“Sentinels” . . . what a great term. And I appreciate the differentiation between that and a conspiracy theorist. What’s confusing it that conspiracy theorists also claim to be fighting for the greater good and yet it feels like a misdirection of attention and energy. The problems that are most urgent (ecological collapse) get disperse…
“Sentinels” . . . what a great term. And I appreciate the differentiation between that and a conspiracy theorist. What’s confusing it that conspiracy theorists also claim to be fighting for the greater good and yet it feels like a misdirection of attention and energy. The problems that are most urgent (ecological collapse) get dispersed amongst other triviality like obsessing about alleged child sex trafficking rings or trying to make sense of the next Q drop (seems Elon may be the next Q prophet). It’s all so frustrating and it feels like a significant part of humanity is taking part in one large gaslighting theatrical display as if to see how off course we can take our evolutionary potential. As for the elusive “we” that you mention in relation to the collectives that could use “media and other tools to reshape the collective consciousness,” I think they exist. Your newsletter is an example. Also, there are many spiritual teachers and evolutionary thinkers that are reaching many more people thanks to the internet, and thanks to the hyper-connectivity that the pandemic kicked off. Zoom, YouTube channels, and other platforms are stimulating all kinds of thinking and opening up new types of awareness. So, I do believe there is a change of consciousness happening, but it might not be completely outwardly apparent. Whether these changes in consciousness will do enough to change our pillaging of this planet during the next couple decades, I can’t really say. As Chris S said in brilliant comment here, it may all be a part of the cosmic plan. I'm just glad I have folks like you here to share with, it makes the journey so much more tolerable.
It says deep within the Torah all it will take to right the ship we're on , is Not One enlighten individual, but a collective of 40 million conscious individuals aligned in the same direction !
All those that live within side there own bubbles need to fully expand their awareness and pop the bubbles they are in and merge with others in an expanded version of themselves...
I am one of the Baby boomers. Born out of World War 2 , 2012 did Mark a time when these 40 million conscious individuals were hatched. Maybe it's time to reinvent burning man and bring these 40 million together for all the right reasons!
“Sentinels” . . . what a great term. And I appreciate the differentiation between that and a conspiracy theorist. What’s confusing it that conspiracy theorists also claim to be fighting for the greater good and yet it feels like a misdirection of attention and energy. The problems that are most urgent (ecological collapse) get dispersed amongst other triviality like obsessing about alleged child sex trafficking rings or trying to make sense of the next Q drop (seems Elon may be the next Q prophet). It’s all so frustrating and it feels like a significant part of humanity is taking part in one large gaslighting theatrical display as if to see how off course we can take our evolutionary potential. As for the elusive “we” that you mention in relation to the collectives that could use “media and other tools to reshape the collective consciousness,” I think they exist. Your newsletter is an example. Also, there are many spiritual teachers and evolutionary thinkers that are reaching many more people thanks to the internet, and thanks to the hyper-connectivity that the pandemic kicked off. Zoom, YouTube channels, and other platforms are stimulating all kinds of thinking and opening up new types of awareness. So, I do believe there is a change of consciousness happening, but it might not be completely outwardly apparent. Whether these changes in consciousness will do enough to change our pillaging of this planet during the next couple decades, I can’t really say. As Chris S said in brilliant comment here, it may all be a part of the cosmic plan. I'm just glad I have folks like you here to share with, it makes the journey so much more tolerable.
It says deep within the Torah all it will take to right the ship we're on , is Not One enlighten individual, but a collective of 40 million conscious individuals aligned in the same direction !
All those that live within side there own bubbles need to fully expand their awareness and pop the bubbles they are in and merge with others in an expanded version of themselves...
I am one of the Baby boomers. Born out of World War 2 , 2012 did Mark a time when these 40 million conscious individuals were hatched. Maybe it's time to reinvent burning man and bring these 40 million together for all the right reasons!