I don't even know how to respond to this as I can't firmly plant my feet in the ground. My initial reaction was, et tu Daniel? Unfortunately, I don't read anything in your piece that seems truly defensible around the hacking hypothesis. The trends were so uniform over the entire country ... moving towards Trump... almost every county. That would be a supreme hacking job. Not possible. You mention that more of your community has tended towards Trump. These data points align.
I'm sure what you're saying is theoretically possible, but it does sound quite a bit like how maga responded to the last election. I don't think this election was stolen (other than all the psyops and propaganda that has led to a surplus of inert brains).
It's not at all inconceivable that the main thrust of people's votes were a middle finger to the system. Everyone here, I would guess, feels that way. This moves people in different ways. It moved me to put aside strong opinions I have about establishment dems to support Kamala even though she's just another plug in the leak plagued dyke of our system. But it seems like more people think that Trump is the wrecking ball.
Other influences: Billionaires, specifically Musk, propagandizing to prop up the oligarchic status quo. People voting radical self-interest. I heard an interview this morning of a laid off auto worker, she voted for him entirely for self interest thinking he might save her job and not caring about the collateral damage. She liked RFK and while she thought Trump rallies were "Reichy" she voted for him anyway.
If we're in Kali Yuga ... if that's even a thing ... this feels like a reasonable way for it to unfold.
you summed up many of my responses to this. With the exception of hte voting numbers (which does seem strange!?), I do think that it would be the nail in the coffin of the already-dying Democratic brand to accuse them of winning only b/c of hacking. Yes to psyops, propaganda, right-wing media, etc. But to try and argue direct hacking at this point would simply not work.
When I ran for office in 2018, I knew I'd lost that evening, before the polls closed, as I stood on the street corner in the cold, miserable rain. I could tell by the number of cars honking in support of me. It just felt off. This was the same — this is the most unscientific comment imaginable, but being out and about, knocking on doors, etc - I just felt in my bones that there wasn't nearly enough energy in support of Harris outside of my direct peers.
I think it's really important for Democrats to examine why their message fell so flat. Most of us who are apoplectically distraught over climate change (it's snowed probably a foot here in Colorado while you all are roasting on the east coast) can't seem to understand that climate change feels like a distant threat to those for whom other threats are more imminent. I am absolutely guilty of this. I tried to make climate change a primary issue in my campaign, even though everyone told me that was idiotic.
Maybe it's a version of Maslow: as I sit here in my nice kitchen after lunch and a coffee, I have the physical, mental, and emotional resources to expand my imagination into that horrifying future. If I am under enormous economic strain, trying to juggle kids, marriage, a house with its constant leaks and problems, grotesque food prices and shrinkflation, etc, I probably do not have enough space for such contemplations.
Agree, if those voting numbers are accurate, than that's strange... but I don't think we have good data on that yet. Totally agree that privilege distorts the ability to feel the moment to moment burdens of the majority who may be struggling to make it all work. Even those of us with privilege get caught in the system's onslaught and then conveniently buy into simple explanations for this extraordinarily complex experience of life on Earth. Hope you run for attorney general somewhere so you can have the slogan, AG for AG!
Haha that's too funny! I am not an attorney (I walked out of the LSATs, filling in the cancel button and proceeding to have a heart attack - not literally) but I am a huge supporter of the CO AG so I guess that's close enough! :) You hit the nail on the head wiht your "even those of us with privilege" line. It's all really hard and really complicated, and to pretend otherwise is... sigh, I don't know. Easier?!?!
Also, humans (and especially Americans!) are basically irrational animals--it is just the way it is. As such they can make seemingly irrational decisions. That is the story of humanity really. I think this is something that our materialist, reductionist (its own brand of irrationality as well) culture needs to really grasp if we want to get a better handle on navigating reality.
I agree. Daniel, I think you've gone a little too far on this one.
I spent the morning researching what some people are calling the Bro Election (I just threw up in my mouth a bit). With big names like Joe Rogan, Elon Musk, Aubrey Marcus, etc supporting Trump, it seems more likely that his message is actually, somehow... resonating (the nausea rises).
As I said a few weeks ago here, the tech bros cheat. As to men owning my body, 🤮 this emoji may not be verbally as eloquent as your post, but it is expressive of my feelings. Once again thank you for a wider context other than my own disgust. What now?
My Black Widow spider senses have been tingling since the Bush Gore standoff. I watched that hack transpire while working in Europe, and I was shocked at the lack of protests against that blatant manipulation of the rule of law. So another cheat in plain sight is plausible. Provable?
Yesterday in her concession speech Kamala said “look to the stars.” The irony being that most of those stars are communication satellites owned by Elon Musk. Can the Democrats and Americans really be that naive? The terrifying view from up north, here in Canada is the fact that JD Vance will be the deciding vote in your senate. That is more worrying than senile vindictive old men, and the cock sucking women who enable them. Those women hecklers are as terrifying as the tech bros, and now they feel empowered too. They got their man. 🤮
Along with human rights around the world, I fear for Ukraine, and Gaza. The rest of the world that will suffer death and destruction while the arms dealers and tech companies line their own pockets with their fingers on the scales of Justice. May they all travel to Mars sooner than later.
Imploding submarines maybe? Hoisted by their own petards. 😬
haha seriously. It seems that all of these hideous guys (bannon, miller, giuliani, T) have extra energy for hatred and vitriol because they are not expending it thusly.
November day yesterday morning, the election result hanging over me like I’d been roughed up in an emotional meat-locker, I tell you I was feeling apocalyptic. Dark days ahead. We have to strive to keep our hearts open and soft and gentle. What the Tao says is true. God help us.
I find it astonishing that you blame democrats for republicans' actions. They were trying to control a volcano with only moderate popular support, if that. News coverage was appalling, even from the supposedly lefitie NYT. We had a chance of at least some action on climate, etc, under the dems--I fear the worst under a Trump Dictatorship--the nuclear wars or battles that seem pretty likely to me may put us over the edge (if indeed we are not there already.) What I can 'buy' in your essay is the hope that grassroots 'nature states' will be what does it. Like in Marge Piercy's prescient novel Woman on the Edge of Time--written in the 1980s and a pendant to Atwood's now more famous Handmaiden's Tale.
Thank you for 'liking' my comment, Daniel, though I disagree with you in some in it. You hold a space for interesting speculation and discussion. For my part, I may have to bury my head in the sand in the coming weeks, as all the narrative explanations and post mortems and theories and future planning and worrying are doing my head in. So hard to get the right balance of action and receptivity. People here are mentioning the Tao--nice if you just know when you are really in it and not fooling yourself! (I'm not accusing, I'm speaking of myself.)
As I watched the tallies on election night, I was, of course, shocked and dismayed at the trending numbers. But as I started seeing the margins of republican votes over democrat votes, I experienced a growing sense that something was really off. I would not have been surprised by a close election, but many of the states showed a 60 / 40 split. some were even closer to a 75/25 split. The day after the election, I found myself seriously considering if, in addition to the well documented Psyops and disinformation campaign, an actual hacking of the election system occurred. The past few years have somewhat diminished my willingness to buy into conspiracy theories, but I find myself seriously considering this. After all, if the capability to secretly hack into our election system existed, the skills and resources requited to do so (billions of dollars and state of the arts tech abilities) would be found in the wheelhouses of people such as Musk and Thiel......, not to mention the foreign actors....
Is it really inconceivable that the dems screwed up so badly that the normal american, who most of us in liberal bubbles have no contact with, would rather vote trump with his rag tag team of ex democrats, Gabbard, Kennedy, Musk, that we must consort to conspiracies like Trump did in ‘20. Do we only like democracy when we win?
I’m glad you leave room that maybe this isn’t the end of the entire world tho ;)
Maybe there will be some good to come(and obviously some bad)
Thank you, Daniel, for asking this question and providing several links to others’ research on election fraud. My instincts, as well as the facts you present, say that foul play was afoot. As I watched the results pop up on the map so very rapidly on election night, red state after red state, my gut told me we’d been tricked. Never before in America have such definitive results been delivered so quickly and so efficiently.
Those colleagues who deny this possibility either are not absorbing the facts you’ve presented or simply wish to turn a blind eye. The degree of technological sophistication required to pull this off is beyond most people’s skill set, but exists nonetheless. Listen up, folks - Daniel has offered the puzzle pieces. Don’t turn away.
Thank you... I am not holding tightly to this, it felt great to get it out into the public-sphere today. One thing that wouldn't be easy to explain would be the Exit Polls which seem to track the results pretty well. I really do not know. I feel certain however that they were leaving nothing to chance.
I have been thinking something similar since 2020--in that concerns around Dominion voting machines (for example) have been with us since at least the George W. Bush years, with the CEO of Dominion being a Christian Fundamentalist and who is on record as saying he wants a permanent Republican majority. Anyway, as you mentioned, so often with Republicans (and especially Trump) is that every accusation is a confession--was the whole stop the steal business related to the fact that Trump knew the election could be stolen, but that it was supposed to be stolen FOR him, and that the votes that were flipped his way were not enough to overcome a Biden victory? I remember something similar being discussed briefly after Obama's second victory (that his vote numbers were large enough to overcome the amount flipped in the other direction). Anyway, not saying this happened, but is it out of the realm of possibility? Honestly, I feel kind of icky contemplating it after how gross it looked coming from the MAGA side . . . which is probably by design!
Regardless, if this is true, I doubt any "adults' in charge would do anything about it. I think we are entering the Jim Morrison "whole shithouse goes up in flames" moment--and it is probably necessary and unnavoidable. I agree that we are now being called to create hidden kingdoms by working toward local, bioregional organization as you mention. It is funny just yesterday, for emotional and spiritual support I listened to one of my favorite albums, Marty Stuart's (who is Native American himself) "Badlands: Songs of the Lakota" where he sings how the "second coming of the red man is closer than its ever been", and I felt that he may very well be right--as all else fails and those with ears to hear and eyes to see rediscover past indigenous wisdom for future survival.
I have mixed feelings about this post Daniel. On the one hand I admire the what-the-fuck-let’s-just-pose-the-question audacity of it, and the result was quite (not very) surprising for some of the reasons you mentioned. But those Twitter screen shots are thin gruel as evidence, so I’m not sure there is any basis for doubting the result. To do something as drastic as suspending the process you would need *much* stronger prima facie evidence.
Hi Jonathan, thank you . In my haste I perhaps didn’t do as good a job as I could have. Voter suppression on a very wide scale has been well documented:
The case against Trump in Georgia ( probably soon to be dropped) goes into this proof of tampering, stealing the software etc. Seems like it at least needs to be investigated before we give over the government, as should Russian interference.
Some insightful human being said, “The next revolution will be a walk-out.” Many of us have been walking for some time now. It’s one of the choices each of us must make for ourselves…
All I know is today an email came through from my child’s school district regarding disturbing anonymous racist text-messages that were received by a handful of students. I feel sick to my stomach that this is our shared reality come further to light. These people are embolden and it’s not ok. I’m supporting Loveland foundation, which provides mental health services for black women, and considering my best route for renewed personal activism. A very sad and scary time.
My solution: a Driver's license or a state issued ID gets you registered, if you aren't yet a citizen, it's noted on the id. Then scan the ID at the polls and do a face match to confirm you are the person on the ID, and it's valid. No more registering and provisional ballots, just scanned ID's at the polls.
yes that is for the imaginary future where we still have meaningful elections, not controlled ones. I don't think people fully realize they just voted for no meaningful voting, forever.
I invite all of you to weigh in on this and would love to hear opinions, from both sides of the aisle. Let's talk.
There were more than 17.8 million new voters who registered this year to vote. Newly registered voters were asked in exit polls what their number one issue was. The vast majority of them said women's reproductive health. We can assume that these people more likely than not, did not cast their vote for Trump.
The total votes cast in 2020 were over 155 million compared to a total of 140 million votes this year (Arizona and Nevada vote totals are not counted completely but let's add the approximately 3 million that have been counted so far into the total). We can accurately say there were 143 million votes cast in this election.
Nearly 18 million new voters registered this year, with the majority intent on making their voices heard about women's reproductive rights, yet there are some 12 million less votes this year than in 2020? Where did all those other millions of votes go? Even leaving room for apathetic voters who didn't bother to vote, that wouldn't account for nearly 6 million. People this year were fired up on both sides, and these 18 million newly registered people were excited to do so.
Also, In the 2020 election, Trump received 74 million votes. In this election he only received 72 million. If these 18 million new voters were excited to vote for him why did he receive less votes than in 2020? He received over 2 million LESS votes this year. With an additional 18 million new voters in the game. But he won. Something doesn't pass the smell test. Opinions?
It doesn't add up. I thought we had a record turnout, but the turnout was lower. Is it the provisional ballots? I can't find any articles other than Greg Palast, who I searched for. How come it's not being covered?
I was surprised that Trump won in a landslide, but not surprised he won. I expected he would. You might not get as strong a sense of this if your social milieu is comprised of those over 40, on the left.
Under 40, on the left, went Jill Stein, or didn't vote at all. Generally speaking, even those with degrees are finding it impossible to find good jobs, affordable rent. Most of us, only have to worry about affordable food, as we own property free and clear and we're retired. Life isn't a daily struggle/nightmare for us.
When this cohort was further blasted with pics and video of dead Palestinian children, is it any wonder they voted Stein? They weren't persuaded that things in the Middle East would be worse under Trump.
When Harris said, "I'm speaking." at one of her rallies, they listened and voted accordingly. More than anything else, this is what lost her the election.
I don't even know how to respond to this as I can't firmly plant my feet in the ground. My initial reaction was, et tu Daniel? Unfortunately, I don't read anything in your piece that seems truly defensible around the hacking hypothesis. The trends were so uniform over the entire country ... moving towards Trump... almost every county. That would be a supreme hacking job. Not possible. You mention that more of your community has tended towards Trump. These data points align.
I'm sure what you're saying is theoretically possible, but it does sound quite a bit like how maga responded to the last election. I don't think this election was stolen (other than all the psyops and propaganda that has led to a surplus of inert brains).
It's not at all inconceivable that the main thrust of people's votes were a middle finger to the system. Everyone here, I would guess, feels that way. This moves people in different ways. It moved me to put aside strong opinions I have about establishment dems to support Kamala even though she's just another plug in the leak plagued dyke of our system. But it seems like more people think that Trump is the wrecking ball.
Other influences: Billionaires, specifically Musk, propagandizing to prop up the oligarchic status quo. People voting radical self-interest. I heard an interview this morning of a laid off auto worker, she voted for him entirely for self interest thinking he might save her job and not caring about the collateral damage. She liked RFK and while she thought Trump rallies were "Reichy" she voted for him anyway.
If we're in Kali Yuga ... if that's even a thing ... this feels like a reasonable way for it to unfold.
you summed up many of my responses to this. With the exception of hte voting numbers (which does seem strange!?), I do think that it would be the nail in the coffin of the already-dying Democratic brand to accuse them of winning only b/c of hacking. Yes to psyops, propaganda, right-wing media, etc. But to try and argue direct hacking at this point would simply not work.
When I ran for office in 2018, I knew I'd lost that evening, before the polls closed, as I stood on the street corner in the cold, miserable rain. I could tell by the number of cars honking in support of me. It just felt off. This was the same — this is the most unscientific comment imaginable, but being out and about, knocking on doors, etc - I just felt in my bones that there wasn't nearly enough energy in support of Harris outside of my direct peers.
I think it's really important for Democrats to examine why their message fell so flat. Most of us who are apoplectically distraught over climate change (it's snowed probably a foot here in Colorado while you all are roasting on the east coast) can't seem to understand that climate change feels like a distant threat to those for whom other threats are more imminent. I am absolutely guilty of this. I tried to make climate change a primary issue in my campaign, even though everyone told me that was idiotic.
Maybe it's a version of Maslow: as I sit here in my nice kitchen after lunch and a coffee, I have the physical, mental, and emotional resources to expand my imagination into that horrifying future. If I am under enormous economic strain, trying to juggle kids, marriage, a house with its constant leaks and problems, grotesque food prices and shrinkflation, etc, I probably do not have enough space for such contemplations.
Agree, if those voting numbers are accurate, than that's strange... but I don't think we have good data on that yet. Totally agree that privilege distorts the ability to feel the moment to moment burdens of the majority who may be struggling to make it all work. Even those of us with privilege get caught in the system's onslaught and then conveniently buy into simple explanations for this extraordinarily complex experience of life on Earth. Hope you run for attorney general somewhere so you can have the slogan, AG for AG!
Haha that's too funny! I am not an attorney (I walked out of the LSATs, filling in the cancel button and proceeding to have a heart attack - not literally) but I am a huge supporter of the CO AG so I guess that's close enough! :) You hit the nail on the head wiht your "even those of us with privilege" line. It's all really hard and really complicated, and to pretend otherwise is... sigh, I don't know. Easier?!?!
Also, humans (and especially Americans!) are basically irrational animals--it is just the way it is. As such they can make seemingly irrational decisions. That is the story of humanity really. I think this is something that our materialist, reductionist (its own brand of irrationality as well) culture needs to really grasp if we want to get a better handle on navigating reality.
I agree. Daniel, I think you've gone a little too far on this one.
I spent the morning researching what some people are calling the Bro Election (I just threw up in my mouth a bit). With big names like Joe Rogan, Elon Musk, Aubrey Marcus, etc supporting Trump, it seems more likely that his message is actually, somehow... resonating (the nausea rises).
@Daniel, I'd be very interested on your take on Aubrey's "heartfelt" message to the American public here: https://youtu.be/Fe6OkruAjLU?si=Ls5t_5yNVdHeXRiw
And for anyone interested, you can listen to a podcast about the "Bro Election" here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1uItN1tAcuaKtUGJnvmewT?si=0ab943b612d74b6d
As I said a few weeks ago here, the tech bros cheat. As to men owning my body, 🤮 this emoji may not be verbally as eloquent as your post, but it is expressive of my feelings. Once again thank you for a wider context other than my own disgust. What now?
Is it impossible to envision or enact some kind of mobilization before they give felon back the nuclear arsenal?
My Black Widow spider senses have been tingling since the Bush Gore standoff. I watched that hack transpire while working in Europe, and I was shocked at the lack of protests against that blatant manipulation of the rule of law. So another cheat in plain sight is plausible. Provable?
Yesterday in her concession speech Kamala said “look to the stars.” The irony being that most of those stars are communication satellites owned by Elon Musk. Can the Democrats and Americans really be that naive? The terrifying view from up north, here in Canada is the fact that JD Vance will be the deciding vote in your senate. That is more worrying than senile vindictive old men, and the cock sucking women who enable them. Those women hecklers are as terrifying as the tech bros, and now they feel empowered too. They got their man. 🤮
Along with human rights around the world, I fear for Ukraine, and Gaza. The rest of the world that will suffer death and destruction while the arms dealers and tech companies line their own pockets with their fingers on the scales of Justice. May they all travel to Mars sooner than later.
Imploding submarines maybe? Hoisted by their own petards. 😬
Yes I think that was when I realized something much deeper was at play…
yes, it seems they have completely rolled over and offering no resistance. It makes no sense. Only supports the idea they are complicit some how
More likely naive like me believing in love, kindness, justice and joy as being more important than $$$.
I wonder if Nick Fuentes realizes posting the things he does just reinforces the suspicions that he has never been laid? Which he probably has not.
haha seriously. It seems that all of these hideous guys (bannon, miller, giuliani, T) have extra energy for hatred and vitriol because they are not expending it thusly.
Too many hours diving alone in the Ford F 150 listening to shock jocks.
Walking outside into the much-too-warm
November day yesterday morning, the election result hanging over me like I’d been roughed up in an emotional meat-locker, I tell you I was feeling apocalyptic. Dark days ahead. We have to strive to keep our hearts open and soft and gentle. What the Tao says is true. God help us.
“Or I could be wrong and everything may be totally fine.” 😂
That got me too 😂😞🫠
I’m gonna roll with this angle haha
I find it astonishing that you blame democrats for republicans' actions. They were trying to control a volcano with only moderate popular support, if that. News coverage was appalling, even from the supposedly lefitie NYT. We had a chance of at least some action on climate, etc, under the dems--I fear the worst under a Trump Dictatorship--the nuclear wars or battles that seem pretty likely to me may put us over the edge (if indeed we are not there already.) What I can 'buy' in your essay is the hope that grassroots 'nature states' will be what does it. Like in Marge Piercy's prescient novel Woman on the Edge of Time--written in the 1980s and a pendant to Atwood's now more famous Handmaiden's Tale.
Thank you for 'liking' my comment, Daniel, though I disagree with you in some in it. You hold a space for interesting speculation and discussion. For my part, I may have to bury my head in the sand in the coming weeks, as all the narrative explanations and post mortems and theories and future planning and worrying are doing my head in. So hard to get the right balance of action and receptivity. People here are mentioning the Tao--nice if you just know when you are really in it and not fooling yourself! (I'm not accusing, I'm speaking of myself.)
As I watched the tallies on election night, I was, of course, shocked and dismayed at the trending numbers. But as I started seeing the margins of republican votes over democrat votes, I experienced a growing sense that something was really off. I would not have been surprised by a close election, but many of the states showed a 60 / 40 split. some were even closer to a 75/25 split. The day after the election, I found myself seriously considering if, in addition to the well documented Psyops and disinformation campaign, an actual hacking of the election system occurred. The past few years have somewhat diminished my willingness to buy into conspiracy theories, but I find myself seriously considering this. After all, if the capability to secretly hack into our election system existed, the skills and resources requited to do so (billions of dollars and state of the arts tech abilities) would be found in the wheelhouses of people such as Musk and Thiel......, not to mention the foreign actors....
Is it really inconceivable that the dems screwed up so badly that the normal american, who most of us in liberal bubbles have no contact with, would rather vote trump with his rag tag team of ex democrats, Gabbard, Kennedy, Musk, that we must consort to conspiracies like Trump did in ‘20. Do we only like democracy when we win?
I’m glad you leave room that maybe this isn’t the end of the entire world tho ;)
Maybe there will be some good to come(and obviously some bad)
Hey and this got cnn to not sound insane for the first time in a while, maybe a spell has been broken ;)
Definitely not inconceivable. I forgot to mention the voter suppression that Greg Palast covers also.
Thank you, Daniel, for asking this question and providing several links to others’ research on election fraud. My instincts, as well as the facts you present, say that foul play was afoot. As I watched the results pop up on the map so very rapidly on election night, red state after red state, my gut told me we’d been tricked. Never before in America have such definitive results been delivered so quickly and so efficiently.
Those colleagues who deny this possibility either are not absorbing the facts you’ve presented or simply wish to turn a blind eye. The degree of technological sophistication required to pull this off is beyond most people’s skill set, but exists nonetheless. Listen up, folks - Daniel has offered the puzzle pieces. Don’t turn away.
Thank you... I am not holding tightly to this, it felt great to get it out into the public-sphere today. One thing that wouldn't be easy to explain would be the Exit Polls which seem to track the results pretty well. I really do not know. I feel certain however that they were leaving nothing to chance.
I have been thinking something similar since 2020--in that concerns around Dominion voting machines (for example) have been with us since at least the George W. Bush years, with the CEO of Dominion being a Christian Fundamentalist and who is on record as saying he wants a permanent Republican majority. Anyway, as you mentioned, so often with Republicans (and especially Trump) is that every accusation is a confession--was the whole stop the steal business related to the fact that Trump knew the election could be stolen, but that it was supposed to be stolen FOR him, and that the votes that were flipped his way were not enough to overcome a Biden victory? I remember something similar being discussed briefly after Obama's second victory (that his vote numbers were large enough to overcome the amount flipped in the other direction). Anyway, not saying this happened, but is it out of the realm of possibility? Honestly, I feel kind of icky contemplating it after how gross it looked coming from the MAGA side . . . which is probably by design!
Regardless, if this is true, I doubt any "adults' in charge would do anything about it. I think we are entering the Jim Morrison "whole shithouse goes up in flames" moment--and it is probably necessary and unnavoidable. I agree that we are now being called to create hidden kingdoms by working toward local, bioregional organization as you mention. It is funny just yesterday, for emotional and spiritual support I listened to one of my favorite albums, Marty Stuart's (who is Native American himself) "Badlands: Songs of the Lakota" where he sings how the "second coming of the red man is closer than its ever been", and I felt that he may very well be right--as all else fails and those with ears to hear and eyes to see rediscover past indigenous wisdom for future survival.
Yes exactly, so clever … could still become generally understood and acted upon information
what do you mean?
I have mixed feelings about this post Daniel. On the one hand I admire the what-the-fuck-let’s-just-pose-the-question audacity of it, and the result was quite (not very) surprising for some of the reasons you mentioned. But those Twitter screen shots are thin gruel as evidence, so I’m not sure there is any basis for doubting the result. To do something as drastic as suspending the process you would need *much* stronger prima facie evidence.
Hi Jonathan, thank you . In my haste I perhaps didn’t do as good a job as I could have. Voter suppression on a very wide scale has been well documented:
Check out the film Vigilantes there.
The case against Trump in Georgia ( probably soon to be dropped) goes into this proof of tampering, stealing the software etc. Seems like it at least needs to be investigated before we give over the government, as should Russian interference.
Some insightful human being said, “The next revolution will be a walk-out.” Many of us have been walking for some time now. It’s one of the choices each of us must make for ourselves…
Yes - I love what Bayo Akomalafe wrote, "The times are urgent; let's slow down."
All I know is today an email came through from my child’s school district regarding disturbing anonymous racist text-messages that were received by a handful of students. I feel sick to my stomach that this is our shared reality come further to light. These people are embolden and it’s not ok. I’m supporting Loveland foundation, which provides mental health services for black women, and considering my best route for renewed personal activism. A very sad and scary time.
2.7 Million "provisional ballots" rejected. Via Greg Palast: https://www.gregpalast.com/heres-what-we-do-now/
My solution: a Driver's license or a state issued ID gets you registered, if you aren't yet a citizen, it's noted on the id. Then scan the ID at the polls and do a face match to confirm you are the person on the ID, and it's valid. No more registering and provisional ballots, just scanned ID's at the polls.
yes that is for the imaginary future where we still have meaningful elections, not controlled ones. I don't think people fully realize they just voted for no meaningful voting, forever.
Here’s something a friend shared with me:
I invite all of you to weigh in on this and would love to hear opinions, from both sides of the aisle. Let's talk.
There were more than 17.8 million new voters who registered this year to vote. Newly registered voters were asked in exit polls what their number one issue was. The vast majority of them said women's reproductive health. We can assume that these people more likely than not, did not cast their vote for Trump.
The total votes cast in 2020 were over 155 million compared to a total of 140 million votes this year (Arizona and Nevada vote totals are not counted completely but let's add the approximately 3 million that have been counted so far into the total). We can accurately say there were 143 million votes cast in this election.
Nearly 18 million new voters registered this year, with the majority intent on making their voices heard about women's reproductive rights, yet there are some 12 million less votes this year than in 2020? Where did all those other millions of votes go? Even leaving room for apathetic voters who didn't bother to vote, that wouldn't account for nearly 6 million. People this year were fired up on both sides, and these 18 million newly registered people were excited to do so.
Also, In the 2020 election, Trump received 74 million votes. In this election he only received 72 million. If these 18 million new voters were excited to vote for him why did he receive less votes than in 2020? He received over 2 million LESS votes this year. With an additional 18 million new voters in the game. But he won. Something doesn't pass the smell test. Opinions?
It doesn't add up. I thought we had a record turnout, but the turnout was lower. Is it the provisional ballots? I can't find any articles other than Greg Palast, who I searched for. How come it's not being covered?
I have a lot of friends I want to share this article with. can you please make it open beyond your paywall?
tomorrow morning it will be open... you can also share the email you got which should have the full piece
Thank you 🙏
I was surprised that Trump won in a landslide, but not surprised he won. I expected he would. You might not get as strong a sense of this if your social milieu is comprised of those over 40, on the left.
Under 40, on the left, went Jill Stein, or didn't vote at all. Generally speaking, even those with degrees are finding it impossible to find good jobs, affordable rent. Most of us, only have to worry about affordable food, as we own property free and clear and we're retired. Life isn't a daily struggle/nightmare for us.
When this cohort was further blasted with pics and video of dead Palestinian children, is it any wonder they voted Stein? They weren't persuaded that things in the Middle East would be worse under Trump.
When Harris said, "I'm speaking." at one of her rallies, they listened and voted accordingly. More than anything else, this is what lost her the election.