So right on Veronica regarding our global response to the pandemic ...3 years ago I thought this was the start...a revolution ...the global community would come together and work on this one big problem...
This has not happened and has made me believe that humanity will not come together on climate action until it is too late...which ma…
So right on Veronica regarding our global response to the pandemic ...3 years ago I thought this was the start...a revolution ...the global community would come together and work on this one big problem...
This has not happened and has made me believe that humanity will not come together on climate action until it is too late...which may have already occurred.
So right on Veronica regarding our global response to the pandemic ...3 years ago I thought this was the start...a revolution ...the global community would come together and work on this one big problem...
This has not happened and has made me believe that humanity will not come together on climate action until it is too late...which may have already occurred.
Keep making the world a better place xx