self-actualization.
There is still time to sign up for the “Early Bird” special for my next course, Secret Histories and Spiritual Revolutions, where we will explore the history of Western hermetic and occult thought. I am very excited about this seminar!
As Samuel Beckett put it: “Try again. Fail again. Fail better.”
Cool. Just picked that audio up! Nice to have Paradox narrate :)
Happy Equinox! Thank you, I will get it soon.