Mar 24, 2023Liked by Daniel Pinchbeck

Great read. I'm interested to hear your take on how the pandemic may have effected us collectively and at an individual level.

I have recently written a commentary on what it has brought about in the last few years but it was almost as though I couldn't help myself.

I'm still not sure where this compulsion is coming from as on the one hand I really want to avoid falling in to the traps of division and adding to the toxicity with my views which are unfortunately far beyond what is accepted.

But on the other I feel more people need to speak up and be brave enough to challenge the toxic status quo. And to do this in away to not fall in to a memetic tribe is pretty difficult!!

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Mar 25, 2023Liked by Daniel Pinchbeck

Great article! I've been fascinated by this phenomenon for some time now. Jason Reza Jorjani (a fairly controversial dude) has a really interesting take on this that you might be interested in checking out. We definitely need to be careful with our collective thought-forms in the future...

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Mar 25, 2023Liked by Daniel Pinchbeck

This is very interesting, Daniel. I am not entirely onboard with the "nonhuman intelligence" aspect, too science-fiction-y for me, but I do feel the egregore can be seen entirely as a mass hypnosis/psychosis phenomenon, as in the books of Mattias Desmet about the mindset that allowed the Covid scheme and outright criminality to succeed worldwide. I assume you know his books. So I don't think we need to return to an archaic idea of a nonhuman entity, I think it's plenty frightening just to consider what group mind can do once triggered by fear and fealty

Meanwhile, I strongly encourage the following Humanity Rising program titled Indigenous Intelligence, though it goes much deeper than that title: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVqKGtEheuc

And take note, it starts AROUND MINUTE 26. Before that a totally unrelated discussion was added at the last minute about Israeli politics. Whereas this is really special. Indigenous intelligence: One man lived with an illiterate tribe in India, his revelations about how reality and relation to nature are formed without the written language is mind-blowing, liberating. It's really about children. And there's a parallel conversation with an Aleutian island shaman, about indigenous learning and grasp of what it means to be human.........Michael

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It’s like... how do we know our dreams aren’t our real life and our real life is when we sleep in the dream, but we can’t remember either world clearly when we’re in the opposite state...🤔

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Hmmm.... I can say a lot but won’t possibly be negative. I am trying not to be closed.

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Also, my younger brother is %100 percent possessed by the burning man egregore and spends an enormous amount of his income and time preparing for the event and also for regional burns and is emotionally attached to it like a religious devotion. I’d put him in the “Ibiza crowd” contingency.

It’s like a charity with no cause, spending money for the sake of burning the money.

I struggle to understand what makes it that amazing. I think some people just love to party.

To me, it’s way too much work to get there and stay. Plus, there are a zillion more beneficial uses for large sums of money.

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Daniel you should go to a family constellaions workshop. I was a practitioner for many years. I bet it's going to give you an experience that would open many routes of insight and reflection.

A family conforms also an egregore. let's not also forget Jungs psychic complexes. Even on an individual base they fit with the concept.

And hey if you haven't read Robert monroes books, there he encounters with these kind of beings and their loosh farms, that resemble the egrgores.

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Regarding Tibetan Buddhism, there's nothing to suggest non-human intelligence since all reality is the projection of one's perception, reality IS perception. Here's a Buddhist phrase for you to ponder: "All phenomena without fixation are emptiness." What does fixation mean? It means our attachment to "all appearances and possibilities" giving them the weight our egos consider to be real. As for ayahuasca, that's a bit different -- "non-human intelligence" encountered in a plant-sourced psychedelic journey results from an engagement with nature. Otherwise, engagements with "non-human intelligence" are divorced from a direct, immediate connection with nature (which yes does include the cosmos). The result then is getting lost in artificial concepts taking place in an occultist's head and reinforced by his/her membership in a mutual admiration society

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In the Judeo Christian teachings where Jesus Christ is Lord and savior, it is shared often that the eternity of the human spirit is up against rulers of spiritual darkness in high places.

These Egrogores mentioned seem to mimic the same entities known in Judeo Christian Theology as collective Demonic Spirits who gain there vitality via human resources. Of course in the secular realm human existence/activity is assessed via the sensual empirical and philosophical practice with humanity as source of all knowing.

Do you think these Egregores similar to Demonic entities even when viewed secularly? Is it possible to overlook perceptions of eternity while assessing the the current state of humanity in this world

These Egregores seem like communication addicts as well? To what end

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"Felt compelled to join some kind of ritual that feeds energy to a particular egregore?

I joined twitter. There's some ritual involved. I shut everything else out of my mind and proceed to be annoyed by people who, I feel, have a harmful point of view. In this way, am I feeding an egrogore that wants to fight, go to war?

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