Traveling has always been a part of the human experience and evolutionary growth. When we travel we spread ideas, diversify the microbiome, and expand our understanding of what it is to be human. We need to develop ecologically harmonious modes of moving around instead of eliminating travel altogether. Otherwise, your perspective is insightful and on point. Thank you.

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Much gratitude for your vision and insight on global warming, capitalism, and the future of corporations. We are working on narratives for these old paradigms to flow into emerging ones.

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Unfortunately the "climate crisis" seems co-opted by interests, that, well, are interested in continuing their interests. The idea of a "global problem" is a fallacy. Global solutions are really 'GlobaliIST solutions'. Worldwide top-down control over everything. Yesterday I saw a video clip of a "solution" to the situation, in Iceland I believe. An industrial-looking parade of fans and scrubbers "turning CO2 into oxygen." Awesome.

I want to see more attention on local issues that people can see all around them, including pollution in all its forms (electro, ground, air, water, light) and natural habitat destruction/replacement. It doesn't take a lick of believing in "global warming" to see all the horror that is around us every day, if we care to look.

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The reason all this is the way it is is because there's a control system in place that ensures the direction you describe above is maintained. It's that simple. Few are capable of overcoming their fears to even consider such as possible. Out of the few who have, some have embarked upon an investigative path that, in some cases, leads them to a dot here, a dot there. Even fewer begin to see the bigger (biggest?) picture starting to form. Each step along the way is a challenge to their ability to retain sanity and/or optimism... not just for the planet itself but existence itself.

The deepest dive might lead one to where Lue Elizondo landed and where I have landed - a state of overwhelming somberness and sadness. IMO, the only one to blame is the one I see in the mirror.

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