Great read. I'm interested to hear your take on how the pandemic may have effected us collectively and at an individual level.

I have recently written a commentary on what it has brought about in the last few years but it was almost as though I couldn't help myself.

I'm still not sure where this compulsion is coming from as on the one hand I really want to avoid falling in to the traps of division and adding to the toxicity with my views which are unfortunately far beyond what is accepted.

But on the other I feel more people need to speak up and be brave enough to challenge the toxic status quo. And to do this in away to not fall in to a memetic tribe is pretty difficult!!

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I think the pandemic has caused a massive mental health meltdown... people don't know who or what to believe. Putin's isolation led to megalomania to fester, leading him to invade Ukraine. Russell Brand has confused himself to the point where he is now an agent of the despotic Right... it is really a time of pandemonium!

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The new egrogore feeds on clicks. Brand and others wouldn't bother me so much if I didn't get the distinct impression that it is a vast money making enterprise for them, more than anything. His necklaces, beads, vneck t-shirts, long hair. The effect is all wandering minstrel, raving rebel. The reality is kakakaching.

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what do you think the pandemic has done to us ??

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Ditto on the above. I could talk for hours on my thoughts on how I believe the pandemic has effected us on a spiritual level but I the most apt metaphor I can give it us that the last three years has been on big acid trip and just like any drug it'll make you more of who you are.

A lot of people's trauma came to the surface to be confronted; some people wigged out and some people have come out a lot more empowered. I think the harsh measures really bought about my inner rebel and I've since launched a number of initiatives to yield him in a way that it makes a social impact.

I doubt I am alone in this and am excited to see the cultural shift in the coming years.

Saagar from Breaking Points is one of my favourite journalists and he said on the anniversary of the Iraq war invasion recently that he wouldn't have got in to what he did if it wasn't for this unjust war and it really did make me think how many other people have been empowered in the same way due to systemic injustices.

Viva la revolucion!

P.s big fan boy moment here having this conversation with you, love your work Daniel and keep it up!!

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Lastly on people don't know who or what to believe I think this confusion is either a masterful psy op to get us to stay divided across ideological lines or the wheels of the propaganda machine slowly squeaking off as it loses its grip on controlling the narrative. Time will tell

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Great article! I've been fascinated by this phenomenon for some time now. Jason Reza Jorjani (a fairly controversial dude) has a really interesting take on this that you might be interested in checking out. We definitely need to be careful with our collective thought-forms in the future...

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Jorjani is definitely very weird. Not sure what to say about him... seems to be in the Far Right / traditionalist / "we need an Emperor" category?

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Indeed. I agree, but his book Prometheism is a good read believe it or not. I'm not sure I'd put him in the far right category though. Well...maybe...it's complicated. His political philosophy is a little more nuanced than that. You'd probably dig that book though. But definitely very weird. I'm pretty freakin weird myself so I guess I can't judge. Ha!

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This is very interesting, Daniel. I am not entirely onboard with the "nonhuman intelligence" aspect, too science-fiction-y for me, but I do feel the egregore can be seen entirely as a mass hypnosis/psychosis phenomenon, as in the books of Mattias Desmet about the mindset that allowed the Covid scheme and outright criminality to succeed worldwide. I assume you know his books. So I don't think we need to return to an archaic idea of a nonhuman entity, I think it's plenty frightening just to consider what group mind can do once triggered by fear and fealty

Meanwhile, I strongly encourage the following Humanity Rising program titled Indigenous Intelligence, though it goes much deeper than that title: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVqKGtEheuc

And take note, it starts AROUND MINUTE 26. Before that a totally unrelated discussion was added at the last minute about Israeli politics. Whereas this is really special. Indigenous intelligence: One man lived with an illiterate tribe in India, his revelations about how reality and relation to nature are formed without the written language is mind-blowing, liberating. It's really about children. And there's a parallel conversation with an Aleutian island shaman, about indigenous learning and grasp of what it means to be human.........Michael

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Funny you have issues with the "nonhuman intelligence" idea after your work with ayahuasca and in Tibetan Buddhism!

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It’s like... how do we know our dreams aren’t our real life and our real life is when we sleep in the dream, but we can’t remember either world clearly when we’re in the opposite state...🤔

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the dichotomy dream / reality is one imposed by us... like material / spiritual, or real / imaginary... we should re-learn how to think in polarities rather than black / white opposites.

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Nice one -- there is a very dark side to so-called “non-dualism” -- we need to learn to navigate polarities and the rainbow spectrum bridges that they are mere manifestations of...

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I want to think of everything as an undulating continuum/spectrum.

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Hmmm.... I can say a lot but won’t possibly be negative. I am trying not to be closed.

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Also, my younger brother is %100 percent possessed by the burning man egregore and spends an enormous amount of his income and time preparing for the event and also for regional burns and is emotionally attached to it like a religious devotion. I’d put him in the “Ibiza crowd” contingency.

It’s like a charity with no cause, spending money for the sake of burning the money.

I struggle to understand what makes it that amazing. I think some people just love to party.

To me, it’s way too much work to get there and stay. Plus, there are a zillion more beneficial uses for large sums of money.

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You can have incredible transformational, ecstatic experiences there. It is definitely addicting. My goal with my nonprofit Evolver was to bring that kind of experience to the multitude -- all the people who can't make the trek. I feel if the energy of the festival had truly become anti-elitist, it would have been a very powerful and positive social force. Instead the financial elites etc co-opted it and brought a different vibe.

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Oh wow! Didn’t even know you have a non-profit. I’ll look this up!

Yeah, and re-burning man, I think it’s still great that it happens and transforms many. I just interviewed a fellow on my podcast who is working now to get NYC pub health to pay for ketamine treatments for low income populations with trauma and he was inspired to do so by burning man basically, but for me, and likely because of my brother, the festival feels a bit materialistic and competitive when it’s supposed to be the opposite.

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Daniel you should go to a family constellaions workshop. I was a practitioner for many years. I bet it's going to give you an experience that would open many routes of insight and reflection.

A family conforms also an egregore. let's not also forget Jungs psychic complexes. Even on an individual base they fit with the concept.

And hey if you haven't read Robert monroes books, there he encounters with these kind of beings and their loosh farms, that resemble the egrgores.

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Regarding Tibetan Buddhism, there's nothing to suggest non-human intelligence since all reality is the projection of one's perception, reality IS perception. Here's a Buddhist phrase for you to ponder: "All phenomena without fixation are emptiness." What does fixation mean? It means our attachment to "all appearances and possibilities" giving them the weight our egos consider to be real. As for ayahuasca, that's a bit different -- "non-human intelligence" encountered in a plant-sourced psychedelic journey results from an engagement with nature. Otherwise, engagements with "non-human intelligence" are divorced from a direct, immediate connection with nature (which yes does include the cosmos). The result then is getting lost in artificial concepts taking place in an occultist's head and reinforced by his/her membership in a mutual admiration society

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You might be putting too fine a point on your perception of perception. What if the perceived is perceiving you right back? Or...it perceives you, without any of your initial input?

We are largely independent creatures, though have a shared connection through the unconscious mind. I imagine, regardless of any input from humanity, there are other intelligences that have a similar set up with their own kind. And possibly, they can access us, physically, mentally or both.

Once we are accessed mentally, we may lose the ability to pinpoint the original locus of control, as the feedback between trickster and tricked upon become blurred.

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Yes, as long as the "other intelligences" are plant and animal spirits. What I find science fiction-y (and a leftover from the logical positivism that gave birth to objectivism, "science," and other so-called rational mind distortions) is that these egregores are sourced from a fictional elsewhere besides us and our plant and animal cousins. As for what could be coming at us from outer space, again the spirit realm inhabited for hundreds of thousands of years by shamans on THIS planet included encounters with them. Thus one could say in terms of what one sees, ayahuasca yes, LSD no. Jumping out of windows on acid was quite common in the old days while such reactions are virtually unheard of in plant spirit work. Although now when fake ayahuasqueros offer their services far and wide, such unfortunate episodes could be on the rise

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In the Judeo Christian teachings where Jesus Christ is Lord and savior, it is shared often that the eternity of the human spirit is up against rulers of spiritual darkness in high places.

These Egrogores mentioned seem to mimic the same entities known in Judeo Christian Theology as collective Demonic Spirits who gain there vitality via human resources. Of course in the secular realm human existence/activity is assessed via the sensual empirical and philosophical practice with humanity as source of all knowing.

Do you think these Egregores similar to Demonic entities even when viewed secularly? Is it possible to overlook perceptions of eternity while assessing the the current state of humanity in this world

These Egregores seem like communication addicts as well? To what end

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"Felt compelled to join some kind of ritual that feeds energy to a particular egregore?

I joined twitter. There's some ritual involved. I shut everything else out of my mind and proceed to be annoyed by people who, I feel, have a harmful point of view. In this way, am I feeding an egrogore that wants to fight, go to war?

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