From our individual, ego-based subjectivity, we believe we have free will. But as ancient Indian sacred texts like the Ashtavakra Gita tell us emphatically, this is an illusion. We are not “doing” anything. It is all just happening: “Since you have been bitten by the black snake of the self-opinion that 'I am the doer', drink the nectar of faith in the fact that 'I am not the doer', and be happy.”
Due to me own history of grasping at one idea or another, I have settled on (whether true or not) that I am "a doer" because I find when I don't hold this view in my core, I tend to avoid taking personal responsibility for my thoughts (at least the ones I choose to onboard and/or own), my words (written and spoken) and my actions/deeds. I then sometimes experience that desire to blame another/others and that is the victim role I generally deplore.
I have come to embrace "both views" as true ('I am not the doer' and 'I am the doer')... and more and more I embrace the latter from the perspective of not only this one life, but all lives I might live and have lived... in essence, from the perspective of my soul (be there such) - some see this in relation to karma and thus darmas of various lifetimes.
Yes! Just so and very nicely synthesized. I do love it and am as ever, grateful to you for putting pen to paper, thank you so much. Your voice matters. Thank you.
Thanks for your thoughts Daniel. I was abig fan of Walter Benjamin in my film school days- this reminded me of his influence and also connected many disparate ideas that were troubling me but now seem connected.
Funny, Daniel, I thought you might have been the Moshiach! The real reason I traveled to Costa Rice with your group was to find out, not to take Ayahuasca!
I sincerely wonder if there will be a reveal, along the lines of what people report from near death experiences, only unto the living, before the earth as our home is destroyed. What if the Biblical story of 'judgment day' is more than a story? What if 'the dead' do "rise" and 'the aliens' reveal themselves to be among us all 'in consciousness'? Just a thought.
One morning between sleep and awake, I received the message that "love is the strongest force in all the universes and time is malleable". I think about what powerful concepts these are, often enough, and your writing reminded me of them, also.
My last heavy mushroom trip, it was revealed to me that time had already stopped. That's all it revealed so I'm not sure what to make of it. This was in April.
Regarding this section -
From our individual, ego-based subjectivity, we believe we have free will. But as ancient Indian sacred texts like the Ashtavakra Gita tell us emphatically, this is an illusion. We are not “doing” anything. It is all just happening: “Since you have been bitten by the black snake of the self-opinion that 'I am the doer', drink the nectar of faith in the fact that 'I am not the doer', and be happy.”
Due to me own history of grasping at one idea or another, I have settled on (whether true or not) that I am "a doer" because I find when I don't hold this view in my core, I tend to avoid taking personal responsibility for my thoughts (at least the ones I choose to onboard and/or own), my words (written and spoken) and my actions/deeds. I then sometimes experience that desire to blame another/others and that is the victim role I generally deplore.
I have come to embrace "both views" as true ('I am not the doer' and 'I am the doer')... and more and more I embrace the latter from the perspective of not only this one life, but all lives I might live and have lived... in essence, from the perspective of my soul (be there such) - some see this in relation to karma and thus darmas of various lifetimes.
Yes! Just so and very nicely synthesized. I do love it and am as ever, grateful to you for putting pen to paper, thank you so much. Your voice matters. Thank you.
Thanks for your thoughts Daniel. I was abig fan of Walter Benjamin in my film school days- this reminded me of his influence and also connected many disparate ideas that were troubling me but now seem connected.
Funny, Daniel, I thought you might have been the Moshiach! The real reason I traveled to Costa Rice with your group was to find out, not to take Ayahuasca!
I sincerely wonder if there will be a reveal, along the lines of what people report from near death experiences, only unto the living, before the earth as our home is destroyed. What if the Biblical story of 'judgment day' is more than a story? What if 'the dead' do "rise" and 'the aliens' reveal themselves to be among us all 'in consciousness'? Just a thought.
One morning between sleep and awake, I received the message that "love is the strongest force in all the universes and time is malleable". I think about what powerful concepts these are, often enough, and your writing reminded me of them, also.
My last heavy mushroom trip, it was revealed to me that time had already stopped. That's all it revealed so I'm not sure what to make of it. This was in April.