We don't need a vision for the future. We're now in the post-vision phase. The onus on the frontal lobes to work out "how the world should be" is over. It's now about self honesty and emergents.

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Well... I disagree. "Without a vision, the people perish." - Black Elk

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The post-vision phase applies equally to new age-spiritual ideas of "how the world should be" as to those of the World Economic Forum!

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Why should people perish without a vision?

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Look around you.

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I'm looking! Seems like there are quite enough visions competing, whether corporate or new-age. A planetary super-organism is itself an emergent entity. It doesn't need a pre-frontal cortex to create a vision.

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"The historical perpetuation of dictatorships in countries like Russia and China concentrates world-destroying power in the hands of men — sociopathic personalities — who used ruthless methods to climb to the top. These are very unsustainable scenarios." Russia and China are hardly alone. While I would not put the United State in the same league, we are hardly virgins and the only nation to drop atomic bombs. A nineteenth century German historian calculated that from 1496 b.c. to a.d. 1861, a span of 3,357 years, only 227 had been years of peace while 3,130 had been years of war. For every year of peace there had been thirteen years of war. Short of world dictatorship, how do propose implementing your admittedly utopian plan?

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Hi Peter, I propose how we might do it in the book... Yes of course the US situation is no better. We need to evolve past a circumstance where one or a tiny group of deluded people can destroy the planet via nuclear weapons. Trump made me uneasy also.

I think there is a way to implement this plan... it requires a melding of top-down and bottom-up approaches to social change. We need a designed deconstruction of hierarchical and centralized control systems - a transition to decentralized "cosmo-localism," where power devolves to localities and bioregions over time. Just as we just designed suburbs and malls, or converted the planet to mass consumerism, "we" could organize a systemic transition to a different way of being. The first thing is to have a model in our minds of what we want and prefer. Then we can organize around the transition. I go into this in more depth in the book. Thanks for the question!

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Mar 3, 2022Edited
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Hi Eric, I think we discussed this... Where have you gotten to with this project?

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Mar 3, 2022
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sounds familiar!

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Today is 'World Wildlife Day'. Here is a wild idea; the conservation of our own species.

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” - R. Buckminster Fuller.

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Please read what creatures have been telling me to tweet for them. Its a hoot.

Naturecommunicates@twitter.com @gaia47777299


I thought the article was great. Always loved your writing Daniel! Thank you.

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